Her Happy Notes For Him

Chris went straight to the front and waited. He saw a short and lean girl entering the stage in a black gown witgh slit that opens from her knees revealing her legs. Her hair was put up and wearing a pair of high heels. His heart sank down seeing her. He gasped. She had a constant smile throughout the show. And in the end, played something new. He understood the moment he heard that composing, it was meant for him. Chris's heart melted.

Aurora smiled brightly as she played the piece she composed herself. Chris watched her as she enjoyed playing her music for him. It was all happy notes. He wished to run to the stage but he remained there. Smiling, unable to believe she did what he asked for and played it for him in front of the hundreds. He never thought she would. He never thought he would feel this way. He decided to not play with her anymore. He felt sad deep inside about how he began going for her. He wanted to change desperately. Chris realized he can no longer flirt but has already fallen for her deep. It was no longer about the bet, it was about himself.

Chris waited for Aurora backstage as she finished her show. "missed me?" she teased him.

"A lot," he said. "Let's go." He held her hand and took her back to college. They remained silent. She removed her heels as they got off the car to walk back to the college dorm. Instead, he lifted her and moved forward effortlessly. "Thanks, Aurora," he said. She looked at his face. She smiled. " I worked hard for this. Glad you liked it."

"I never thought you would do it," he said. Chris had a smile that could not be compared to even the shining stars.

"I never I would. But I did it," She replied. Daniel and his new girlfriend Estelle saw them coming together as they were making out. Daniel told Estelle a secret. Estelle was shocked and she kept looking at Aurora.



Far away, a husband and wife was holding the death anniversary of their only daughter. They had lost meaning in their lives. The mother no longer was longer. Her mental health issues were going out of control. She often cried and entered a depressing state where she needs medication. On the other hand, the father kept mourning. He could not move on from the past. He began to lose his focus on the business and let his assistants take care of it. The couple had only one child and god took her away. Life was too boring for them and they began to lose the will to search for happiness. Life appeared to be bitter and they were not liking it. The sun forever set in their lives. And each day felt like a year long.



Aurora was satisfied and happy. She was feeling over the top to see that Chris made it. But there was somone who was watching her. Her best friend and roommate. She called Aurora. But Aurora pretended to not have seen her. So she received the message instead.

"How is it going? Don't forget the goal," Aurora was reminded. But Aurora decided to ignore the message and stayed away. She eagerly waited for Chris to spend some quality time with him. She recalled how happy Chris looked while she was playing.



A lot of people began to leave the theater. But Aurora was not aware that her family who disowned her watched her performance. Even though she never keeps in touch with her family, Aurora had no idea that she is being followed. It was her mother who is the nemesis of her life. The women never got along. Wishing for a son and having a daughter was a total disappointment to the family. So the expectations drove Aurora crazy. When she did not meet them, she was abused. She was subjected to domestic violence but Aurora at her young age was not aware of it. It became a trauma. It drove her to the verge of depression. And to escape from those sick feelings and triggers, Aurora chose paths that made her feel a little better. All were wrong paths and she had no one to ask for guidance or help.

Aurora only wanted a simple and humble life. A life without competition, a life where she is not compared to any other people. A life where she can win using her ideas and capabilities and not do things that's not part of her interests. But what Aurora had was what no one could have adjusted with. Like a survival game where one has to survive at any cost to win the grand prize. But Aurora gave up in the middle and became Aurora when could no longer take it.

As Aurora's mother the theatre, she drove back home angrily. "Always disappointing," she muttered. "I should have removed her in the beginning, and not give birth itself." she did not like that Aurora is a fine pianist.