Meeting Kate

Chris said goodnight and went back to his room. He tried calling Kate to set up a meeting. He wanted to know more. He wanted to create an impression. It was the weekend again, and Chris had lots in his head. He is supposed to go on a blind date set up by his mother. He had to meet Kate. He wanted to spend time with Aurora desperately. But he had no time. He set time for everything. And dressed up in an expensive, elegant black tailored suit, he showed up. He went to the hotel he made a reservation for meeting Kate and the whole family. Something he anticipated most.

"You didn't have to this," Kate said looking around her. It looked luxurious not realizing that his family built the hotel. He poured her wine and helped all the three kids to eat the meal. "I know what you are trying to do here." She said sipping her drink. "Don't mess with her but. She is dangerous. She can be."

"What?" he was surprised.

"Sometimes Aurora can be really fearless. It's because of her past. And she doesn't anyone get hold of her. Not even us. She keeps a distance," She told him. Chris sat with the expression for more searching Kate for her words. She smiled at him for looking so much in eager. "Her parents. She went through child abuse. She was too young. She went into mental health issues. She had depression and anxiety."

Chris's face completely changed. "Nobody knew and she was very young. She found refuge by doing drugs when she reached high school. She got into bad company. Nobody was aware until one day we got the news from school that she is admitted to the hospital because she overdosed. Her parents abandoned her cleanly. I was pregnant with my first child and I happened to go there for check-ups and I came across her. I knew her before through family. I was asked to take her to a psychiatrist. She took a really long time to recover. She lived with me from then on. She did homeschooling. She was in rehab for a really long time. She was severely abused, the doctor said and then she went through de-addiction treatments. She chose music that way. To keep herself alive when she was in rehab. To her, it was a miracle," Kate kept saying as she understood the purpose of the meeting. "She picked up easily and became the best. So when the treatment got over we decided to join her in college. She doesn't remember at all. She doesn't remember her complete past. She doesn't remember how cruelly she was abused. Treatment had its own effects on her. She doesn't know how we met or her some of her high school days. She tries to forget what she vaguely remembers either."

"Wasn't her parents arrested or complained to the cops," Chris was shocked.

"No. She doesn't know how much of it is real and remembers strongly."

"But she suffered a lot. She opened up to her doctor."

"We tried to but she didn't want to since she isn't completely sure." His eyes were filled with tears. "Chris she doesn't remember but she has dated before. But he left. He is the one who taught her all the bad habits. But to her, you are her first. She never lets anyone near her. It means you mean something to her. She has never brought anyone home nor has she spent time with any except with me and my children. I want you to know that. I don't want her to suffer. She has already than any kid would at such young age. There is no guarantee that she is cured completely. She may go back to the condition anytime if things are not in control." She paused. " She just stopped taking medicines. Don't ever mess up with her. If she feels betrayed it would be the end especially for her. If she gets upset or angry she can be really fearless."

"I like her. I do" Chris confessed to Kate. "I honestly.. " he paused. "When I began seeing her I didn't begin well. I thought it's like the rest for me. But past few days I have been going crazy. I just couldn't resist. " tears fell down his face. But I never knew. Whenever I saw her she was a happy little girl. I noticed she only spends time with me but I had no idea." Kate smiled. She had tears in her eyes too. Kids were all playing with their food not eating them properly as the adults kept talking.

"Aurora deserves all the best things to happen to her. Even you mess up to make it up to her. Try as you can. But if she makes up her mind it's over. Nobody has won with her. Even after being close to her, she still hasn't told me in detail about you. That's how she is. She doesn't know to do too." Chris remained still not touching his plate at all. Kate in between had mouthfuls and sipped on her wine.

"Excuse me" Chris got up and left. Kate felt relieved seeing him.