Apologies and confession

Chris drove his Porsche back to college, forgetting about his blind date. He texted Aurora asking her to wait for him at the front gates. But he couldn't escape his blind date, and she was waiting for him right in front of the gates. Chris got stuck. But he wasn't aware Aurora was watching them. It began to rain. Chris let his date inside his car and drove off while Aurora stood drenched in the rain, shaking and beginning to cry.

"Men are men," she told herself. "Why should I consider my feelings and forget about our mission?" yet she could not handle the emotion, and Aurora ended up crying. "He is proving that he is a jerk," Aurora kept reminding herself.

Aurora recalled the conversation she had with Daniel's girlfriend early that afternoon. "I don't think you are our type. Don't believe him but, he is playing as always. Take care. He still goes on dates. His mother sets him up too. Even today. Go see if you want." Estelle told her. "Don't tell them I shared this with you. I don't want to see you broken-hearted, that's why. They met you on the bar right. Daniel asked him to do this. They have a bet going on. Seducing you is the task Daniel gave Chris. I'm fine with playing, but I don't think you. Don't trust Chris or Daniel when they say they like you. They like everyone till they get the girls on their bed. Seeing your expression, I guess you did not know. Daniel told me this. So keep it with you. Wah, poor you." She said and left. It echoed in Aurora's head. "But I, why do love him. Even after knowing everything?" She sat there on her knees. She cried aloud, but no one heard her. She remained there for long in the pouring rain.

Aurora walked back to her music room. The lights were off, it was still raining outside. She sat in the darkness near her piano. Even in the darkness she could figure out the keys and play them slowly. Hundreds of thoughts passed inside her head. She played it smoothly and rough towards the end. Anyone who hears it will understand that her heart is a mess. It was chaos. The door was opened loudly by someone. "Aurora, you there?" a voice shouted. It was him. She remained silent. She sensed Chris walking towards the switchboard. "Don't turn on the lights" she didn't wish to see him not show her puffy face. But the power was down. He went over to the shelves and lighted a remaining candle. "Don't come near me," she said again but he and why she said that. He took his coat off and put it over her shoulders. Chris looked at her. He understood right away. He has committed a mortal sin to her. A sin in front of her out of his foolishness letting her see it too.

"Listen to me, am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was nothing. My mother set me up with it." Chris apologized.

"Then why can't you just go that way. Do what your mother asks you to do." She said.

"No. Aurora. Forgive me. You should know it meant nothing." He said.

"How can that be? Wait did you call me to actually see that. So that I would go away. You should think I am clinging on to you right?" She said hurtful words to him. Intending to hurt him badly. She wanted to feel better at all costs.

"No. Why would I think that way when I like you. Aurora. I mean it." He held her taking her hands in his. His eyes glistened with tears. "I do. Then why would you think that am driving you away?"

'I want to believe it but,' she thought to look into his eyes confused by his words. She searched his eyes. She felt it as real and unreal as Estelle's words echoed in her ear. She just stood there without responding to anything.

He hugged her. "Please believe me. Please trust me. Please don't forget me." He said. "Please don't forget me, please believe me," He said again. She got startled for a moment. She wasn't sure but. "Trust me. You are what matters. Can't you stay with me? Can't you see that I love you?" he begged, looking into her eyes, feeling sure she is slipping through his fingers. He hugged her again. "I can help you in every way. Please trust me. I can protect you. Can't you stay beside me?" He asked looking into her eyes while she remained still. But out of nowhere, she kissed him first this time and he didn't hesitate at all. Chris lifted her as he kissed her. This time it was his heart that pounded loud truly falling for her, coming to know about her completely. Chris fell in love blindly and helplessly. She accidentally pressed on the piano keys making sounds. They laughed. "Let's get out," He said smiling at the sound and walked out to his car lifting her in his arms. She had already decided in her head. 'Forgive me.' She thought.