End Of An Era or The Beginning?

"I just deceived a man in the worst way a person can and you are here fuc**ng with your cheater ex m, the same one you wanted to destroy, while I messed up with his friend, the reason we decided to avenge these guys? How could you? Why did you do this to me?" She shouted at Kate. Aurora could not just calm down. Kate was shocked to see Aurora getting out of control.

"Oh, my god. You fell for him didn't you?" She came towards Aurora. "You liked him. You loved him for real?" Kate covered her mouth with her hand. She tried to console Aurora.

"Don't you dare touch me, bitch." She said and walked out of the house crying. She cried so hard. She was suffocating inside. It was too painful and really unbearable. Aurora could not believe she trusted someone and ruined another person she really loved with all heart. For a moment, she went blank. Her heart kept raising, and she felt weak. She could not take breathe properly. Something was happening to her. She began to lose her sense. "What have I done? What have I done?" she kept asking herself and cried at the same time. She ran back to get the taxi to the hotel she went while Daniel stood dumbfounded watching the whole scene. "Aren't you gonna go behind her?" Daniel asked Kate. He was feeling weird.

"Let her go, she is crazy, she is not herself, she never was," Kate said with a smirk and shut the door. Kate was angry. She touched her cheek and jaw. There were marks of Aurora's finger on her face.

Daniel dialled Chris immediately. He wanted to share the news. Aurora got out of the taxi running towards the hotel and crossed the road without even looking at the traffic signal only to find a flashlight trying to break near her and closing her eyes shut instead of running with panic. Losing her senses ended up in some tragic. Aurora closed her eyes tight.

"I didn't understand exactly Chris but I think Aurora is really angry. I just saw her. Funny isn't it? I mean she was crying loud and.."

'Oh my god Daniel is so dumb.' Kate thought as she listened to his conversation.

"Where are you?" Chris asked him still standing there in front of the hotel waiting for the vehicles to move from the block caused in the front. He was tried. He wondered why there is a block.

"With my girl. Why? Go find Aurora, she was fuming and about to burst. No bursted out. She slapped my girl. Kate is.. I don't know, something is wrong. Then Aurora rushed out, she might come to see you again." Daniel advised him.

"You know what? I DON'T CARE," Chirs got really angry and hung up the phone honking continuously to the vehicles waiting in front of him impatiently.

Meanwhile, Aurora lay on the puddle in the road slowly falling unconscious listening to all the sounds in the street deafening her and people rushing towards to rescue.

"Miss, what's your name? Are you working? a student? Few men began to search her bag for the details while waiting for an ambulance. Her vision began fading whispering one name: my name.. my name is..." Aurora looked up. Her vision was blurry and slowly fading. 'Am I dying?' That was her final thought. 'Maybe this is for good. For everything I have done. I deserve this,' she wilfully closed her eyes.

Chris sat feeling hurt, frustrated, and angry. He wanted to smash everything in front of him and cry out loud. He kept honking.

"Calm down will you? There is an accident, let them save the person. We are all here like you, waiting. Be patient," An old man from another car shouted at Chris. Chris listened and sat silently.