The agenda

"What?" Christopher Bang was shocked. He tired to think that she is joking.

"Chris I said I'm done. This isn't even fun anymore." but Aurora looked really serious.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he looked shocked and horrible. He felt like his world is beginning to collapse.

"Let's break up." She said coldly. Her heart did not feel right but she moved on with what was on the to do list.

"Do you even realize what you're doing to me?" Chris asked her with a trembling voice.

"Yes, I do. We got to play with each other, you were fun then, now you have become all lovey-dovey, and its boring. It was fun until you confessed. I guess I can't stand this shit anymore." And she walked off. But he held her hands and pulled back again.

"Break up? Is it that easy for you? Did I just make you that boring? If it was didn't anything between us mean to you at all? Even that kiss? Really?" He asked her in a chain.

"The last time? I was faking it." She laughed. She looked so evil. "Did it feel that real. Wah, I must be good. I must be really good," She said. He said nothing. "Wait," She began. "Have you felt any of those you asked ever before when you were with other girls?" He was stunned.

"Were you playing with me all this time?" He asked in disbelief.

"Did you think seeing me in the bar and letting you in with me in the taxi was a coincidence?". She asked him. "No baby, I followed you there and decided to change the role play this time. I see how much it has worked out. Kate was right. Men fall for the skin easily." She said. She moved closer to him and whispered in his hear "Estelle also told me how Daniel challenged you to climb on top of me." She said smiling. "How does your own medicine taste like?" She asked.

"Why did you do this?" He asked her. "I never ever thought about that bet after..." he lost words. He did not even know whether explaining to her would work at this point.

"I will let you hang in there thinking about it trying to find an answer. But you won't ever forget this lesson." She said and walked off leaving him alone behind in the rain. She ran off immediately and got into a taxi. She expected kate to wait for her. But the house was silent. "Kate" She called for her after ringing the doorbell.

A few minutes later Kate opened the door for her. "Oh my god were you? Jeez. Ew." Aurora said looking at Kate's messy hair and her dress inside out. She understood Kate was with someone.

"Come on in. What's there to be disgusted about?" she let aurora in and sat on the couch. "Did you do it?" Aurora nodded. "Are you okay?" Aurora shook her head. "Hmmm." Aurora was not okay clearly.

"Where are the kids?" Aurora enquired.

"I put the three early to bed today."

"When are their parents coming back. Aren't you done babysitting?" She asked Kate.

"Well they are paying a lot so what?" Kate shrugged. "They will be back next week," Kate answered her.

"Kate where is my" A familiar voice came out of the room and stopped speaking. Aurora jumped out of shock seeing him. "Daniel" She looked at Kate.

"I can explain," Kate said immediately. But Aurora was too shocked that nothing got into her head.

"What the hell is going on Kate?" She shouted at Kate.

"Wait I can explain," Kate said knowing well how she is trapped.

"What have you made me do?" Aurora couldn't control. "What did you make me do?" she screamed her lunge. "If you were going to sleep with him again why did you make me hurt him?" Aurora slapped Kate because of her anger.

"Relax Aurora. We decided to get back together." Kate told her. "He said he was sorry and wanted to be with me. After all, we were together for three years. It was a mistake and Chris did nothing to me. I misunderstood," Kate said ignoring the slap. Aurora lost it.