
Aurora vacated her room, said goodbye to her friends and went to the auditorium for the graduation ceremony, and she was chosen to play a piece she composed before leaving. Wearing a pink laced half frock, she put people in a trance with her music and went to accept her degree. The graduation speech, in the end, was by her roommate. It was funny at various levels, indirectly making fun of the institution's authorities, staff and rules, and people enjoyed it so much. When the ceremony went on, Aurora seemed worried about something else. She was aware that Chris would be waiting for her outside. Making up her mind to not attend the party, she walked out and found him.

Chris hugged her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Congratulations," he said looking happy for her.

"Thank you," she said.

"Sorry. I wasn't allowed to enter. I don't know why," He said and took her to his Porsche.

"Where are we going?" she asked him.

"Dinner." He said. "I know a super cool Chinese restaurant near the campus." He said and drove off. It was only a few minutes drive, and they were already there. Aurora wished it would be a bit longer. "What happened you look worried?" He noticed. She didn't say anything but gave a smile. "I know. You are gonna miss me I know. Aren't you?" he said and removed his seatbelt. He leaned closer to her and kissed taking her face in his hands while she held on to him tightly. He controlled hard and stopped a few minutes later.

Aurora did not even have the strength to stop him. They got out of the car.

"Stop." he said. It looked like the rain was about to begin. He took a Tiffany box from his pocket and took out a rose gold chain. The iconic one but customised.

Aurora trembled. She was hating every second she stayed there. He showed her the pendant of the tiny umbrella. With their initials scribbled on the back. "I can't accept it," She said stepping back. "Well you can't reject it either. It is my graduation present for you." He said and put it on her neck. The rain began to pour down. They stood looking at each other for a moment and then he took her hands ran inside the hotel. Aurora's plan failed.

Chris ordered all the food and wine as she sat there smiling. Aurora and Chris chatted very lightly for the dinner. "You should eat everything I ordered this much trusting your appetite." He said.

"What?" She asked. She was not listening. She was least hungry to even think about food. "What-What? I have spent all my allowance for this month to buy you food. So don't waste them." He joked.

Aurora didn't say anything, she ate a little of what she could and made him complete the rest. They got out after dinner and waited for the rain to stop.

"Okay I'm done. So done." She said suddenly and walked out of the sidewalk.

"It's raining where are you going." He said holding her hands and pulling her back.

"Leave my hand." She shouted. Chris was shocked. He looked perplexed and let go of her hand.