First day at work

Christopher Bang worked out hard before going to bed and tired himself to sleep well. He took a shower, had a glass of warm milk, read a book for some time and slowly drifted off to sleep. He knew he had made a rash decision. But he was adamant about not returning to his dad's side after seeing how dirty the old man played the game. 

Chris did not wish to complicate his thoughts and tried to accept the factor that he would work under Liyana as her subordinate. 'Will we end up fighting?' he asked himself. 'Will I be able to remind her of the past, find her of things and bring her memories back? Will I be able to survive the work and earn some experience?' he had lots of doubts. 'I am fine. I will be fine. I won't get things mixed up with her. Do your work and try to grow bigger, and start your own business. Don't depend on her," he advised himself.