
A few days passed, and Liyana gave Chris time to settle down. She put a lot of meeting for Chris to attend in his schedule for learning how the hotel works and how they are managed and how the needs are met before she decided to include him in the resort project. Then she stayed away from him. 

"Liyana come have breakfast," Neema urged her daughter. Liyana was running late that day. Liyana came home late the previous night and slept in. She had to take care of some government related documents for the resort during the final process of getting the sanctions. She has been working alter more than a week. Rob did not put his head in Liyana's project at all, giving her the right and privacy. Liyana was grateful for it."Coming," Liyana hurried down. She forgot to check the calendar and what date it was. Liyana had chosen the black tweed dress. 

"Took the file?" Neema reminded her.