
Liyana clenched her fists. She indeed wanted to tell her brother, yell the truth that she has been keeping with her for all the tears. She wanted the woman who hurt her come clean and wanted her to apologise to her. She looked at Ayan who looked ready burst with frustration any time. Liyana closed her eyes for a minute. 'What kind of satisfaction will I get out of this? Nothing. Nothing. You will get nothing but create a controversy and affect both the companies,' Liyana had a conversation inside her head and opened her eyes slowly. "Ayan," she walked towards her brother. "Calm down." She said with a smile. "I'm sure you are an adopted one. Or how come Hara gave birth to a dump kid?" Liyana joked.

"This is not funny," Ayan jerked Liyana's hand off his shoulders. 

"It is, to me," Said Liyana. "How could you reach the conclusion after meeting a man for what like ten minutes?"