Bad Days, Bad Dates

Since that day, they had their secret dates behind the curtains often. Some movie dates, some park dates, and mostly work dates and visit to the site, travelling alone, and then the food dates. But all in secret. No one knew. The fighting age was what the people around them had about them and was sure that they would never date.

"It's kind of good, don't you think? We can take our own pace with freedom and do not have to hear any comments or hurtful words," Christopher said. Liyana nodded and agreed with him. The two were sitting inside the private room of a star hotel that had the view of the whole city lying beneath them. "I'm actually afraid of heights," Christopher Bang spoke. He tired not to look down the glass panels. 

"Really?" Liyana was quiet surprised. Christopher nodded. He smiled.

"You know my secret," he added taking a bite of his steak.

"Did I know about this before?" Liyana asked curiously. 

But Christopher shook his head instead.