Gone Wrong

8:50pm is when my dad finally came out of the house.

"Come on Lily." My dad said.

He looked kind of mad.

"Mr. Brewton, Can we borrow Lily this weekend?" Amy said.

He glared at her for a second then grumbled whatever and got in the car and left without me.

Amy and Josh glared at him for a second then looked at me.

"Maybe he's just tired." I said.

They rolled their eyes and went inside.

Sam smiled a little but I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to tell them.

"Sooo..where am I gonna sleep?" I asked him.

His eyes went wide then cursed himself.

"Maybe we can all sleep in the living room." He said with a hopeful tone.

Soon enough Sam's parents said yes to me spending the night, along with Josh and Amy, and we set the Livingroom.

Girls slept on the couches while boys sleep on the ground.

We put on a movie and made some snacks before Amy and Josh drifted to sleep, I closed my eyes for almost an hour and still I couldn't fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and Sam turned around before running his fingers through my hair, I won't lie..it felt so good and helped me relax.

Sam smiled.

"I wish I told you sooner. Maybe then something could of been done." I said softly.

Sam shook his head held my hand.

"If you told me sooner then I wouldn't of be able to control myself, cause the thought of you getting beaten, it makes me mad and want to beat him up. it still does but the difference is you are almost 18 and I can actually help you." He said.

"How can you help me?" I said looking away.

Sam stopped running his fingers through my hair and gently placed his hand on my cheek, making me look at him.

"I'm gonna help you in anyway I can, we've been through 14 years of friendship together and we haven't tried killing each other once." he said and I started cracking up.

"oh so that's funny to you?" he grinned then started tickling me.

I squealed a little and whispered for him to stop as I squirmed and laughed.

He stopped and then kissed my head.

"Good night Lily, sweet dreams." He said with a smile before laying down on his make shift bed.

I blushed and curled up in a ball.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face was getting hot.

I tried going to sleep again and this time I did, but not before being woken up by a ear piercing scream.

I woke up and found Amy shaking and sobbing.

I got up but Josh was faster, he sat next to her and held her.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I h-had a nightmare." She whimpered.

"It's okay Amy, these things happen." I said and rubbed her back.

She seemed to relax after a few minutes of us comforting her.

We all laid back down, after a few minutes I saw Amy get up and gently shake Josh's shoulder.

She asked if she could lay next to him, and smiled a little when he said sure.

I look to Sam but he was already asleep.


I woke up early and helped Sam's parents make breakfast for everyone.

I was almost done when I felt Sam's sleepy arms wrap around me.

"Smells good." He said, and I could tell he wanted to say something else but decided against it.

"Yeah, I thoughted we should eat a big breakfast meal before going to talk to that owner of the house." I said and smiled a little.

"For you two being best friends, you sure do act like a couple." Josh grumbled, but looked happier then he usually did.

Maybe it was because of it being the weekend.

"Well, we've been friends since we were 5, and know pretty much everything about each other." Sam said and then smiled when Amy walked in.

"Yeah btw, what's the story behind that? everyone said you saved her from something." Josh said as he starts to peel an orange.

"My dad left me in the park." I said not realizing it.

The room went quiet and Sam's parents gave me a look of concern.

"On accident of course, Sam found me 2 hours later shaking cause of the cold and gave me his jacket, then refuse to leave my side till he knew I safe." I said quickly.

No one looked convinced that it was an accident.

"Lily honey-." Mrs. Martinez started but I told them I had to go home real quick and get my camera.

"Let me drive you." Sam said and grabbed his keys.

"No Sam, you haven't eaten and we need help washing dishes." Mr. Martinez said.

Sam looked at me and he looked upset.

"I'll be fine Sam." I said.

'I'll drive you." Josh said and that surprised everyone.

"But you don't know where I live." I said.

"685 Jr Drive, right?" He said and I almost dropped a plate in shock.

"How did you know?" I asked suspiciously.

He pointed to the dry erase board on the fridge, with my address on it.

"Oh." I said.

"Come on, it will be faster." Josh said and got up.

"and safer." I heard Sam mumble.

I gave up on trying to argue and followed Josh.

He drove me down to my house and even got out with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm bored, plus I wanna see what your house looks like." He said, thinking that would be a good enough reason.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door, only to find it already unlocked.

I open it and find my dad asleep on the couch with 6 bottles of Tequila.

I cursed and told Josh to stay outside.

He didn't listen.

"Damn..your dad is an acholic?" He said quite loud and I cover his mouth.

I watched my dad stir for a second before going back to sleep.

I relax and then shoot a glare Josh's way before slowly walking to my room.

I go to my closet quickly and grab my camera I got from my mom before she died.

I held it close for a second. I miss you mom....

I come back out to find my dad sitting up on the couch with a bottle in his hand.

Josh looked like he was about to say something but I yanked him back into my room and whispered for him to climb out the window.

"What? Are you insane?" Josh whispered angrily.

"Do it before he hears us!" I whispered and pushed him towards the window.

As soon as he jumped out I heard the sound of breaking glass which made me scream and soon heard stomping towards my door.

I panicked and jump out of the window.

I almost landed wrong when Josh caught me and ran to the car.

He basically threw me in and closed the door before jumping in and quickly started the car.

We raced away and I watched my house disappear in view, not knowing I wouldn't see my dad in a long time.

I didn't realize I was shaking till Josh grabbed my hand and held it.

"You aren't going back." He said.

"Josh I can't-." I started but Josh swerved to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes.

"No Lily! I don't give a flying rats ass if he's your dad or not, you will not go back to that house!" Josh yelled glaring at the window.

"Josh I-"

"What if he got you Lily? huh, what if he broke down that door and hurt you?" Josh said looking at me, showing surprising concern.

"Is this the first time he's gotten violent with you? And don't you fucking dare lie to me." He said.

I almost told him the truth...I almost let him know that the girl he was picking on since 5 grade has been beaten multiple time, almost to death even.

That she spent almost everyday fearing for her life and thinking there was no way out that she didn't even tell her best friend who has always been there.

"No..This is the first time." I said in almost a whisper.

He glared daggers, I could tell he didn't believe me.

"Then why did you tell me to jump out the window?" He said crossing his arms.

"Because, When my dad drinks, he will say some not so nice things and I didn't want you to be in the crossfire." I said.

Technically, it wasn't a lie...but it wasn't the truth either.

He looked me up and down before nodding, finally believing me.

I felt myself relax a little.

"I wasn't kidding though, you aren't going back." He said and started the car again.

I nodded, knowing if I fight with him now, the situation is just gonna get worse.

As we left, I realized.

Maybe Josh isn't so bad after all.