5th Street

As soon as we got back to Sam's, I had convinced Josh not to say anything.

And that had to be the hardest thing ever!

It took the entire car ride and locking his door, to get him to agree.

And he almost broke that promise 5 seconds in!

Sam grabbed my hand and gently squeezed before getting back to cleaning dishes, but I could tell he wanted to hug me and check if I was alright.

Soon after everyone had breakfast, we packed everything we would need to make a scary movie and took both Sam's and Josh's car.

I went ahead and got with Sam, while Amy and Josh were in the other car. I used Sam's phone to text Josh the address.

Yes, Sam has Josh's phone number, Shocking right?

We soon pulled up to the address and I looked at the house in awe.

As soon as I step out of the car I was immediately sprayed with a water hose.

I looked at the person who drenched me but I found no one...

"Lily! What happened?!" Sam said startled and took off his jacket just as Amy and Josh parked their car.

"I don't know, I felt like someone was spraying me with a hose but I guess I was wrong-." I said but was cut off as I heard a child like laughter run beside me, making me jump.

But no one was there...

"Guys I think-" I was cut off once again, but this time by something real, and that something was pointing a gun at us.


"You kids best leave." The man said on the porch of the house and I felt Sam slowly get in front of me.

"Sir we aren't here to bother you-." Sam was interrupted when the man's cold, dark eyes locked with mine.

"You look just like Sophie, probably the same age as well..you better go now while you still can..they are hungry and will eat you up the second they get a chance..don't give them that chance." The man said and I felt fear and panic start to rise.

Who's Sophie I wanted to ask but before I could a woman stepped out and I relaxed when I realized it was the woman who owned the house.

"Oh Ruckus! You are gonna scare these poor kids!" She said softly hitting him with a rag she had in her hand before turning back to us and gave us a smile.

"Hi, I'm Bethany, which one of you are Lily?" She said then gave me a smile when I raised my hand.

"Well hi sugar! I must say you look just like my niece! Oh you would of loved her, she loved her video camera so much, would even make stories about how she could see ghosts and was gonna prove it to us one day!" Bethany said and when she smiled again I could tell their was a bit of sadness..but it was almost completely masked over how dark the smile had become.

I knew Sam saw it too cause he stiffened a little more and almost hid me completely behind his back.

"Why don't you kids come on in? We'll help you guys get started on setting up those video cameras!" Said Bethany before turning around and walked inside.

We slowly followed and before I could go through the door, Ruckus grabbed my arm and stared straight into my eyes.

"If you stay, you will die." He said almost ghost like.

Sam yanked my arm away and held my hand when we entered the home.