
As Ren withdraw his attention from the system he turns and draws his kunai and applies wind chakra to it before cutting off the bandit leader's head before going to do the same to the other dead bandit in the building then bring them into one pile, he takes out a scroll before using the enclosing technique to store the heads in the scroll as proof of completion of his mission.

Looking at the room now covered in blood Ren can't help but think of his first life

' I was a killer in my last life and not even a year here and I'm killing again but maybe this time these acts I commit will be for the good of the people of this world and not just for money as I did before.'

' I should just move on and live my new life to the best of my abilities while trying to protect those I will come to hold dear and to do that I will need power."

'I know Onki often tend to try to deal with any signs of young talent from any village getting rid of them before they could grow into real threats to the stone village, I hope he would assign me to some of those missions it would be a good way to get some chakra or if I'm lucky some bloodlines before we attack Uzushiogakure and I can the Uzumaki bloodline.'

Coming from his thoughts Ren puts away the scroll and disappears from the build using the Body Flicker Technique reappearing on the tree he used before.

Looking at the hideout Ren starts making hands seals at an amazing speed before breathing in puffing out his chest.

" fire release: great fireball jutsu"

A ball of fire leaves Ren's mouth colliding with the hideout burning it to the ground while Ren turned and left heading back to the hidden stone village to report to the Tsuchikage.

After traveling a whole back to the village Ren heads straight to the Tsuchikage's office to report.

Now standing before Onoki

" Lord third I have completed the mission, this contains the heads of the bandits."

" Good Ren you returned faster than I taught you would mean the mission wasn't any trouble."

" Yes lord third the mission wasn't any trouble."

"that's good to hear cause I have another mission for you, apparently the hidden sand has a new upcoming puppet user I want you to deal with this potential threat to the village."

" Right now the person Bane has left the hidden sand village a d is now within our borders this file Contains the necessary information to find him and his combat style, you have two days rest before you have to depart."

Leaving the Tsuchikage's office Ren was very happy after all he got what he wanted without even having to bring it up, he begin to think about how he is going complete the two new achievements that he has the first one will take at least another three months as the chunin exam is in three months he can decrease the time for the exam and as for the second one he can only do as many missions as he can as fast as he can.

As Ren arrives at his empty apartment he sits on the ground and now goes through the file on his target.

" Bane is a fourteen-year-old shinobi of the hidden sand and is considered a puppet genius on that is only surpassed by Chiyo he has completed 30 D-rank and 15 C-rank mission and is expected to become a Kage level shinobi of the hidden sand currently he can use four puppets but is said that even without them he is considered a chunin level ninja without them his natures are alone unknown."

"This will be a hard mission to accomplish but it is what I wanted so I will find a way to do it, I must take all chances to gain power before the second shinobi war starts.