Three months


BOOM!!! a shadow flies across the air and lands heavily onto the sand, creating a cloud of sand blocking out what's happening inside it, but as the constant strong winds in the area blow by the sand cloud clears up revealing a badly beaten man wearing Suna hand band, as the rest of his body is littered with cuts and blood flowing from them, his brown eye are dim, his clothes reduced to rags hanging from him with only his pants still intact.

Cough!! Cough!! Cough!!

The man tries to get up, he is forced to cough up blood and drops back to the ground without any energy to try again.


"Now, now, I told you running would only make things worst, didn't I Fujii." a distant voice said as it got increasingly closer with each word.

"What village are you from, doing this is only bringing them trouble, do you think after killing as many of the younger talents of Sunagakure as you have, the village won't respond in kind?"

"Of course, they would, but you are forgetting something important they have no idea who I am or what village I belong to, and who's going to tell them you? of course, not you are already dead."

As the voice says this the person who it belongs to finally comes into view, long black hair reaching the middle of his back while two strands frame his face, his cold red eyes focus on Fujii and continue to approach wearing completely black attire and a sword dripping blood in his right hand, this is our protagonist Ren.

" I wish you would have just died and not wasted both of our time running all this way knowing your death is sure to come."

"Well I can't do anything about it now can I, well time to die I guess," says Ren as he sends lightning chakra into his sword while raising it preparing to cut Fujii's head off.

"Please, wait don't kill me, I'll give you information about the village, just please don't kill me, I'll even spy on them for you, ple." Fujii's voice comes to a stop as his head is cut off and falls to the ground.


"This took longer than I thought it would, three months to kill only ten promising members of Suna younger generation, I honestly thought it would have been longer than it was before they started setting traps trying to find out who's been killing their people, they haven't sent a jonin yet but I should change my target from Suna for a while, I think I'll pay Kirigakure a visit, even if I could kill a jonin if they sent one but if it's a highly experienced jonin or an elite jonin or the Kage himself chances are I'll die. Ren says as he flickers aways leaving the body of Fujii in the sand as the strong winds cover the body with sand, erasing all traces of Ren.


Back at Iwagakure

"So, how was your time in Suna?" Onoki asks Ren

"Tch, less productive than I intended."

"Oh, why was that?" Onoki asks as curiosity laces his voice.

"They caught on and responded before I could get all the people on the list, but only about six remained, I got rid of the other ten."

"That's good enough, Suna has never been our biggest problem anyway, so have you decided where are you're going next?"

"I have, I'll go to Kiri."

"Good choice."

"Get some rest before you head out."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you old man," Ren says as he walks away exiting the office

"Tch, Brat."

Appearing in his apartment, Ren decides it is time to accept his rewards for the accomplishments he achieved.

"system give me my rewards."

As he said that information rushed into his head about the exact location of Madara's cave and all the access points, it didn't cause any pain this time and as he had no use for the information at the moment he simply looked at it before moving on to his next reward.

For the next reward, all he had to do was picture the Jutsu and it would be created, and a picture of multiple giant wind tornadoes appeared in his head, as he got all the knowledge of the Jutsu and how it worked.

Even if he could come up with something better, he could make it himself anyway so this reward really meant nothing to him, and the Jutsu he now got was very powerful in its own right.

"System status"

Name: Ren


Affinities- all

Rank: Chunin

Titles: the genius of Iwagakure

Skills: Earth release, water release, lightning release, wind release, fire release, substitution jutsu, transformation jutsu, Body Flicker Technique, clone technique, Shadow clone technique, Kenjutsu

Kekkei Genkai- Storm release, Explosion Release, lava Release, Swift Release, Space Release

Overall level - Special Jonin

"Show me the new achievements."

* Defeat a special jonin

rewards and punishment

Reward- upgrade of kenjutsu failure- none

*Complete 1 S- Rank mission

rewards and punishment

reward-random summoning contract failure- none

Seein the new things he had to do, Ren was not worried as they are both doable, even if the second would take some time.

BIG TIME SKIP NEXT CHAPTER __________________________________________________________________________________________________