Important mission 3

As Ren watched on at the fight between the Raikage and the two tails he couldn't believe the ease with which he handled the beast, the clashes between the two just got more violent as they continued, and as every time they clashed the beast would be pushed back, leaving the Raikage with barely any injuries just some scratches.

Watching the fight as it continues, Ren could now understand why it took so much effort for the Raikage to be killed because from what he seeing right now he had to admit the Village hidden in the rock had no one that could beat the Raikage in a straight one on one fight, Ren wouldn't even bet money Onoki could beat him with all the disadvantages the particle style has from the huge chakra consumption to the charge time of each Jutsu, compared to the ease in which the Raikage can utilize his fighting style, Ren couldn't see Onoki winning even if the fight would be a tough one he still felt that the Raikage would win.


Ren's focus shifts back to the fight happening right in front of him but by now it was more of a one-sided beat down than a fight as the two tails to sent flying once again crashing into the ground.

Standing up the two tails opens its mouth and begins charging a tail beast bomb, and seeing this and knowing the amount of damage it would cause, the Raikage speeds forward with a hell stab disrupting the charging making the bomb unstable exploding in its face spending the beast fly back destroying the area even more.

As it got up once again Ren could feel the beast chakra amount was lower than before by a good margin and it was getting to the point where it could be sealed, but Ren still hasn't found or even spotted any other could ninjas, and Ren wasn't stupid to believe that the Raikage was here by himself without any backup even though he clearly didn't need any.

Ren knew the time was approaching and soon after the beast was sealed into a new person he would need to take that person and flea as fast as possible and even that wasn't a problem as he had space release.

"Get ready, the sealing process will begin now." said the Raikage

"As Ren heard the Raikage's shout he also got prepared as he noticed several cloud shinobi appearing from atop the waterfall, making Ren regret not being a sensor, Ren could feel like tailed beast level chakras but normal levels he had to rely on his space release and he could use it actively now as it takes up to much chakra.

But the weird thing was one of the ninjas had a baby in his hand, and at first, Ren didn't even think about them sealing the two tails into the baby until they started doing that exact same thing, but Ren also realized the opportunity this presented as a baby had no loyalties and as long the baby was treated correctly he or she would develop loyalty to the village hidden in the rock.

As the sealing process started the two tails tried it's best to resist the seal but was unable to, Ren started to form hand seals to get ready as he now had no intention of fighting the Raikage while trying to escape with a baby, and as the final piece of t was sealed into the baby Ren wasted no time and let loose his Jutsu.

"Space release: target teleportation"

the baby that was now surrounded by the ninja suddenly disappeared and appeared in Ren's hands.

The cloud ninjas and the Raikage

"What just happened!!??" asked the Raikage


"Find the kid now!!"

"Sir his chakra is heading in that direction fast someone is carrying him." answer another ninja

Not waiting for a reply the Raikage speed off in that direction pointed out to him by the ninja who could only be a sensor as they soon follow after him.

As ren sped away not using his swift release, as he needed to conserve his chakra to teleport as even if the Raikage wouldn't be able to catch up to him with him using his swift release to the max, he wouldn't be able to keep it up forever and he would cover more ground by just teleporting with his space release.

Soon Ren could hear someone approaching quickly from behind him and giving the person no opportunity to get any closer Ren immediately teleports away, leaving behind a rage-filled Raikage.

When the cloud ninjas caught up to their Kage they saw him standing by himself as he turns and addresses the sensor amount them.

"Where is he!!!?"

"I...I cant sense them anymore sir."

"What do you mean you can't sense them they were just here, are you telling me they just disappeared into nothing?"

"Half of you head back to the village and mobilize all available ninja in the village to search for them now the rest of you will come with me to continue looking.