Hokori takaki sōgen

Ren was now in his apartment after bringing back the two tails and completing his first S- rank mission he could now collect his rewards.

"System give me my rewards"

* Defeat a special jonin

rewards and punishment

Reward- upgrade of kenjutsu failure- none

*Complete 1 S- Rank mission

rewards and punishment

reward-random summoning contract failure- none

Ren could feel his kenjutsu mastery getting better and better and the flaws his sword techniques had before were no more, over the four years he had been hunting talents he had used his sword to kill his targets instead of using his normal fighting style, and by doing this he had increased his usage and understanding of kenjutsu on his own.

'Randomiziing Summoning contract.'

'Congratulations you've received the lion clan summoning contract.'

' lion summoning that's awesome.' thought Ren

* Defeat a Kage level opponent

rewards and punishment

Reward- upgrade of one bloodline purity failure- none

*Complete survive the second shinobi war

rewards and punishment

reward- upgrade in chakra quality failure- none

looking at the new things for him to accomplish Ren had no problem with them as they fell in line with what he intended to do anyway, then he turned his attention to the big scroll that appeared in front of him and knew it was for him to make a contract with the lion summons, but before that he wanted to see his status.

"System show my status"

"System status"

Name: Ren


Affinities- all

Rank: Chunin

Titles: the genius of Iwagakure, Black hunter, protector of the hidden rock, the enemy of all five great villages

Skills: Earth release, water release, lightning release, wind release, fire release, substitution jutsu, transformation jutsu, Body Flicker Technique, clone technique, Shadow clone technique, Kenjutsu

Kekkei Genkai- Storm release, Explosion Release, lava Release, Swift Release, Space Release, yin release, yang release

Overall level - middle level(low-level Kage)

looking at his status Ren was satisfied even if not many things had been added after all he had increased his understanding and usage of everything he had and now he was a Kage level expert not only in chakra level but in technique as well.

Opening up the scroll Ren noticed it looked the same as any other contract scroll as he wasted no time bitting his thumb until it bleeds and writing his name on the contract while also coating the rest of his finger in the blood and then pressing them onto the scroll then the scroll turned into a puff of smoke, but what really caught Ren attention was that there were no other names in the scroll which got him thinking was this lion clan always around or were they created after he won it from the system.

Ren couldn't wait any longer to try out his new summoning as he ran to his training grounds, arriving there Ren looked around then proceeded to make hand seals.

"Summoning Jutsu," said Ren as he slams his hand on the ground.


But nothing happened there was no black marking extending from his hand no puff of smoke nothing t point out the Jutsu was a success, and as Ren was going to try it again he turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

When he reappeared he found himself in grassland and if he didn't know any better he would think he was somewhere else, but he knew this had to be a sage region as even though he couldn't sense nature energy the air just felt different, better than anything he could think of and as he was still in his thoughts he didn't notice the lion walking up behind him.

"Hey, what are you doing in the prideful grasslands?"

Hearing the voice but sensing no hostility only curiosity Ren turns and comes face to face with a lion standing in front of him.

"I signed a contract with your Clan and when I tried using it I ended up here," said Ren



"never heard of it, you should leave before the others find you."

"Don't you have a sage here?"

"The lion sage, are you here to meet him?"


"You should have said so follow me." then the lion turns and walks away as Ren follows behind

as they walk through the grassland they encounter many other lions doing anything from play to sleeping and all it took for them to let him pass was for them to know he was here to meet their sage, but Ren found out one thing and it was this was the are for the young member of the clan, they couldn't leave this area until they were big enough to not get stepped on by the older lions and from what Haru explained this really could happen as the older lions were huge to what extent Ren wasn't sure but if they could step on things by mistake they had to be big at least as big as Gamabunta.