I have one too

While with Orochimaru, being able to dodge it quite easily, as the kunai continued through the dome into the mountains behind it.

Seeing his attack being ineffective, Ren had no intention of letting them rest as he created two clones.



The clones wasted no time as they rushed forward going after Jiraiya and Orochimaru, while the original disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Tsunade.

*lightning SFX*

With lightning chakra channeled through his sword, Ren swings aiming for Tsunade's neck, Tsunade was barely able to react jumping backward, as some of the lightning managed to enter her body.

Gritting her teeth Tsunade begins to use her chakra to get rid of the effects caused by the last attack while keeping an eye on Ren.


Ren rushes forward even faster this time and suddenly throws his sword forward as it disappears leaving behind only a trace of lightning as it penetrated through Tsunade's chest.


With a cloud of smoke, a log appeared, clearly a substitution.

Suddenly Ren felt a sense of danger as he turned his body to the side.


Tsunade flashed past and her fist embedded into the ground where Ren stood as it created a crater, but she didn't stop as spun around spending a kick to Ren's face which he easily blocked until he felt his body lift off the ground and sent flying back.

Managing to balance himself, and land properly, Ren had no damage, but it was clear to him Tsunade had more physical strength than him, and blocking her attacks was not the best solution.

' I could enhance myself with chakra, but I just know something is going to happen.' thinks Ren as he once again dodges to the side as Tsunade drops from the sky doing a heel kick at his previous spot, taking the chance Ren quickly makes the distance between them.


Ren created two more clones, as one sped forward and engages Tsunade as he and the other clone quickly makes hand seals.

"Fire Release: Great fireball Jutsu."

"Wind Release: Great wind bullet."

The fireball Jutsu rushed forward as the wind bullet collided with it enhancing its size and power.

As Tsunade managed to land a hit on the clone and freed herself from the distraction all she had time to was smash her fist into the ground in front of her causing the ground to raise forming a wall to protect her.


(With Orochimaru)

As the clone approach him with a ball of chakra in its hand, Orochimaru kept dodging as the clone used the Rasengan as a weapon trying repeatedly to hit Orochimaru with it.



As their engaged in taijutsu, snakes suddenly rushed out of Orochimaru's sleeve aiming to bite the clone.

Pumping more chakra into the Rasengan, making it bigger it collides with the snakes completely destroying them before continuing to press down on him.


it collides with the ground destroying the immediate area as Orochimaru managed to flicker away from the attack.

As the dust clears and Orochimaru sees the damage caused, another Explosion takes place as he looks to see a giant fireball exploding.

"It seems the original is finishing up I should do the same."

As he hears this the clone disappears from his view and senses and he feels something cold penetrate through his back.

Looking down he sees a sword coming out of his stomach.



He coughs up blood, as he starts breathing heavily, and realizes that he was being played with by a clone.

"Orochimaru!!!" A shout from Jiraiya enters his ears before.


His body disappear but the blood left on the sword show it was his real body and not a clone or substitution.

Seeing this the clone speaks.

"Reverse summoning?"

"Anyway my chakra is almost done, time to leave."


As Jiraiya is distracted by the condition of his teammates the clone uses this chance and runs him through with a Chidori, but misses a vital spot managing to catch him through his shoulder.


Blood drops to the ground from the wound as he coughs up even more, but luckily for him, the clone disappears.


Ren getting the information from the clones, is seriously surprised he expected them to be more damaged, but as he gave the clone barely any of his chakra this is already acceptable.

(With Tsunade)

She is currently healing Orochimaru who suddenly appeared next to her after she managed to survive the attack from Ren and heal herself, currently, her leaf jonin vest was gone burn marks were still on parts of her arms, as she heal Orochimaru.

"It seems we are in a bad spot huh?" asked Tsunade

"He's worried about something." says Orochimaru

"What do yo...." she was cut off as


A huge cloud of smoke appears.

(with Ren)

'What the hell is that? OH, it should be Gamabunta.' thinks Ren.

And as the smoke cleared, his thoughts were proven right as a giant toad was now standing before him, and as if on command, two more clouds of smoke appeared.

As the smoke cleared, A giant snake and slug could be seen.

Ren looked on as he was surrounded, and looked at the three shinobi on the heads of their summon animal, and couldn't help but say.

"I have one too."