Attack on Uzushiogakure 12 who suffered the most?

Hey guys, it's the Author.

Just checking in to make sure everyone is enjoying the story so far, and if you guys see any area where I could improve as a writer.

Just comment on it here, and I will try my best to work on the areas commented.


After saying that Ren felt the space around him vibrate and knew his clone had accomplished its other task and is now ready to bring the group to the village.


" Everyone gather together we are leaving immediately, but one fire release user needs to stay behind." said Ren

Right now Ren's words were law as the ninjas Uzumaki or stone nin jumped to action, gathering around Ren, as one stone nin was standing with Ren as he explained what he needed to do.

" Don't worry after you are done, you will be brought back to the village safely." Ren said to the clearly nervous shinobi.

' They should have entered the Village already, ah..., how I wish I could see the look on their faces when they realize.....' thinks Ren as a smile blooms on his face.

Suddenly a light covers the group and they disappear leaving no traces that could be used to find them, only a lone hidden stone shinobi was left as he headed back to the village.

( In the Uzumaki village)

After fighting Ren, the cloud village had finally entered the Village and as they rushed through the gates what greeted them was building upon building, but no one in sight.

No fleeing Uzumaki clan members, no ninjas from the other villages that were supposed to be attacking the village with them not even a corpse was seen even after all the blood present on the ground and sides of some of the buildings.

" Search the surrounding building, even if it's a mouse I want it brought back to me, find something of significance!!" The Raikage shouted clearly not liking what he saw.

"YES SIR!!!!"

Seeing their Kage's current mood the cloud ninjas didn't delay as they scattered, entering the buildings around them.

" Something, just anything, even a single Jutsu would do, we can't have suffered so many loses to walk away with nothing." The Riakage's voice was filled with bitterness and a hint of hope.

As his normal confidence-filled eyes were currently dim.

"Raikage-sama, I have found a note addressed to you." a random Cloud ninja said as he approached.

Hearing this, the Raikage eyes brightened.

' This could be it, something that could make all the loses worth it.' thinks the Raikage.

" Bring it to me quickly!!!" shouts the Raikage.

(With the Mist ninjas)

The mist village was actually in a better overall condition than the cloud village.

Even though they had to fight off Hokori, they had one Kage level ninja and a quasi-Kage ninja that was able to effectively put pressure on Hokori with him not being able to use his fire release.

A Yuki clan ninja and a water release user nin, Kage-level, and quasi-Kage ninja respectively had managed to keep the damages low on their side after Hokori 's first attack.

And after Hokori was teleported from the battlefield and the Uzumaki had managed to escape they rushed into the village to meet the same situation as the cloud.

The leading Yuki ninja had ordered the mist nin to search the building, and as what happened with the Raikage, a mist nin managed to find a note addressed to ' mist attack force leader.'

(Back to the cloud forces)

The Raikage took the letter and wasted no time as he opened it and read what was inside.

' Dear Raikage.

The cloud, the mist, and the stone Villages have decided to attack us, we have done nothing to entice such actions from not one but three of the great nations, as you have colluded to destroy the Uzumaki, and end our bloodline.

Our Revenge will be swift and painful, even though we have suffered greatly due to your attack, we have managed to take away all the dead bodies of our people, and our Jutsu, you will gain nothing for the losses you have suffered, and the pain you inflicted on the Uzumaki clan will be remembered for ages, our revenge may not come today or tomorrow, but it will come, and when it does even the hidden leaf will pay.'

After reading the message addressed to him, the Raikages facial expression was ugly, as the information obtained added more confusion to his mind.

' The hidden leaf? I thought they would be heading to the leaf village, but it seems the relationship between the two villages wasn't as good as we thought, not that it mattered now, the Uzumaki still needed to be dealt with.' thinks the Raikage.

"Did you read it before you handed it to me?" The Raikage asked the ninja who brought him the letter.

" No sir."

The Raikage observed his reaction before speaking loudly.


The surrounding ninjas were confused as they questioned him.

" Sir what are you....."

"I SAID BURN IT, I WANT THIS VILLAGE UP IN SMOKE AND GONE FROM ME SIGHT WITHIN THE HOUR!!" shouted the Raikage as he crumpled the note and lit it on fire using lightning.

' This information needs to be hidden, it's a complete embarrassment to the great villages, three villages teamed up and still couldn't kill off one clan, I'm sure the others will agree and want to hide this information as well, there should soon be two more fires.' thinks the Raikage.

As if answering his thoughts two more fires appear one on each side where the stone and mist were supposed to enter the village from.

' Even if the Uzumaki clan is still alive, they are dead in the eyes of the rest of the world that didn't participate in this attack, and when we get back to the villages these ninjas will need to be disposed of, the risk of the information that the Uzumaki clan still lives is too dangerous.' thinks the Raikage as a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Raikage had already weighed the losses of these ninjas to the chaos that the information of what happened here today would bring, and it wasn't worth it to keep them alive.

All these ninjas would be monitored heavily upon return to the villages and would disappear in the next year, either on missions or just freak deaths.

Currently, the Raikage wasn't the only one thinking this as the Yuki clan Kage level ninja had read the note and knew what the Kage of his village would decide to do, luckily he was a Kage level ninja and was a powerful asset, so even though he knew this information he wouldn't be killed off but the others who participated on this mission wouldn't be so lucky.

So he too had decided to burn the village to hide anything that could point to anything other than whatever story the Kages of the villages who participated in this attack would spread.

It was clear that they couldn't spread the truth, most likely they would say whatever put them in the best light.

Which was the Uzumaki clan was annihilated, with no survivors left.

But it mattered not, the hidden stone had benefited the most, no matter what happened next.