Volume 3 End

( 3 days later)

Three days have passed since the return of Ren to the village hidden in the stone, in these three days there has been movement from all major villages in the shinobi world, as the news of the destruction of the Uzumaki clan spreads throughout the world.

In the hidden stone, things have been busy for certain figures, as the rest of the village had no idea that there was a new bloodline clan in the village.

Onoki and Ren have assigned Anbu to watch over the Uzumaki clan and make sure they do nothing that would be considered as betraying the village, of course, this would only be for three to four months then they would withdraw the Anbu.

Currently, the Uzumaki clan was not located in the village itself but was inhabiting a large piece of land in the mountains behind the village.

Ren and Onoki had used Earth release to transform the giant mountain into a plateau, they had overturned the soil which proved to be a simple task only needing huge amounts of chakra, this made it so the clan could plant crops.

The plateau was large and now full of fertile soil, the middle however was where the homes of the Uzumaki clan were built.

The houses looked nothing like those in the stone village, Ren had changed the construction of the building leaving them with their current look, the houses were made out of brick, that was colored bright red, but the houses would be painted in different colors after as the monotone look of the village had long bothered Ren.

He also intended to change the village's infrastructure soon, but this would take a long time and a lot of effort and money, and with war approaching, they couldn't push forward as they would need funding from the Daimyo for the war.

Currently, even though the Uzumaki compound wasn't finished, Ren liked it here more and was already planning to build a house for himself here, Ashina had no problem with this and even welcomed it.

Ren was currently loved greatly by the Uzumaki clan for saving them and returning their fallen clansmen, now living with them he planned to make them have a greater impression of him.

Ren also provided the Uzumaki clan with the things they needed for the village from clothing and food and other supplies as they didn't enter the village as they were to keep a low profile, and even though those who had no idea what was happening and had asked Onoki what was happening on the plateau were offered an excuse prepared by Onoki.

Even if they didn't believe they didn't dare ask again as Onoki was the Tsuchikage and they had no right to question him, and they didn't dare try going there themself as it was common knowledge that the way there was heavily guarded by the Anbu, and the new S rank shinobi of the village was residing up there, so no one dared to risk their lives and go against the Tsuchikage and Ren who many had regarded as the Tsuchikages right hand.

From his talent to the clear favoritism displayed by the Tsuchikage towards Ren, rumors had already started spreading around the village that Ren was being groomed to be the next Tsuchikage.


Currently in the Tsuchikages office sat both Ren and Onoki, as they spoke about things that happened in the past three days.

"Have you seen your new bingo book entry?" asked Onoki

"Nope, I didn't think it would change much so I didn't bother looking." says Ren

"Then, here it's changed much more than you thought it would." says Onoki as he throws two pages towards Ren.

Name: Ren

Gender: Male

Age: around 12-13

Criminal rank: S-rank Criminal

Affiliation: Hidden rock

Elements affinities: Fire release, lightning release, earth release, lava release, wind release, Ice release, Water release, Explosion release, storm release

Weakness: Possible Genjutsu

Title: the genius of Iwagakure, The Elementalist

Bounty: one hundred and fifty million (reward by hidden leaf& hidden Rain)

Description: Defeated the three students of the Hokage Hiruzen, in the process showcased an extremely high ability in using different ninjutsu and taijutsu, he has also been named to be the one who lead the hidden stone to invade the Uzumaki clan.

After looking at the first paper, Ren looked at the second.

Name: Saeko

Gender: Female

Age: around 16-17

Criminal rank: B-rank Criminal

Affiliation-Hidden Stone

Elements affinities: wind

Weakness: Possible Genjutsu

Title: Sword princess

Bounty: Twenty-five million ( reward by Hidden sand)

Description: Highly skilled in Kenjutsu, capable of killing a jonin, and mostly use Kenjutsu in conjunction with wind release.

As Ren read the second paper a smile appeared on his face.

"Saeko finally has an entry in the bingo book, I bet she was upset with the amount though." says Ren

"You've missed the point, your entry will surely be discussed heavily by the other villages."

"I know, I only wish I could see their faces when they read it." says Ren.


(Currently in the Hidden Leaf)

There was currently a meeting going on involving the head of the clans in the leaf and the elders, the Hokages students were also present.

"We have two things to discuss in this meeting, I'll start with the least pressing matter first." said the Hokage as he threw a page in front of the present people.

As the persons in the room picked up the page and read its content their faces changed to complete shock, then their eyes gathered on the Hokages students.

"Is this true?" Danzo was the first to speak.


They didn't answer, but that was clear enough for those present, and the shock on their faces intensified.

"To be able to use this many Kekkei Genkai's is incredible and was supposed to be impossible." says one of the clan leaders present.

"The hidden stone has produced an excellent talent, he is very young I wouldn't be surprised if Onoki is grooming him." says Hiruzen.

"That would make the most sense, he would be a very dangerous enemy."

As the clan leaders added their takes on the bingo book entry in front of them, Team Hiruzen was upset and looking over Ren's entry as Orochimaru's eyes shined he had taken interest in Ren, or the secret of Ren's body.

"The second matter is an extremely serious and sad situation, three days ago the Hidden stone, the hidden mist, and the hidden cloud launched a joint attack on the Uzumaki clan and completely wiped them out." says Hiruzen dropping a bomb on all present.



The people in the room were completely shocked.

"You have to be joking!!" shouted Tsunade as tears were already rolling down her cheek and her fist were clenched tight as blood leaked out.

"I'm sorry Tsuna but, the village was burnt to the ground, all members dead."

Hearing this all the light in Tsunade's eyes was gone as she left the room and no one stopped her, first the Senju Clan was killed out leaving only her brother now her other family was also killed off one couldn't imagine the pain she was feeling.

"How have we only heard about this now? The Uzumaki clan has means of communicating with us quickly and should have been able to at least escape to get help from us, so why are we just hearing about this now?" asked the Nara clan leader.

"....' but no one could answer.

After Tsunade left the room, she walked lifelessly as she entered the Senju compound, and made her way to her grandmother's room, and walked in.

There she meets a middle-aged woman, and a child both of whom had beautiful red hair, this was Kushina and Mito Uzumaki.

Kushina was currently crying in the embrace of Mito as, Mito herself looked as if she was barely holding onto life, as she saw her granddaughter enter the room she opened her arms and Tsunade collapsed into her.

As she cried her eyes out Mito whispered to her.

"We will get revenge for this, so cry out your sadness now."

And as Tsunade heard this, like a bolt of lightning, a memory appeared in Tsunade's mind.

In the memory, the scene of her fighting Ren appeared in her mind as she remembered two things he said to her.

"You stand there, talking down to the hidden stone when you have no idea how tame what I have done is compared to what your village is doing to itself." says Ren.

then another scene appears.

"I see you don't believe me, and if you had you would be a fool, but you will soon see for yourself or at the very least have some suspicions in the coming weeks your already collapsed world will completely be destroyed, and when that time comes you will know who has the answers." says Ren.

As these memories go through Tsunade's head, various ideas are conjured, but one thing is certain she knows she has to talk to Ren.

(In the hidden mist)

In the hidden mist, the Mizukage was currently looking out of the window of his office, looking a the busy village below him, he sighed.

"How many returned from the assault on the Uzumaki clan?"

"A total of one thousand exactly returned." says an Anbu answered as he appeared kneeling in the room.

"How many come from the bloodline clans in the village?" asked the Mizukage.

"Mizukage-sama, six hundred are members of the bloodline clans in the village."

"Out of the remaining four hundred, how many are jonin or have shown high levels of talent?"

"There are twenty jonin, and ten highly talented chunin." answered the Anbu.

"That's good, we should be able to get rid of the rest of them and not affect the overall strength of the village too much, and they could be replaced in at least three years since it's just low talented genin and chunin."

"Kill them off, but make sure it's done properly no traces."

"Yes, Mizukage-sama." says the Anbu as he flickers out the room,

(In the hidden Sand)

The Kazekage was currently reading the reports he received after the scouts he sent to the Uzumaki clan had sent their notes back ahead of them.

"It seems things are getting chaotic again, but the hidden leaf will do nothing they don't have the power to fight three villages now without suffering some losses, and then they would have to worry about the sands making a move, with now it seems the other villages have already taken that into account."

"They are making use of use without even letting us get a piece of the take, but for now I will let them, the leaf now has lost an ally and is still the strongest village, but I wonder how strong this boy will be in the coming years." says the Kazekage looking at Ren's bingo book entry.

(In the Hidden Cloud)

The Raikage was upset ever since they returned from the Uzumaki clan, they had gained nothing and lost a lot.

The force they sent to the attack was reduced a lot, and only eight hundred had returned, with the losses already suffered the Raikage wanted to get rid of all those who knew what really happened, but the village wasn't in the position for any more serious losses, so he settled on getting rid of those who showed any suspicious behavior over the coming months.

The only thing that kept the Raikage from completely blowing his top was that he believed the other villages had suffered as much as the hidden cloud.

If only he knew the gains the Stone had gotten.


This is the end of volume 3 no more chapters for at least a week, I'm going to be planning out the next Volume.