Chapter 103


Ren stood there looking at the wall, and even though he was surprised deep down he wasn't.

' I really should have thought of this happening, them having their clan secrets unprotected wouldn't make any sense.' thinks Ren as he continues to stare at the wall intently.

It looked like he was thinking of how to release the seal, but the truth was the thought never crossed his mind.

' I have been so busy lately that I haven't even bothered to try learning seals from the Uzumaki call even though I practically live with them.' thinks Ren.

' I really regret it, this small oversight on my part has caused a problem in my plans.'

Ren stood there thinking of what to do after all dwelling on his regrets wouldn't make the situation change so he moved on to thinking of a solution.

' The way things are right now, there really are only two options present.

One. Leave, just give up and call it a night, after all, I've gotten all the Nara clan members I need, and with my talent, it shouldn't be too hard to recreate the jutsu's I saw in the show with time and then even make them better.

The second option really isn't even an option I could try with my limited sealing knowledge to release the seal, which most like cause some to alarm the people of the clan and I would then have to destroy the wall with force, I would then have to escape here which really shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know if this seal can mark me something of the sort to let the Nara clan find the culprit.

Seeing that I'll have to be in the leaf for a while that is not a good choice. It really comes down to how much I need this scroll.

Is it worth causing a commotion?'

Thinking over the two options, Ren could not find a reason to take the scroll and cause a commotion now, it would only make things harder for him when he wanted to visit the other clans.

Coming to this conclusion, Ren pushed another apace in the wall as the open space closed as if it was never there, and he turned to leave but as he took a step a thought appeared and a smile surfaced on his face.

' I really am stupid sometimes, can't take it now? That's fine I'll leave collecting the content of the clan scroll for the day before I leave Khonaha, I'll take them all, and since they already plan on attacking me, they won't try keeping me after all if I really take them they could always take them back after killing me.

Coming to this decision Ren disappeared from the Nara Clan, and looked in the distance at another clan compound.

'The Yamanaka clan is nearby, visiting them shouldn't take much time.' Ren looked at the compound intently, clearly wondering if he should continue the night, but soon the thought disappeared.

'There is no need to rush, I have a lot of time before the chunin exams are done.'

With that, he was gone, traveling quickly and silently Ren made his way out of the hidden leaf, before starting another set of teleportations as he made his way back to the hidden stone the store the gains of the night.

( next morning )

The hidden leaf was once again rocked with the disappearance of the Nara clan members, and things were clearly more serious than they were before.

Hiruzen sat in the Hokage office facing the Nara clan leader and Danzo, even his easygoing facade was gone replaced with seriousness, after all, it was clear someone was targeting the clans of the village.

" Hokage- sama, the Hyuga, and the Nara clan have no enemy that would go through such danger just to take away some of our clan members, since it's not a common enemy and it seems the chosen members are random, I can only assume someone is trying to weaken the village." the Nara head explained.

" Hiruzen you need to deal with this immediately if the other villages learn that we can't even protect ninjas in our village, they are bound to get active." says Danzo not waiting for Hiruzen to respond to the Nara clan leader.

"It's one of the other villages, we just don't know which it is, it's clear the person or persons carrying out these attacks has great ability when it comes to staying hidden proven by being able to break into the Hyuga and Nara clan unnoticed, this also means that the person responsible does not have to be one of the foreign jonin present t in the village.

As a matter of fact, it's most likely another village taking this opportunity to create friction, all the villages should know that the hidden sand and stone accepted the chunin exams invitations." says the Nara leader.

Hearing this Hiruzen finally speaks.

" Increase the number anbu on the sand and stone jonin, even though currently it's very unlikely to be them as they would be foolish to do such acts knowing they would be the first suspects, and the fact from what we know none of the two has any such ability we will operate under the thinking it could still be them.

I want their rooms searched when they leave them, and even more detailed reports of their movements.

As for the possibility of it being another village, we have no way to know, for now, so alert all shinobi at the borders and have them increase security any enemy ninja entering or leaving the land of fire is to be captured if possible if not kill them.

Also, have them send a report listing the enemy ninjas that have been close to or managed to escape from them in the past weeks." said Hiruzen.