Chapter 104

Sorry for the long delay but I'm back.

And yes I know it was later than I said but I was told I needed more rest, so regular updates will resume now.

I hope you guys will read the book still after the little break.

Also, I will be doing the fanfic to be voted on.


As the hidden leaf mobilized its forces to counteract the attacks that happened to the two clans, Ren's clone was on his way to the venue for the third stage of the chunin exams, as the second stage had finished.

Things were really tense in the village currently, as the clone felt the amount of Anbu watching him at all times and the little evidence he had found of them searching his room.

But he had no intention of bringing this up, they couldn't find anything in the room, and bringing it up would do no good, he knew very well what the main body had planned, and causing trouble or bringing attention to himself didn't help the plan so he simply continued to act as if everything was alright.

So he quickly arrived at the stage of the third exam, and to no surprise, it was a large stage with viewing places above it currently occupied by the Hokage and the jonin of the leaf and sand as they observed the genin on the stage.

Currently, there were far fewer genin than they were at the start, but this meant nothing to Ren as he looked at the genin of the hidden stone, his students were in good shape seemingly as if they had finished the exam with minimal problems.

The other hidden stone genin on the other hand clearly did not have as easy of a time as Ren's team, their clothing was damaged, and there were scars that had yet to be healed exposed on their arms, as they stood there the tiredness showed on their face.

' At least they survived.' was the only thing Ren thought when he saw them.

As he when back to observing the genin, none really catch his eye as the proctor of the exam was currently on the stage speaking.

" This exam will be a one-on-one fight those who lose or surrender will be eliminated, my words are law once I say the fight is over, it is.

The match-ups will be randomly selected, and the winners will advance to the final stage of the chunin exams which will be held in two weeks, for now, all those unable to or unwilling to continue can back out now." the leaf shinobi says loudly.

Hearing this the genin, started taking among themselves as soon two teams back out one from the leaf and another from the sand.

The genin from the hidden stone stayed on the stage with no intention of withdrawing, seeing this Ren had no particular reaction as he watched on.

Seeing no other genin leaving the stage, the leaf jonin in charge of the exam spoke once again.

" Good, it's important to know your limits, now the remaining genin are to leave the stage as the first match participants will be announced and the match will begin."

Hearing this the genin quickly left the stage and moved to the viewing area jonin gather respective village's jonin, as they did the screen above the stage suddenly lit up as names flashed by quickly.

( in the leaf village streets)

As the third stage of the chunin exams was getting underway an old man was currently walking in the streets of the leaf village, this was Ren going to his next target.

Ren was heading to the Senju clan compound, this time his target was Tsunade and Mito he wasn't going to kill them or fight them but the knowledge they had was necessary for the plans Ren had in mind, maybe if Orochimaru had started his experiments Ren would have gone to him but he hadn't so the best choice was Tsunade and Mito.

Maybe the choice of going to them now foolish, but Ren was sure he could make them agree with him and keep rings a secret after all it would be in their best interest as well.

As he continued moving forward, he suddenly disappeared with a speed not fit for an old man, but no one seemed to notice, as he reappeared he was in front of a gate engraved with the Senju marking.

Ren looked at the gate for a minute and disappeared once again.

When he reappeared Ren was already in a dark room with a huge bed in the middle.

" Why are you here?" A voice sounded in his ears.

Ren hearing this turned his side a saw a red hair woman sitting on a chair looking at him intently, seeing her his eyes shined.

" Mito Uzumaki, I'm here to make a deal with you." Ren spoke without worry straight to the point.

Hearing this Mito's eyes narrowed, as she looked at Ren.

" What does someone with your strength want from me? and it's annoying having to look through your transformation, so just cancel it otherwise there is no way this conversation can continue." Mito spoke firmly.