Chapter 116

To say Ren was upset with the turn of events would be an understatement, he looked at the blank scroll he held in his hands and his breathing became elevated for a second before he calmed himself down.

" I should have expected this, the Yamanaka and the Nara are in an alliance with the Nara's brain I'm sure they advised the Yamanaka to use a dummy scroll." says Ren.

But as Ren really took in everything he had gotten tonight he really couldn't be that upset.

" I can recreate their jutsu myself but that scroll would have saved me a lot of time, but it's fine."

" My plans for coming to Konaha have been completed and it is not worth it to attack the clan again just for that scroll, I should be focusing on the return trip now." whispers Ren.

Ren rested for a while as his chakra regenerated. after which he packed up his spoils and sent them back to the hidden stone.

" It's time to switch with the clone, it hasn't been discovered yet which is good, I wonder if they will still attack me after everything that has happened.

I'm sure it won't be long before the other villages get news of the attacks on the clans of the hidden leaf, the hidden leaf hasn't suffered major damage to its combat power, so war shouldn't start because of my actions, at most maybe some larger moves from the other villages is to be expected." says Ren.

" Mhm." Ren pinched his chin as looked at the sky.

" I should send a message to the old man, I doubt he would start a war now without telling me, but you never know, anyways the villages will wait for the participants of the chunin exams to return before starting to move." Ren speaks to himself as he paces back and forth.

" Well I'll send the letter and tell the old man to prepare to increase our border activity and advise him not to make any more moves." says Ren.

Deciding on this Ren quickly took out a scroll and wrote down a message, and performed the summoning jutsu.


A small cloud of smoke appeared and as it cleared a small lion appeared sitting in front of Ren.

" You called master Ren?" the lion asked in a soft voice while tilting her head to the side.

" Rin, I've told you it alright to call me Ren drop the master." says Ren with a sigh.

"Ah, yes master Ren, Rin will drop the master." the little lioness said cutely.

" Alright, I have a job for you, drop this scroll to the old man for me, he might not be in his office so you have to find him when you enter the village." says Ren.

" Rin will complete the task master Ren." she said as she bite the scroll and held it in her mouth and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

" Time to go." Ren said as he disappeared leaving the forest in silence which was a stark contrast to the smoking and loud leaf village.

That night when the ninjas of the leaf village were out looking for Ren and his clones the ninjas from the other villages were up and on guard, but they didn't get involved or leave their rooms they simply stayed on guard waiting for things to die down.

Of course, some had tried to leave, but they were stopped by anbu guarding the room, so they stayed put.

With all that was happening in the leaf village the night passed quickly, as things settled down the sun rose and it was time for the chunin exam final phase to begin.

So Ren and the stone genin left their hotel and made their way to the site of the final exams, as they walked through the village they could feel the wariness of the villagers as they passed.

" Ren sensei, why are they looking at us like that?" one of the stone genin asked.

" It's clear why isn't it?" asked Ami.

" The activities that happened last night, it's clear the leaf was attacked, and the villagers clearly think one of the enemy village ninjas in the leaf village currently was at fault." says Ren.

" The leaf village was attacked?" the genin asked in shock.

" Yes, and I'd seems that haven't caught the person responsible." says Ren

" Then why hold the chunin exam?" Gari asked clearly confused.

" To put it simply, the leaf had no choice but to continue the chunin exams, otherwise the consequences would be unbearable." says Ren.

" Unbearable??"

"It's fine I'll explain it to you after your exams are over." says Ren.

" Your job now is to focus on the upcoming exams and win." says Ren as the group continued forward in silence ignoring the stares.