Ara never Dreammed that her life would be like a Cinderella.
Her parents Died, Lived a miserable life with her uncle Family, and then there will be a Prince who brought her a happy life in the palace.
Bullshit, in fact life was never that beautiful for her.
Happines is a simple word that is impossible for her to reach, fate never allowed her to know what happiness feels like.
as her Aunt said 'ara and misfortune were a complete package that had to be removed immedrately, like parasites, that were never there to hope for'
and this is where Andara's Story begins, a village girl who once dreammed that her forced marriage would lead her to a Happy ending.
but once again fate brought it back to the wound.
until a feeling came over him with someone who was too different.
a feeliing that could make her heart hurt again every time, but unfortunately She can't blok its presence.
a Story About Andara