Chapter 21: Is This the End?

“Is that the last of it?” Holly had asked Samantha as the movers brought in the last cardboard box to her new apartment.

Samantha nodded. “Yes, I think that should be it. Are my plants in?”

“Yup,” Holly shouted back as she eyed the rather extreme amount of greenery decorating the living room floor.

The two women had spent the day together as they went from apartment building to apartment building, searching for one that might fit Holly’s needs. This followed after Holly had talked to Samantha about wanting to leave the shelter.

Although she was grateful for all that Tobias had done for her, as well as the other women, she thought it was due time to start being on her own again and live independent of anyone. She knew that, the more comfortable she got, the harder it would be to move on.

Samantha had quickly agreed with her friend’s conclusion and helped her sort through job applications and housing opportunities.