Chapter 35: Hello Again, Goodbye

Samantha could hear her own breathing in her ears as Tobias and Richard burst through the door. Nothing else.

Their large bodies barely fit through the door as they both rushed in together. The look on both of their faces as they came to witness Samantha’s bloodied face as her body was pinned down by Mark, was harrowing.

Samantha barely had time to process the fact that Richard was here in her apartment. Richard Washington, the man who kicked her out of his home and out of his life so many years ago, was here, barging into her home with the look of murderous intent in his eyes.

Her head fell back; weak, as her body finally began to catch up with the beating it had taken from Mark.

That seemed to knock Richard out of the horror-shocked state he found himself in. He rushed forward towards them both. She watched as he grabbed Mark from on top of her by his throat and lifted the man up with little to no effort.