Chapter 36: Troubling News

“So what!?” Tobias asked as he yelled at Samantha and she took a step back at the desperation in his voice.

“So what if I’m his friend? So what if he knew I knew you?” Tobias challenged her this time. “Would it have made a difference if you knew? Would you have told me you did not want to be associated with me?” He asked her question after question and Samantha’s mind began to turn cloudy.

No, no, no. The answers to all of his questions were all no. She knew that.

She knew she could never do something so immature as to cut Tobias off simply because he knew Richard or that he was friends with him.

Whatever happened between Samantha and Richard was just that, between Samantha and Richard.

And Tobias never did anything to hurt her.

She took a deep breath and Tobias seemed to calm down too when he noticed Samantha relaxed her shoulders.