0002##Chapter 2

##On the stage, Darcy raised his head while he looked at Janice with contempt. He relished the feeling of looking down on people from a superior position.

However, Janice' expression remained unchanged.

Darcy misunderstood that as Janice not daring to speak out of fear, so he provoked Janice. "Sorry, I'm a very straightforward person. If I've hurt your fragile dignity, I really apologize.

"Actually, I know why you're here today. You just want to extort money from me for your brother's death, right?

"I've seen a lot of people like you."

Darcy shrugged and added, "Nevertheless, I can still give you some money. As long as you're willing to say 'Scott Wilson deserves to die' thrice in front of everyone, I'll agree to give you… hmm… five thousand dollars. Deal?"

It was a humiliation.

It was a complete humiliation!

The people offstage laughed. Everyone was laughing so hard that their bodies shook. Some of them even spat the alcohol out of their mouths because they had burst into laughter.

However, they could not detect any anger from Janice' expression even though she had been so directly humiliated.

She did not reveal emotions on his face.

That meant she was either an absolutely useless and submissive person who dared not speak or a distinguished person with a calm temperament. The latter would allow him to keep his cool as he looked down on the entire world.

Darcy was a little unhappy because he felt that he could not understand Janice.

After everyone was done laughing, Janice stepped forward to the microphone.

"It's my turn to speak now."

Her tone was calm, and her voice was deep. She had a dignified solemnity that made those who were laughing instantly shut their mouths and subconsciously look at her.

"I've come today to give you a message. Within seven days, all of you will go to my brother's grave and kneel down for five hours to atone for your crimes," said Janice.


Everyone below the stage stared at each other at a loss, and they did not understand what Janice meant.

"Is she crazy? What stupid thing is she talking about?"

"Did she ask us to kneel down in front of that trash? Does she deserve it?"

"Stop it, I'm laughing so hard now. Where did this fool come from? Someone get out here and put her on a leash, please?"

Janice ignored the discussion of the people below the stage and continued, "After seven days, those who fail to follow my instructions will be…"

She then took out a blue notebook. "... will be added to my blacklist."


Laughter instantly erupted in the hall.

"You'll blacklist us? Oh, my goodness, I'm so scared."

"Why don't you just say that you'll block us? Haha."

"This gal's an idiot. Like elder sister, like younger sister."

None of them were bothered by Janice' threat, and all of them watched as Janice supposedly made a fool of herself.

However, if anyone had known Janice' past and understood the meaning of Janice's moniker, the "Goddess of War", they would not have acted like that. Once their names were on Janice's blacklist, they would have to prepare their coffins in advance.

Janice put his blue notebook away.

"Remember that you only have seven days."

After she spoke, she walked down the stage and toward the hall's entrance.

"Stop. Did I allow you to leave?" Darcy said indifferently before a few security guards immediately blocked the door without giving Janice a chance to leave.

Darcy ruthlessly continued, "This is my domain. What were you thinking? Did you think you could just come and go as you please?

"People can't just come, talk for a while, and leave my place.

"Janice Wilson, since your brother used his life to help me get promoted, I'll give you a chance. Today, as long as you kneel down, beg me, and admit your mistake, I'll allow you to… hmm… crawl out of the door."

Brendon surrounded Janice with a bunch of security guards, and all of them took their electric batons out.

He had found Janice an eyesore from a moment ago. Now, he could finally torment her.

"Kneel down."

"Apologize now."

"Crawl out like a dog!" the staff of Shalom Technology shouted. They were eager to watch Janice' performance.

Brendon pointed at Janice with an electric baton. "Hurry up. Didn't you hear what he said?"

Janice remained calm as usual.

The noise of the outside world did not bother him whatsoever, and it seemed that her emotions could never be stirred at all.

Darcy impatiently said, "It looks like some people don't understand what the law of the jungle is. If she doesn't want to do it, just force her!"


Brendon led the security guards toward Janice.

Three meters...

Two meters...

One meter!

As they closed in on Janice and entered the one-meter range, they did not see Janice doing anything. However, a loud thud was soon heard, and two security guards were instantly sent flying.

Bang! Bang! The two security guards fell hard on the floor. Then, they vomited blood and fainted.


The hall instantly became silent.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know. Two of them were sent flying before they fainted."

"Is this magic?"

Brendon gulped; he was frightened.

"Is this gal a witch?"

"All of you, attack her together!"

The security guards looked at each other before they rushed forward at the same time. They held their electric batons to smash Janice' head in.

Janice swung her hand, and a gust of strong wind forced those people away simultaneously.

Next, she promptly raised his leg, leaving an afterimage. All the security guards received a kick in their bellies, and thudding sounds were heard continuously. In the blink of an eye, all the security guards were lying on the ground while coughing out blood.

Some of them also had broken ribs. They lay on the floor while they struggled in pain.

Nobody was able to laugh anymore.

They started to understand how serious the consequences were for being on such a person's blacklist.

Janice walked to Brendon and placed her hand on his shoulder. It made Brendon so scared that his legs trembled, and he immediately kneeled down.

"Ms. Wilson, I'm sorry for my wrongdoing. Please don't hit me.

"Scott and I were very close. We always went drinking together.

"Ms. Wilson, please forgive me. Please f-forgive me."

Janice chuckled. She patted Brendon on the shoulder a few times, and each time, it made Brendon shudder in fear.

"Cherish your life."

Following that, Janice turned around and walked to the door. Everyone moved away reflexively, and nobody dared to step forth to stop him.

Once Brendon saw that Janice had left, he let out a long sigh.

Soon after, he stood up and broke into a cold smile. "Janice Wilson, not killing me today was your biggest mistake because you won't have the chance again."


Janice walked out through the door, and Ben immediately went up to her.

"Young Lady, are you okay?"

Janice smiled faintly and answered, "Of course I'm fine. Didn't I come out uninjured?"

"That's great. Perfect."

"Uncle Ben, you shouldn't stay here for long. You should return first. I'll go and find you when I have the time."

"Okay, I'll leave first. Young Lady, please take good care of yourself."

After Ben left, Janice walked to the street alone, and a black sedan stopped in front of her.

She opened the door and got into the car.

Samson cast a glance at Janice. He was confused, so he asked, "Boss, why did you give them seven days? With your abilities, you can kill all of them tonight."

Janice did not answer Samson directly. Instead, she asked, "Do you know why cats catch rats?"

"Because rats are their food?"


"Cats don't eat rats, yet they catch rats. They want to enjoy the process of toying around with the rats. During that period, the rats know that they will die, but they can't run away from the cats. They can't beg for their survival or death, so they struggle in pain.

"Human beings will try to find ways to survive only when they understand that they're about to die. In the end, when they realize that there's no way to survive, they will feel despair and agony.

"If I kill them too easily, it won't be punishment.

"I want them to be in despair."