0003##Chapter 3

##Samson cracked a smile. He understood what Janice was up to.

"By the way, Boss, I just received a notification from the superior.

"He says the three districts of Shaol, Desert Cele and Oceania Hail would merge to form Southland district, and you would be the chief officer in charge of this.

"Boss, this is a lucrative sinecure!"

Janice looked outside the window and said, "I'm no longer interested in this. Let's go."

"Huh? Where are we going?"

Janice thought about it for a while, and said, "Since we're here, let's take a trip down to my hometown."

After half an hour, the car slowed to a halt.

After Samson left, Janice walked into a prominent district and all the way to a slightly old-fashioned multi-story villa.

He knocked on the door several times.

"Who's there?"

A middle-aged woman opened the door. She was Janice's mother-in-law, Felicia Musk. She was stunned for a few seconds after being greeted by the sight of Janice. Then, she said happily, "Oh, Janice, when did you come back?"

"Not long ago."

"Quickly come in and take a seat."

Since Janice's younger brother had passed away, her mother-in-law was his only close family.

Felicia invited Janice into the house, let him take a seat, and poured her a drink. She was in high spirits.

At that moment, Janice' father-in-law, Johnson Hill came in and asked, "Who's here?"

"It's Janice. She has come back."


Johnson glared at Janice in annoyance and snorted. He walked resentfully to the table and sat down.

"Janice, you still have the dignity to come home, huh?"

His words instantly tensed up the atmosphere in the house, and it turned awkward.

"Old man, Janice just came back. How could you say that to her?"

"Get lost. You're in no position to speak. Call Emma downstairs now."

"Sigh… Alright."

Johnson glared at Janice and blurted out, "I've heard about your younger brother. Shalom Technology is no longer related to the Wilson family, right?"


"You joined the military for five years and now, you've come back. Have you gotten yourself any official positions?"

Janice shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Hardly considered as one."

"That means you've gained nothing from there, right? Given your intelligence and skills, I'm not at all surprised that you didn't gain anything from it.

"So, what kind of job do you plan to get after returning?"

Janice shook his head and said, "Tentatively, I don't have any plans yet."

"Heh!" Johnson said with a fit of rage, "You've lost your company, and failed to achieve any success in your military. Now, you don't even have plans to look for a proper job. What's the difference between you and a loser?!"

Just then, the sound of high heels was heard.

A lady came downstairs.

She wore a simple, yet body-hugging T-shirt that brought out her perfect curves. Her pair of long, slender and fair legs were exposed under a pair of short jeans.

She had an oval face, prominent nose and long black hair that draped over her shoulders, like a waterfall pouring down her shoulders.

She was as pretty as a picture, to the point where her beauty was even lovelier than a flower.

"Father, Mother, did you call?"

"Yes. Come and sit over here. Janice is home."

Emma was stunned for a few seconds. When she looked at the woman who was almost a stranger to her, she felt complicated.

Despite being married to Janice, she joined the military on the west coast after their wedding in less than a month. Janice was away for five years, at the same time, Emma had been as good as a widow for five years.

As such, she was caught off guard by Janice's sudden return.

Johnson said, "Janice, as you could see, my daughter is extremely gorgeous whether it's her look or figure. She is even more outstanding than the models shown on television. There are many people who came to ask for her proposals, but she has to be a widow all because of you!"

"Father, why do you have to bring this up?!"

Johnson continued, "I grew up with your father since childhood. He's an old friend of mine. He built up Shalom Technology with his own hands, and it has gained a reputation. Even the Hill family business is on the rise. Originally, I intended to strengthen our bond by marrying my daughter to you.

"Now, your father has disappeared, your younger brother has committed suicide, the Shalom Technology has fallen into a stranger's hands, and you have gained no achievements at all even after five years in the military. You neither have money nor power, do you think you are still worthy of my daughter?!"

Everyone inside the house was in dead silence.

They breathed heavily, yet no one spoke a word.

After a short pause, Johnson continued, "I'm not being pragmatic. But, life is that cruel. I initially wanted you to divorce Emma the moment you returned home. However, I've decided to give you one more chance for the sake of my decades of friendship with your father.

"Half a year's time. I'll give you half a year.

"If you manage to achieve some success within half a year, I'm not asking you to be rich, but you should at least be able to earn a position in the office, only then do I allow you to be my daughter-in-law!

"Otherwise, pack your things and get out of the house!

"I mean what I say."

Emma and Felicia looked troubled. Both the mother and daughter did not have such deep hatred for Janice. However, Janice had just returned home, and Johnson's harsh words were truly making things difficult for Janice.

Johnson rose up and said, "I just received a notification. I need to return to the department for a meeting. I'll leave first."

Felicia asked, "But, the family banquet is about to start soon. Aren't you joining us?"

Johnson shook his head and said, "No, I'm not. I've just received news about the arrival of a new officer who would take charge of the merging of the three districts at Shaol, Desert Cele and Oceania Hail. I need to hurry back to the department for a meeting to discuss how to welcome the new officer.

"I can't afford any mistakes in this case. This is related to the Hill family's future. More so, it's closely related to me if I would attain a higher rank in this city.

"Even other departments have their eyes laid on this case. Therefore, I must not let others step ahead of me.

"You could explain to the old man on my behalf. By the way, Janice, since you're home, you may join the family banquet with Emma so that you could have your eyes opened."

Johnson put on an outwear and left the house in a hurry for a discussion on how to welcome the new officer.

In the house, Felicia comforted Janice, "Jan, don't be sad. As long as you work hard, John wouldn't criticize you anymore."

"Noted, Mother."

After that, Janice boarded Emma's car and headed toward I-Heart Hotel.

Today was the annual family banquet for the Hill family. All the respectable family members would attend the banquet.

On the way, Janice looked sideways outside the window without a word.

Although both of them were husband and wife, they were not familiar with each other at all.

Emma had mistakenly thought that Janice was still angry. She said faintly, "You don't have to be upset by it. My father is used to this temper. Even so, what he said was true. If you continue like this, do you think it is appropriate?

"You're not young anymore, and you've achieved nothing even until this day. You can't expect us to feed you for the rest of your life, right?"

Janice remained indifferent. There was not even the slightest change in her expression.

Emma started to get a little angry. She sighed, "You're hopeless."

When they were about to reach I-Heart Hotel, Emma reminded him, "Later when you go in, you should talk less. If anyone says something unpleasant about you, just smile and forget about it. Don't be so calculative, okay?"