0004##Chapter 4

##After they entered the hotel lobby, they saw that fine dining banquet tables had been neatly arranged.

The people who came and left were dressed in luxurious outfits with fancy jewelry.

They were also holding glasses of wine while having happy conversations.

Emma led Janice to a table at the center of the hall and smiled as she spoke to an old man. "Grandpa!"

The old man was the current head of the Hill family, Richard Hill.

He narrowed his eyes. "Hello, Emma. Why have you only arrived now? I've been waiting for you in agony. Come on, have a seat."

When he turned around, he saw Janice beside Emma. "Who is this?" he asked in confusion.

Emma lowered her head and responded with a lack of confidence, "She's my partner, Janice Wilson."


Richard sized Janice up before he said, "I heard that you joined the army. I didn't expect you to be back today. Come, have a seat."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

As soon as Janice sat down, Harvard Hill sarcastically questioned her from across the table. "Janice, did you have a good life during the past five years you were out there?"

"It was so-so."

"Really? Was there a special car that picked you up when you were about to return?"

"I'm not one for red tape, so I omitted it."

Harvard laughed. "Red tape? Haha, don't play dumb. You weren't discharged because of incompetence, were you?"

Every member of the family looked at Janice with ridicule, and their gazes were filled with contempt.

Janice did not say anything.

Harvard mistakenly assumed that Janice' thoughts had been exposed and he could not give an explanation. Therefore, Harvard continued to sarcastically say, "But, it's fine. The Wilson family still has Shalom Technology. Even if you didn't have a good life, you won't be starved once you come back."

When Harvard mentioned this, Janice' expression changed a little.

Emma was even angrier.

Shalom Technology was the talk of the town, so it was impossible for Harvard to not know that Scott had committed suicide. He talked about it in front of everyone because he wanted to humiliate Janice.

Others kindly reminded him. "Harvard, what nonsense are you talking about? Darcy Davis owns Shalom Technology now. Does it have anything to do with the Wilson family?"

"Oh, you're right." Harvard stared at Janice. He wore a cold smile as he said, "Sorry, I don't have a good memory. I forgot."

He patted his chest and added, "Don't worry, though. Even if you don't have a good life, and you've lost your company, you won't starve to death. As the second brother, I'll surely take care of you. I think you have quite a fit body. Why don't you come to my company and work as a security guard or doorkeeper? I can pay you six thousand dollars a month. What do you think?"

"Stop it!" Richard yelled in a low voice, and it made Harvard shut his mouth.

"We're a family. Be careful of what you say."

He looked at Janice again. "Janice, your current situation isn't very good. I hope you can work harder and catch up with us. Otherwise, I think it would be best that you not attend the family banquet again."

Others including Harvard looked on happily as Janice was humiliated.

Emma's complexion turned pale. She had never been so embarrassed before.

Meanwhile, Janice had calmed down a long time ago. Her face no longer displayed any anger and sadness. It seemed as though what other people said had nothing to do with him.

Richard Hill saw his face, and he became so angry that he slammed the table. "You're not worthy to be taught!"

Right then, some honks were heard outside the hotel.

More than ten white BMWs were aligned as they stopped in front of the hotel. There was a silvery-black Bentley in the middle, which was worth more than a million dollars, and it showcased its owner's noble status.

"Jade and Donald are here!" Harvard stood up happily. At the same time, he did not forget to turn back and speak sarcastically to Janice. "Janice, you've also just returned from the military. Look at their extravagance and manners. Both of you recently left the military, yet why are you so different? You said that you didn't like red tape? Ha-ha, even if you liked it, would a single person be bothered with you, let alone a team of cars?!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Come along, we need to welcome your sister and brother-in-law."

Richard got up and walked to the door. Others also stood up and followed him. If those people could make Richard personally welcome them, it was obvious how high-status they were.

When Richard reached the entrance, he stood straight.

After the Bentley's door was opened, Jade Hill held her husband, Donald Brick's arm as they got out of the car.

"Grandpa, why did you personally come and welcome us? I feel so flattered." Donald spoke in a gruff voice.

"Hey, you're a deputy commander in the war zone. Shouldn't an ordinary person like me come and welcome you?"

"Grandpa, please don't say that. Let's go inside quickly. Don't catch a cold."

"Come, let's go inside."

People surrounded Donald while they enthusiastically welcomed him into the room.

"Come, Donald, Jade, come and sit with me."

The old man happily ushered Donald and Jade to his side. He was smiling the entire time, totally different from his attitude toward Janice earlier.

There were ten seats at a table. They did not anticipate a visit from Janice in the beginning, so there was one seat less.

"Hey, we need one more seat," Harvard said.

Richard casually glanced around before he nonchalantly said, "Janice, you stand for a while first. I'll get the waitress to bring you a chair later."

His tone was calm, and he did not pay attention to Janice at all.

By the side, Emma was so angry that she clenched her fists, but she could not do a thing.

Janice smiled bitterly before she got up and stood by the table.

Richard and Donald spoke happily, and Richard kept asking Donald about his recent situation. Yet, just now, he never showed Janice the slightest concern.

The difference was totally obvious.

After they talked for a while, Jade pointed at Janice and said, "Emma, is this your husband who joined the army, Janice Wilson?"


"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've met him. Why don't you introduce her to us?"

Harvard laughed and said, "Why should she introduce Janice? Her family has fallen, she didn't succeed in the army, and she doesn't even have a job. On top of that, she relies on the Hill family. Why should she introduce such rubbish? I'm afraid she'll pollute your eyes, Jade."

"Oh? Is it that bad?"

Jade felt delighted. Ever since she was little, she never had something that was better than Emma.

Her results could never compare to Emma's, and their appearances, as well as figures, were also totally different. Emma had always outshone her in all aspects. Now, she finally found a chance to release her grievances.

She held Donald's arm and said in a coquettish way, "Dear, didn't you also join the military? Since both of you have joined, why don't you get Janice a job in the war zone?"

Donald frowned. "Are you joking? Can anyone simply enter the war zone? You won't be qualified to enter if you're not at a certain level, especially when it comes to our war zone."

Donald turned back and sized Janice up. "What's your military rank?" he asked.

"Goddess of War," Janice said indifferently.