0005##Chapter 5

##The crowd stared at one another, 'Goddess of War? What kind of post is that?'

Donald fake coughed and said, "I don't know much about the situation over the west coast. However, I do know everything about military ranks. There is no such position as "Goddess of War". Janice, stop making up stories."

Just then, the crowd was relieved to hear that.

"So, it is a made-up story, after all. No wonder I've never heard of it."

"He should have made up a more reliable story."

"A position where not even Donald is aware of. That position certainly does not exist."

Emma was confronted with the cursing from the crowd. She felt embarrassed and wished to dig a hole and hide inside.

Meanwhile, Janice was very relaxed. He said casually, "Perhaps, you've not gotten in touch with him, that's why you've not heard of it."

The crowd fell silent.

Then, there was an instant uproar. The crowd stared at Janice as if they were looking at an idiot.

She was outrageous and could simply spew out anything.

Who was Donald Brick? He was the deputy commander of the Eastland warzone. He was only second to the commander, and a leader of more than ten thousand people. Even Mr. Richard had to pay his respect for Donald and be polite to him.

How dare Janice accuse Donald of not knowing him just because Donald had not gotten in touch with her? Did he mean that she was superior to Donald?

After a moment of silence, the crowd burst into laughter.

Harvard pointed at Janice, and said, "Emma, could you please take this weirdo home? She's putting herself to shame over here. Is it appropriate for her to do so?"

Donald also showed a disdainful look.

"Someone who is obviously of lower status, yet, she still shamelessly wants to prove herself. This would only make herself a laughing stock to others.

"I don't look down upon you because of your low status. But, your lack of shame makes me sick!

"Get lost! I'll lose my appetite if I see you around here."

Harvard played along with Donald and said, "Loser, didn't you hear him? He asked you to get lost!"

The atmosphere instantly turned awkward.

Richard waved his hand at Emma, and said, "Emma, ask Janice to take her meal at the table over the corner there."

"Noted, Grandpa."

Emma rose up. She reached out and grabbed Janice's wrist. She gritted her teeth, dragged Janice away from the scene, and led her to a corner.

Janice shook his head slightly and continued to eat.

"Do you still have the appetite to eat?!" Emma yelled fiercely at her, "I'm so angry now! How could you still act like nothing's wrong, Janice?! Do you know the word "disgrace"?!"

Janice said calmly, "Something that is genuine cannot be faked, likewise, something that is fake cannot be made genuine."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll understand about it sooner or later."

At the head table, Richard asked, "Donald, I would like to seek your advice for a certain thing."

Donald smiled and replied, "Grandpa, that's very polite of you. There's no need to "seek advice" from me. I guess you must have wanted to know about the new superior, right?"

"That's very true indeed. Donald, you guessed it right the first time!"

Donald said, "The merging among the three districts is something big. The officer in charge could consider the position as either a lucrative sinecure or a trap."

"Why do you say so?"

"That's simple. As the chief officer in charge of the three districts, he has to allocate all the resources evenly. As long as he handles them well, he would be gaining various sources of income, right? However, the problem lies with the willingness of the original teams of the three districts that determine if they would allow him to do so. The original teams comprise people from the government, business arena, local authority and many other forces. Therefore, it's not easy to reconcile with all of them. In other words, the new chief officer in charge must be someone who is capable of taking charge of the situation."

Richard nodded and asked again, "Do you know who is this new superior in chanrge?"

"I don't know."

"The new superior is someone whom you don't even know about?"

Donald replied awkwardly, "Of course, there is a vast difference between my level and his. The only clue I've got is that the chief officer in charge comes from the west coast."

"West coast?"

Richard unwittingly looked at the table at the corner. The next moment, he was upset by his own idiocy and shook his head.

"Donald, you have to be more attentive to this matter. When the new superior arrives, you have to strive to gain more benefits for the Hill family. The merging of the three districts would bring ample opportunities for various sources of income. A little from them is more than sufficient for the Hill family to last a long time."

Donald patted his chest and said, "Don't worry. I'll take all the matters related to the Hill family to my heart. The new superior would take office within a few days. I'll personally greet the new superior. By then, I'll certainly speak for the Hill family, so there's no need to worry about not gaining any benefits, right?"

"Geez, I thank you for that, Donald."

"You're welcome, Grandpa."

"Come, let's have a toast."


When they were about to raise a toast, they saw three black Rolls Royce outside the entrance. Each of them was worth more than ten million dollars. Not any ordinary person could afford to own one.

Who had such a grandeur bearing?

Richard and Donald locked gaze. They paused their toasting and walked over to the entrance.

Three Rolls Royce stopped at the entrance. The car doors were opened. Several men in military uniforms got out of the cars. They unloaded a huge pennant from each car.

The leader of the military men marched forward to Richard and gave him a military salute.

"Good day, Mr. Hill. We are from the warzone. We purposely came to present pennants as our token of appreciation for your grandson-in-law's outstanding contribution at the warzone."



Without giving it a second thought, Richard immediately thought of Donald. He said, "Oh, Donald, you couldn't have been better than this! Your superior has actually sent his people to present the pennants for you. It's truly an honor to the Hill family!"

"U-Uh…" Donald smiled awkwardly.

His heart fluttered a little and thought to himself, 'Judging from my ability and capability, how on earth do I deserve to be awarded these pennants?'

He could not even afford a pennant, let alone three of them.

The three pennants were opened.

"Loyalty and righteousness" were embroidered on the first pennant.

"Invincible in battle" was embroidered on the second pennant.

"A lasting legacy" was embroidered on the third pennant.

Each of the words carried a profound meaning. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry could afford to be honored this way.

Not even Donald's warzone commander could afford one of those pennants, let alone Donald himself.

Donald was puzzled. He wondered what was the special contribution he had contributed to deserve three pennants for his recognition. He had to ask his superior when he got back to them.

On the other hand, Richard smiled from ear to ear, and said, "Good, that's very good of you, Donald. You've truly made the Hill family proud of you. Come, receive the pennants and hang them in the hall!"


After the pennants were delivered, the officers from the warzone returned to the cars and drove away.

At that moment, Emma looked at the three pennants from the table at the corner. She smiled wanly and said, "My older sister has truly married to an ideal man."

She was green with envy.

Were there any women on earth who did not wish to be married to a capable man? Were there any women on earth who did not wish their men were above the rest?

At that moment, Emma felt bitter.

Meanwhile, Janice sat at the side. When she saw those three pennants,s he mumbled to herself, 'I've already told them that I hate this type of red tape. Yet, they still delivered them over. How annoying!'

She shook her head and continued to eat.