0015##Chapter 15

##After Janice hung up, she said nonchalantly, "He says he would deliver in ten minutes."

"Pfff! You wouldn't stop pretending, huh?!" Melvin pointed at his head, and said, "If you could get a basket of diamonds, each of them being the same as mine, I, Melvin Payne would chop off my head, and give it to you as a chair. Otherwise, you will leave Emma."

Emma frowned and said, "What are you talking about?!"

Melvin stared at Janice, "How is it? How about a bet with me?"

Janice fell silent.

Emma pulled his sleeve and said, "Just ignore this joker."

Melvin grew more confident when he saw Janice kept quiet. "Haha! You dare not make a bet with me because I've exposed your lies, right?"

Janice shook her head, and said, "No. I just felt a little too much to chop off your head because of such a trivial matter."

"Pooh!" Melvin rose up and said, "Janice, would you stop bragging?! Let me ask you again, do you dare to make a bet with me or not?!"

"Alright. Let's make a bet, then."

Melvin smiled happily. He seemed to have foreseen the image of Janice divorcing Emma.

At that moment, Janice's phone rang again.

"The goods have arrived. You guys wait for me for a few minutes."

She rose up and walked out of the door. Melvin shouted from behind, "Hey, we're all waiting for you. Kid, don't you take the advantage to sneak out!"

Watching Janice's silhouette leaving the house, both Emma and Felicia broke into sweats.

A basket of diamonds?

Even the nearest jewelry shop could not come out with it within a short period of time, let alone Janice.

If Janice lost the bet this time, was she going to divorce Emma for real?

After a while, Janice returned.

She carried a basket with his right hand. The top of the basket was covered with a crimson cloth.

Janice returned to them. She placed the basket on the coffee table. She reached out to uncover the red cloth and revealed many dazzling diamonds, each the size of a goose egg.

Each of them was dazzling and crystal clear, and bigger than Melvin's. The basket was filled with diamonds, and most likely there were hundreds of them in it.

The light shone on the diamonds, reflecting rays of light, and the house glowed splendidly.

"No, that's impossible."

Melvin reached out to doff the diamonds on the surface. He wanted to check if the bottom was padded with stones. However, he was shocked by the discovery.

Not only was the surface covered with diamonds, but even the bottom also full of diamonds.

It was truly a basket of diamonds. There was not even a rock found.

Felicia took out a few diamonds, placed them on her palm, and carefully observed them. As a woman, she was more knowledgeable in items such as diamonds. After repeated observation, she realized they were truly authentic diamonds.

"That's amazing... How much is this basket of diamonds worth?

"Even if each costs three hundred thousand dollars on average, it would cost at least more than thirty million dollars for hundreds of them."

"Tom, are you sure these diamonds were discarded and simply littered all over the place on the west coast?"

Janice shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes. On the west coast, all everyone cared about was food, drink, and clothes. These rocks were all over the streets, and have long become a familiar sight."

Felicia asked skeptically, "Why is no one picking them up, then?"

"We may be alive when we collect them. But, we may not come back alive. Moreover, it would be very troublesome to carry these things with us. As such, one's survival takes more precedence."

"So, this is it."

Felicia sighed. She wondered why Janice had not taken some home. Otherwise, she would have become a millionaire, right?

Actually, if Felicia had known about Janice' title and the properties under his ownership, she would not sigh as she just did.

That basket of diamonds was just a drop in the bucket compared to Janice' properties nowadays. The diamonds were just a drop in the ocean.

Melvin's face turned fiery red.

He swore that Janice had been bragging just now. Somehow, he really turned up with a basket of diamonds. Melvin felt his face was hot.

Emma snorted, "By the way, I remember someone used to say that he would chop off his head to make it a chair if there's indeed a basket of diamonds, right?"

Melvin gulped, and said, "That… It's just a joke. How could you guys take it seriously?"

Janice said coldly, "As a real man, how could you not fulfil your own promise?"

Melvin looked at Janice coldly. He grinned, and poked his neck forward, "Alright. I eat my words. Come, chop my head off!"

Emma blurted out in disdain, "Scoundrel!"

Suddenly, Janice held Melvin's head down with her left hand and pinned him against the coffee table. She grabbed a fruit knife with his right hand, aimed at his neck and cut!

The surroundings fell into dead silence.

The moment Melvin saw the knife cutting at him, his legs went weak in an instant.

The sound of a bang rang out. The fruit knife merely grazed Melvin's neck, and it stuck straight to the table.

The tip of the knife cut through his neck, leaving a shallow wound with blood streaming down on the table.

Melvin laid on the table like a corpse, not daring to move at all.

Janice said coldly, "Next time, I'm not going to miss. Get lost now."

"Right, I'll head out now."

Melvin stopped spewing nonsense. He rose up, touched his neck, and strode toward the door. He almost stumbled and crawled while making his way out of the Hill family's entrance. At the door, he nearly hit Johnson head-on, who just came back from buying ingredients.

"Eh, Melvin, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Aren't you staying up for dinner?" Johnson shouted in confusion.

Melvin did not even look back. He fled as swift as lightning.

Johnson slowly walked into the house, and asked, "What's wrong with Melvin?"

Felicia rolled her eyes at him, and said, "Melvin who? He's just scum. In the future, don't let someone like him enter the house. It makes us sick to even have to look at him."


When Johnson noticed that basket of diamonds on the table, his jaw-dropped, "What are these?"

Felicia said, "By the way, Tom, hurry and return the basket of diamonds to your friend. We couldn't afford to compensate if we lose them."

Janice shrugged his shoulder, and said, "It's okay. They were picked up from the west coast anyway."

"You can't say that. You better return them soon."


Janice carried the basket out and returned to the house after a few minutes. She looked slightly bitter.

Felicia noticed something was wrong, and asked, "Tom, what's wrong with you? Aren't you in good shape all the while? Did someone say something bad about you?"

Janice heaved a sigh, and said, "Father, Mother, Emma, I would like to seek your help for this."

"Spill the beans. There's no need to be that polite with us."

"It's Scott's birthday in five days. I would like to invite all of you to attend the memorial service together."

Jonhnson said, "Regarding this matter, we've got no reasons not to attend. After all, your father and myself are old schoolmates and friends. You're also my daughter-in-law. Don't worry, we'll attend together in five days."

"Thank you, Father. I'll call Grandpa and others to give them a notice."

Johnson and Felicia locked gazes. He said in a deep voice, "As for others, I think it's best to forget about them."