0016##Chapter 16

##Johnson advised, "The Hill family values personal abilities very much. If you have the same status as Donald, or if the Wilson family still possesses Shalom Technology, a bunch of people will take the initiative to call you and ask you to attend the memorial service before you say anything.

"Now, you don't have money and a bright career, so nobody is willing to acknowledge you. It'd be better if you don't call them."

Janice smiled bitterly. "It depends on them whether they want to acknowledge me or not, but it's also up to me to inform them. Besides, I also want to see how the Hill family treats me."

"Sigh, just make the call if you want."

Firstly, Janice called the head of the Hill family, Richard.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Grandpa, it's me, Janice Wilson."

Richard was hesitant for a while. "Janice? Why are you calling me?"

"I just want to inform you that it'll be my late brother's birthday in five days. I want to organize a memorial service for him, and I would like to invite you."

There was silence on the other end of the call for a few seconds.

"Janice, I'm not heartless, but I really can't attend this memorial service."


"It's simple. You should know how your brother died. He had a huge amount of debt, so he jumped off a building to commit suicide. That is very negative publicity. Meanwhile, the Hill family is in the midst of vigorous development and positive progress. How can we be related to such a negative message? If the reporters see us and report the news, do you know how huge the impact will be on the Hill family?"

It sounded like a real proper reason.

Janice shook his head slightly. This excuse was truly new.

"Grandpa, if you don't attend, the Wilson family will not be related to the Hill family anymore," he answered indifferently.

"Hmm? Are you threatening me?"

"No, I just want to know your attitude toward the Hill family."

"My attitude? Okay, let me tell you clearly, the Hill family doesn't care about the Wilson family at all! We better make our relationship clear so that you won't need the Hill family to pay your debts for you."

After Richard spoke, he hung up, showing a firm attitude.

Johnson shook his head. "I told you. Why did you still call them?"

Janice smiled bitterly. "It's fine. I'll get Jade and Donald to ask them."

Emma walked over. "Let me call them. You're not close with them. If I ask them, maybe they'll want to go."

Janice smiled faintly as he nodded.

Emma then called Jade.

"Hello, Emma, what is it?"

"Jade, here's the thing. In five days…"

After listening to Emma's explanation, Jade sneered, "Emma, you're kidding me, right? Are you asking me to attend the memorial service of that weird woman's brother? Stop joking. Besides, don't you know that all the places on West River Coast will be reconstructed? At that time, that place will be totally blocked. You can't even get near the river, let alone organize a memorial service.

"Listen to me, divorce that unlucky woman as early as possible. I know a lot of excellent women and I can introduce them to you at any time. Why do you want to suffer with her?"

The longer Emma listened to her, the angrier she got. She hung up without answering at all.

She took a deep breath for a moment before she said, "Jade brought up a good point. In five days, West River Coast will be transformed, so the memorial service can't be held."

Janice nonchalantly said, "It's okay, I've made arrangements."

"You've made arrangements?" Johnson sneered. "Janice, although you've performed quite well these few days and I've changed my perspective of you, you have to be realistic. You can't just say whatever you want. Fine, in light of this, I won't be attending the memorial in five days either. I don't want to be embarrassed at that time."

"Dad, can't you support Janice?" Emma was a little anxious.

"I've been very supportive. If I didn't support him, I would've kicked him out of the house!" Johnson sighed. "I actually want to attend, but how can I attend in this situation? When the time comes, we might not be able to get close to the riverbank. Worse still, we might even get caught. I can't afford to be so humiliated. Jan, I'm not going this time."

After Johnson spoke, he stood up and walked straight into his room.

Emma stared at Janice and comforted her. "Don't be upset. My father isn't against you."

"I know."

Janice took his phone and continued to make another call. "I'll go and call the others."

"Hello, Gilbert…"


"Is this Aaron?"


"Gwenneth, it's me, Janice Wilson."


"Hello, is Mr. Davis home?"


Janice made at least forty calls in succession, and he received the same answers. They were all not attending.

Janice was poor and had no property under his name at that moment, so he could not catch anyone's eyes, and nobody was willing to acknowledge him.

Janice let out a long sigh.

"Now, I fully understand how everyone feels."

Emma walked over. "Janice, don't be so sad. At least, I'll still attend. Don't worry, I'll attend Scott's memorial service in five days. Even if they block the site, we can still hold the memorial service from afar to express our sincerity."

Janice felt a little comforted.

She stared at Emma and casually said, "Emma, you're the only reason that I continue to remain in the Hill family. From today onward, other than you, nobody in the Hill family has anything to do with me."

Emma chuckled and purposely asked, "What about my parents?"

Janice pondered for a while. "I'll take care of your parents for you, but that's the limit of what I'll do."

Emma thought that Janice had said that out of anger.

However, only Janice knew that it was a decision she had firmly made.

He understood everyone's attitude today, so he did not need to show the Hill family members respect anymore.

Emma was the only exception.


In an office on the fourth floor of the Hill family's office building, Harvard was busy working in front of a computer. Meanwhile, his eldest sister, Jade walked in. "Hey, has a lazy brat like you also started working now?"

Harvard grinned. "I'm preparing for the event at West River Coast in five days."

Five days? West River Coast?

Jade did not understand, so she asked, "What? Are you attending the memorial service for Janice' dead brother?"

"Bah! Who's going to see that dead brat?" Harvard rolled his eyes at her. "I'm going for the reconstruction project in five days!"


Harvard explained, "For some reason, West River Coast's reconstruction projection has been progressing speedily these past few days, but the subsequent construction projects are not catching up.

"The bidding will be held on-site in five days. If the Hill family can nab the project, we'll absolutely earn a big amount of money!

"Jade, honestly, it's not just me, but Grandpa will also personally go over and participate in the bidding."

Jade blinked. "Whoa! If Grandpa goes in person, it'll create a big scene."