0053##Chapter 53

##Emma was so angry that she scolded in a low voice, "He's such a jerk!"

Thomas patted the dust off her body, and asked, "Who is this? Why do you look so polite to him?"

Emma's face darkened as she said, "He is Javier Kennedy, the chairman of Fonda Enterprise.

"Didn't you get the big renovation project for our Hill family a few days ago? After the board of directors of the Hill family, we realized that the project is too massive. Our family alone could not gather enough preliminary funds for investment, so we have to do it with other companies.

"Javier is the son of Grandpa's old friend. They have a lot of business with our Hill family, and the scale of Fonda Enterprise is also not small. So, Grandpa thought of collaborating with them.

"As the project collaborator, Grandpa naturally asked me to carry out the business negotiation. In the end, you also saw that Javier is a jerk. He is so indirect about the investment, and he keeps looking at me weirdly. I feel uncomfortable."

Janice nodded. In this case, she finally understood what happened.

She said, "In my opinion, it's better to let Grandpa assign someone else to deal with Javier."

Emma nodded. "Yeah, I also think in the same way."

Before she finished speaking, Emma's phone rang. It was a call from her grandfather, Richard.

She picked up the call.

Richard's unhappy voice was heard. "Emma, what's going on? Javier called over just now. He said that you weren't sincere enough, so he doesn't plan to invest and collaborate with us."

Emma was quite unhappy. Did the guilty party file the suit first?

"Grandpa, it's not the case. Javier is a jerk. He didn't even talk about the collaboration. Instead, he kept asking me whether I'm free and if I have a partner. He even wanted me to go to the restaurant tonight to talk about the cooperation!"

Richard said, "Isn't this very normal? You've been pampered since you were little, so you haven't experienced anything yet. Is there any project that isn't discussed at the dining table? Do people still discuss any project in the meeting room? Javier is willing to ask you out and even take the initiative to book a private room. This means that he has the intention to discuss. But look at you, you turned him down! Can you discuss the project like this?"

When Emma heard what he said, she felt sad.

She was the party that felt aggrieved. But, why did she become the wicked party from Richard's perspective?"

Did he just turn the thing upside down?

Richard continued, "This is your first project discussion as the person-in-charge. I guess you don't want it to be ruined, right? If it were Jade, the collaboration would've been confirmed today. Emma, I don't want to criticize you, but you have to work harder and learn from your sister. If the Urban Construction Bureau did not insist, would I make you the person in charge of the project? You have to grasp the chance. Don't always think of yourself as a princess, do you understand?

"I've promised Javier. You have to attend the dinner tonight. You must get the project.

"Otherwise, you can step aside from the project. You don't have to participate anymore, because you're not capable enough!"

After Richard spoke, he hung up with a beep. Emma was just left alone, feeling upset.

Was this her grandfather?

His words were so hurtful. Emma felt extremely depressed when she heard it. If she was not strong, she would have cried out.

At this time, Janice took off her jacket and covered Emma's body with it. Janice held Emma's hand, smiled faintly, and said, "Don't be so sad. It's not a big deal either. If you're scared, I'll go with you tonight."

"Huh? Are you going with me?" Emma felt a little surprised.

"Can't I do it? Grandpa just wants you to attend the dinner, but he didn't let you attend alone. So, it doesn't mean you go against him when you bring me along."

Emma gratefully stared at Janice, and she felt much warmer. It would be much safer if her partner can accompany her.

She nodded. "Okay, we'll go together tonight."