0054##Chapter 54

##At 8.00 pm, in private room number 6 at Gorgeous Night Dining.

Javier booked a table of food and asked about eight colleagues to surround the table. Their common characteristic was that they were all men with big bellies.

He let the waiter prepare a box of white wine, five boxes of beers, and a large bottle of red wine.

The food on the table was very greasy, and it would make people feel sleepy after eating. He did not prepare any food to sober up.

Javier chuckled and said, "We'll do it as usual today. When the girl comes later, just keep making her drunk. After she is drunk, help me carry her into the car and send her to the hotel."

The man with glasses smirked while saying, "Javy, I've booked the hotel room for you, so you can directly go over there. Also, I even prepared some special toys for you."

Javier giggled. "You're still the one who knows me the most."

The man with glasses said, "But Javy, can I make a request this time?"

"Tell me."

"This girl is Emma Hill, the third daughter of the Hill family who is known as the most beautiful woman in the city. She looks extremely gorgeous and charming. A few of us haven't seen a beautiful woman like this before. Javy, can you let us see her tonight?"

Javier was happy. "You have such a willful wish. Fine, I agree!"

"Yeah! Thank you so much!"

"Javy is so kind!"

All of them kept flattering Javier, and wicked lights shone in their eyes.

Especially Javier. When he thought about Emma's delicate face and her sexy and youthful figure, he subconsciously gulped. He could not wait to immediately hold that beautiful woman in his arms.

Someone said with worries, "But Javy, I heard that Emma Hill is a stone-cold fox. She is not easy to deal with. Also, isn't the Hill family on good terms with the Kennedy family? There seem to be many business collaborations between the companies. If the scene is made bigger, I'm afraid we can't end it well."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Javier scoffed, "The business of the Hill family has dropped in recent years. They almost can't make it into the second class. How can they be compared to the Kennedy family?

"Besides, this woman is very coquettish."

People looked at each other, and they showed wicked smiles.

After a while, a waiter pushed open the door and said, "Please come this way."

People in the private room looked at the door at the same time, and all of them looked as ferocious as beasts. They knew that their target had arrived tonight!

Indeed, Emma walked into the private room.

At this time, her outfit was the same as the day. But, under the night light, she looked more feminine and sexier.

While everyone felt very happy, a woman suddenly walked inside with Emma.

It was Janice.

The man with glasses whispered, "Javy, what's going on here?"

Javier coldly said, "Darn it. How dare she brings her partner here. Does she think this can stop me? She wishes!"

He whispered to the man with glasses, "Don't bother her. Just do it according to the plan. Get this woman drunk together. Later, I'll defile Emma Hill in front of her."

The man with glasses smiled so brightly that he could not close his mouth. He had never enjoyed this kind of excitement before.

All of them stood up and welcomed Emma.

Javier pointed at the empty stool and said, "Emma, this is the stool that I prepare for you. Please take your seat."

Emma sat down, and Janice sat right next to her.

Looking at their puzzled gazes, Emma explained, "This is my partner, Janice Wilson."