Chapter 33: Hunter, Hunter

Days passed with nothing to show for it. Malota was still being held captive in the Farradorian prisons and the rest of the troupe were confined to their rooms. The overall health had begun to improve some days after which relieved Gisella, but her stressors were far from diminishing.

She had not seen or heard from Ryre since she and Garrat had chained him in that secret room; not that she hadn’t tried. Gisella would go to his room every day and find out about his current situation from Garratt, who would only shake his head at her and bear bad news.

The lockdown in the castle had not been lifted, as no further evidence was found to support the troupe’s innocence, but neither had been proven that they were in fact guilty of planning the attacks. It seemed even Lois, the King’s chief advisor, was becoming antsy.