A New World, A New Beginning [IV]

Qin Wang Zhuang was the mansion of the Qin family. It was well-known in Yanjing and Wuzhen.

"No, since I came out, I never thought about going back. Qin Wang Zhuang has nothing worthy of my time." Qin Ruo said.

For Qin Ruo, he knew it was better to rely on people than on himself at this point in time, but not on the Qin family. They had nothing to do with him. From the dead hapless boy's memories, abandoning him, Qin Wang Zhuang's mansuon left an indelible shame behind it.

"But... as long as the third young master can practice cultivation, then he has status in the family." Uncle Mo didn't understand Qin Ruo's thoughts. He felt that if Qin could cultivate, it meant that he could stand up and restore his status as the young master of the Qin family. He could have breathing space.

"I will get my identity and status by myself, not through the Qin family." Qin Ruo went to practice after speaking.

If it was the former Qin Ruo, the first choice would be to return to the Qin family since he could practice, but for Qin Ruo now, there was no way he was doing that. Yes, the Qin family was a big family, but what is the essence of a large family if they abandoned him on his own?

Back in the room, after Qin Ruo used the flowing veins acupoint again, he began to practice according to the technique in the reincarnation manuscript in his memory.

After practicing all night, Qin Ruo felt that his cultivation was not far from the second level of physical training, and at the same time he understood what was going on with his veins.

The unlucky person's aptitude was not bad, but it wasn't very good either. He was actually poisoned by someone which blocked his veins. Although the problem with the veins had not been completely solved yet, the speed of his cultivation was much higher than that of ordinary people.

After eating early, Qin Ruo walked towards Yanjing Academy. He was going to ask his tutor for leave. Although it was a waste of time, but in order to fulfill the dead hapless guy's wish, Qin Ruo endured it. The main point was that he didn't want to leave any knots undone in fulfilling this hapless' guy's wishes.

Entering the premises, he found that many people were far away from him, and they were all talking about it. This made him understand that this was the reason why he beat Tang Zhan yesterday. As soon as he walked to the teaching building of the music department, he was stopped by a few people.

"Qin Ruo, you are so courageous that you twisted Tang Zhan's arm. This is like hitting my Tang family's face. Since you broke one of his arms, I will break your own too today." said the leading man.

Looking at the man in front of him, Qin Ruo didn't say a word. He simply combined all the memories of the hapless guy, and immediately, he knew who he was in front of him. He was Tang Feng of the Tang family, a direct descendant of the Tang family.

Tang Feng in front of him was at the fifth level of physical training. Qin Ruo didn't know if he could beat him by relying on mental power, but it was not his character to dodge fights.

"Tang Feng, if you have any conflicts with Qin Ruo, you can't come here to make trouble, right?" At this time, a tall and beautiful woman stood up.

"It turned out to be Miss Gu Yun, the eldest daughter of Miss Ran. Since Miss Gu said so, I Tang Feng gave her this face. Qin Ruo, you can still take your class." Tang Feng turned and left.

The Gu family was also one of the six major families in Wuzhen, and its power was similar to that of the Tang family. That was why Tang Feng was unwilling to offend Gu Yun by beating up Qin Ruo.

Nodding to Gu Yun, Qin Ruo didn't say anything, but walked towards the tutor's office. He was going to ask the hapless guy's tutor for leave.

"Miss, Qin Ruo didn't even have a word of thanks. You really shouldn't care about him that much." said a woman next to Gu Yun.

As the eldest lady of the Gu family, one of the six major families in China, Gu Yun had a companion, and her companion was Qu Fei.

"Qin Ruo's destiny is very bitter. I can help him if I can. This is nothing. Tang Feng is also disgusting. In addition, I feel that Qin Ruo has changed." Gu Yun sighed and then entered the classroom.

Qu Fei knew why Gu Yun sighed because Mrs. Gu was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and her life was only a few months away.

Qin Ruo thought about how to solve the next situation as he walked. He knew that Tang Feng would be blocking him for a while. After thinking about it for some time, he felt that he could only endure it stubbornly. As for winning, he knew that even if he had mental support, the chance was not great.

When Qin Ruo first arrived at the door of the tutor's office, the tutor came out.

"Teacher Lin, I want to ask for leave." Qin Ruo said his purpose.

"I know your situation. Although I really want you to stay in school, it is really not possible at the moment. Then, when you come to take the test, don't give up your homework when you are at home." Teacher Lin sighed and said, helplessly. Excellent students were facing persecution in the hands of bad forces, and he could do nothing about it.

"Thank you mentor." Qin Ruo saw the helpless expression of this mentor Lin, and had some respect for the mentor.

"Let's go. Let's finish this class first!" Teacher Lin led Qin Ruo into the classroom.

When Qin Ruo found a place, he reluctantly sat down.

"Our country's music has a long history. Now it's popular music and popular instruments. But as students of the Music Department of Yenching Academy , we can't be like outsiders. Let's talk about Zither today! Zither was popular in Qin during the Warring States period. It has a history of more than two thousand five hundred years. Maybe you won't come into contact with this in the future, but as a music instructor, for the continuation of the Zither, we still have to do some necessary efforts." Teacher Lin said, pointing to a on the side of the platform.

After Qin Ruo sat down, he began to practice. As for what music the instructor said, he was not interested.

"Qin Ruo, few people in our music department can compare to you, in your understanding of corded instrumental music. What do you think of the Zither?" Teacher Lin called Qin Ruo's name, and asked.

Standing up, Qin Ruo didn't know what to say. He was not good at teaching or showing people how something was done. As a famous alchemist in the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent, many people want to follow him, but he was not good at being a leader. So he had no disciples.

"Speak freely, Qin Ruo.." The instructor gave Qin Ruo an encouraging look.

"I don't know how to say this, so I will try to perform it for you!" Qin Ruo said and sat down in front of the Zither.