A New World, A New Beginning [V]

Touching the Zither, Qin Ruo closed his eyes and thought of his master, Qian Ziwei, a super powerhouse from the Profound Sky Continent. Qian Ziwei paid attention to the cultivation of the soul. For the purpose of meditation, in order to cultivate the power of the soul faster, Qian Ziwei asked Qin Ruo to play the guzheng.

With a sigh of relief, Qin Ruo moved his fingers.

The rhythm was like flowing water, and a bright moon heart pops out.

As the zither sounded, the classroom fell silent.

After Qin Ruo returned to his seat after a long time, the classroom responded with thunderous applause.

"Music that can affect people's mood is good music. I never imagined that your guzheng attainments have gone far beyond the piano. Just now I felt like standing under the moon, watching the moon quietly, and there was still an inexplicable sadness in my heart. Qin, what is the name of the song? Why haven't I heard it?" After the applause, the instructor looked at Qin Ruo and asked.

"This song is a song that I have occasionally felt before, and it is called The Magical World." Qin Ruo stood up and said, his heart was greatly impacted. Just now he accidentally merged his mental energy into the song. It's hard to think that the music had such a big impact on the human soul.

"The Magical World, okay! Sit down!" The instructor nodded to Qin Ruo.

Next, what the teacher said Qin Ruo didn't listen, he was still thinking about the effect of the fusion of the music and the spirit.

After class, Qin Ruo walked towards the gate of the school, he wanted to see what Tang Feng could do with him now.

"Qin Ruo, can you lend me Ming Yuexin's music score? I want to play it to my mother, and hope she will be happy in the last few months." Not far from the school gate, Gu Yun and Qu Fei Caught up with Qin Ruo.

"There is nothing to give you. It's just a piece of music you make at will. Wait, your mother is sick?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Yes, it is a cardiovascular blockage. The doctor said that there is no cure, and there is still a few months to live at most." Gu Yun's face was sad.

"I know some medical skills, so I'll take a look when I have time." Qin Ruo continued to move forward after speaking.

"You really dare to come out!" Tang Feng, who was standing close to the school gate, shouted and surrounded Qin Ruo with the people around him.

"Qin Ruo, in order to thank you for your score, I would like to invite you to a meal today. If you have something to do with Tang Feng, please solve it later!" Without waiting for Qin Ruo to speak, Gu Yun spoke.

"Miss Gu, are you trying to protect him?" Tang Feng's expression looked unsightly. Although the ancient family was powerful, the Tang family was not weak, and even better than the ancient family.

"What do you mean by that? Can't I invite Qin Ruo to dinner today?" Gu Yun said with a frown.

"Okay, I will give Miss Gu a face, Qin Ruo, you can't hide from the first day of the year, and you can't hide from the fifteenth." Tang Feng finished speaking and turned away.

"Thank you, Miss Guta, for your relief. Even if you eat, I will bring you the score next time." Qin Ruo left after speaking.

Seeing Qin Ruo leave, Qu Fei snorted coldly, she felt that Qin Ruo didn't know good or bad.

"Where has it changed? Eyes, breath." Gu Yun murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, Miss, Qin Ruo's eyes are very deep, and his breath is also very steady. Unlike the only promises he used to do before, he can still use medical skills? Huyou people don't write drafts." Qu Fei also felt Qin Ruo had change.

After returning to his residence, Qin Ruo said hello to Uncle Mo and went to practice. He already had a plan to improve his spiritual strength while improving his cultivation level. Only at the third level of physical training could he be considered a little self-protective.

Knowing that Qin Ruo could cultivate, Uncle Mo wanted to inform Qin Wangzhuang of the news, but in the end he respected Qin Ruo's decision, but he couldn't understand it very much.

Seeing Qin Ruo's hard work, he was very pleased.

After using the golden needle crossing acupoint, Qin Ruo began to practice hard. Today Tang Feng was at the fifth level of physical training. If he had the third level of physical training, Qin Ruo would not be afraid of him. He had the assistance of spiritual power. The speed and responsiveness of the third level of physical training would never fail.

Without going out for three days, behind closed doors, Qin Ruo's cultivation reached the second stage of the physical training.

After tidying up, Qin Ruo went out with only a little money.

When he came to the new world, he wanted to look at the situation outside.

Wandering casually, Qin Ruo found that Yanjing City was very prosperous, but it was one level lower than the Profound Sky Continent. The simplest reason was that the dazzling array of goods in shops and shopping malls were things used by ordinary people, and the transactions in Profound Sky Continent Pinduo was the material used by cultivators.

As he walked, Qin Ruo walked to Jade Street, watching an old man carefully carving a jade pendant by the side of the road, and squatting down to watch.

Qin Ruo can also sculpt. After watching for a while, he found that the level of this old man could not be compared with his own. After thinking about it, Qin Ruo said, "Uncle, are you helping someone to carve?"

"Yes, I was asked to carve this by someone else. If you want to make a custom jade pendant, buy some wool in it." The old man said with a smile.

"How do you charge for this?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Look at the carving, the size, this is five hundred yuan." The old man said with a smile.

Nodded Qin Ruo and walked towards the Jade Street. Although he didn't have much money, he was short of time and couldn't make money as a carver.

At a rubble shop, Qin Ruo stopped because he felt an aura.

With a burst of spiritual power, Qin Ruo found that the spiritual energy was coming from a half-foot-diameter jade, and the middle of the rubble was a fist-sized emerald green jade.

"Boss, how do you sell this rubble?" Qin Ruo asked, pointing to the larger rubble next to the rubble where he found aura.

"Six thousand!" said the owner of the jade shop, a man with a thin gold chain on his fingers.

"Can it be less?" Qin Ruo asked casually. He knew that there was no good jade in this rubble, mainly because he didn't have much money. He was afraid that the boss would scam himself, so he asked about an insignificant rubble.

"It can't be less." The boss said with a glance at Qin Ruo.

"What about this piece? This piece is much smaller." Qin Ruo asked the piece he needed.

"Three thousand!" The boss said aloud and gave Qin Ruo a disapproving look.