Setting Up A Temporary Physician Stall [I]

"Alright, here you go." Qin Ruo took three thousand yuan out of his four thousand and several hundred yuan, and handed it to the merchant.

"The master in our shop still needs money to cut the stone for you." The merchant said after receiving the money.

"Take a bag and put it in. I'll cut it at home by myself." Qin Ruo didn't want to delay here for long.

Shaking his head, the owner of the rubble shop took out a handbag, put the rubble in, and handed it to Qin Ruo. "Do you still want this piece? You can just give me five thousand for it." After handing Qin Ruo's handbag, he pointed to the first rubble Qin Ruo asked about.

The items of this Jade shop were too expensive for potential buyers, so the merchant wanted to use this opportunity to sell more items to Qin Ruo.

Shaking his head, Qin Ruo took the handbag and left the shop. After walking around for several minutes, Qin Ruo spent another thousand yuan on a piece of jade with strong spiritual aura, and a cutting knife, and then left Jade Street.

He could have bought more since some shops on Jade Street still had pieces of jade containing spiritual aura. Particularly, a carved jade pendant, but the asking price was a hundred and eighty thousand yuan. Qin Ruo didn't even bother to price it, but gave up directly.

Back in the small courtyard where he lived, Qin Ruo took out the cutting knife and started processing the jade.

Seeing Qin Ruo fiddling with the stone, Uncle Mo observed without saying a word. When Qin Ruo cut two pieces of emerald green jade in his hand, Uncle Mo's eyes widened. He had been in a big family for a long time and he knew the value of jade.

Saying his greetings to Uncle Mo, Qin Ruo returned to the room holding the pieces of jade and started practicing cultivation.

Spiritual energy was one level higher than true qi. Physical training and earth martial arts produced true qi, but splitting the heavens and breaking the void were the true sources of spiritual energy.

Qin Ruo knew through fusion of memories that the levels of ancient martial arts in this world were physical training, earth martial arts, heavens martial arts, and Void Breaking.

Now there were few martial artists of Heavens Splitting level. They were all Earth Martial Artists, and as to whether there were Void Breaking Artists, Qin Ruo didn't know.

Since the jade contained spiritual energy, which was higher in quality than true chi, Qin Ruo didn't have to laboriously absorb it. The key was to transform the spiritual energy absorbed in the dantian into true energy.

In addition to eating and sleeping, Qin Ruo took seven days to raise his cultivation base to the peak of the second level of physical training, but at this time, he had completely exhausted one of the two pieces of jade. It had turned white, with no traces of aura left in it.

Shaking his head, he threw away the depleted jade in his hand, and brought out the second piece of jade. Absorbing the energy of the stone, Qin Ruo began to hit the third layer of body training.

When Mo Shu saw Qin Ruo working hard to cultivate, his heart was full of joy, and decided not to bother the young master. He remembered when he was rescued by the grandfather of Qin Ruo. That time, he had no family. So, when Qin Ruo's mother got married, he started following her.

Since that time, he had been staying in Qin's mansion for more than ten years, and lived with the mistress' son, Qin Ruo, for more than ten years, looking after him.

Now looking at the Qin Ruo, who was sitting in a lotus position, he sincerely hoped that he could achieve what had been eluding him for all this years.

It took Qin Ruo all night to upgrade his cultivation to the third level of physical training. In the small courtyard, Qin Ruo practiced martial arts for a while.

"Master, what kind of martial arts are you practicing? There is no such martial arts technique in the classics of the Qin family!" Uncle Mo said in surprise.

"It's a martial art technique I got by chance." Qin Ruo replied. What he was practicing was the Dragon Thunder Claws from the reincarnation secret code he obtained in his previous life.

Uncle Mo nodded, he knew that there were many secrets in this young master that he didn't know. It was better to leave them for now.

"Uncle Mo, I'll be going on a trip soon. I'll start making the preparations for it, but the whole journey might take longer than planned." Qin Ruo's aim was to go deep into the mountains to find some medicinal materials.

In the Profound Cloud Continent, Qin Ruo believed in the power of medicinal and spiritual pills. An alchemist that no expert could defeat, strongly depended on the type of pill and whether the pill was well made.

Originally Qin Ruo was not very anxious, but he was a little bit angry by the trash of the Tang family. In addition, he wanted to fight for the hapless guy, so he couldn't be looked down upon.

"Okay, take a sip of tea first. This is the best tea from Wuyi mountain. The place was heralded to be pure green and pollution-free." Mo Shu poured a glass of water for Qin Ruo and said.

"Wuyi Mountain, no pollution? Not bad!" After taking a sip of tea, Qin Ruo felt that Wuyi Mountain was the best place to go.

Originally he planned to go to Shennongjia mountains, but now, he changed his mind. It would be extremely dangerous for him to go to Shennongjia mountains with his current cultivation base.

The dangers of Shennongjia mountains, recorded in books, we're exceedingly high.

Catching a glimpse of uncle Mo, he said his greetings to him and went back to the room to pack his things. After packing his things, and he had no money left on him. Although there was still a chance of making money from selling the remaining spiritual jade, he was reluctant to sell it.

After all, money could be made, but things that contain spiritual energy were hard to find.

Qin Ruo felt that he had to get some money first, or he would have no money to go to Wuyi Mountain. After thinking about it, Qin Ruo decided to set up a street stall and treat people as a doctor.

Holding the silver needles container, Qin Ruo went to the flyover not far from Jade Street, borrowed some chalk from the sister-in-law who was selling socks next to him, and wrote on the concrete floor that he could cure intractable diseases and charge a small fee.

After Qin Ruo left the courtyard, Uncle Mo took out the phone, hesitated for a few seconds, then made a call.

Sitting on the flyover all afternoon, no one came to see the doctor. Patiently waiting, Qin Ruo closed his eyes to meditate, and cultivated his mental power.