Setting Up A Temporary Physician Stall [II]

At the beginning of Hua Deng, there were a lot of people walking around, and many people pointed at Qin Ruo, it was nothing more than a young age who didn't learn well, or learned from liars and the like.

Qin Ruo ignored it, after all, it was hard to believe that he was so young.

"Qin Ruo, what are you doing?" At this moment, a crisp voice awakened Qin Ruo from the state of closing his eyes and restoring his mind.

"Gu Yun?" Qin Ruo didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

"How do you learn the quack trick?" Gu Yun was a little angry.

"Well, I really didn't lie to anyone. I only collected the money when it worked." Qin Ruo was a little embarrassed.

"Huh! I'm too lazy to talk about you. Anyway, this is my mother." Gu Yun said, pointing to the middle-aged beautiful woman next to her.

"Your mother's condition is not very good, can I take a look?" Qin Ruo's voice was a little low. In the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent, Qin Ruo didn't have much contact with women except for his master. Now facing a beautiful woman like Gu Yun, he felt a little nervous.

"What are you really going to see?" Gu Yun glared at Qin Ruo, and she never thought Qin Ruo would come out to set up a stall.

"Yun'er, don't speak so harshly when you've not seen the result!" Mrs. Gu politely scolded her daughter before turning to Qin Ruo in a gentle manner. "Your surname is Qin, right? Just show me what you can do."

Qin Ruo nodded to Mrs. Gu, stretched out his hand to grasp Mrs. Gu's pulse, and glanced at Mrs. Gu's physical strength again.

"Auntie, you have a heart problem. It is the blood flow that is not running smoothly. I have no medicine in my hand. There is really no way to cure you, but it is okay to relieve it." Qin Ruo said.

"I really have a heart problem." Mrs. Gu said with a smile.

Gu Yun's face was ugly. She felt the intimacy was too empty, because she remembered that she and Qin Ruo had discussed that her mother had a cardiovascular blockage.

Qin Ruo took out the silver needles and stabbed two needles on Mrs. Gu's wrist, then the wrist shook and stabbed a few more needles on Mrs. Gu's chest.

"Qin Ruo, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Ruo put the needle at her mother's heart, Gu Yun suddenly became angry and pushed Qin Ruo directly.

Qin Ruo didn't have any precautions, and Gu Yun's body was pushed down directly. Before falling to the ground, Qin Ruo squeezed his hand and didn't fall too ugly, but his palm opened a bloody mouth.

"Yun'er, what are you doing? Quickly help Young Master Qin get up, I am much more relaxed now." Seeing her daughter push Qin Ruo down, Mrs. Gu became a little apprehensive.

After a little daze, Gu Yun felt impulsive, and quickly helped Qin Ruo up. Gu Yun's blush was red, and she really felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, my mother is not in good health, I was just in a hurry."

"It's nothing, I'll help my aunt for treatment. There will be nothing in the short term. I will go out in a few days to get medicinal materials." Qin Ruo didn't blame the ancient rhyme. Who wouldn't be worried for one's mother? And whose mother wouldn't be worried?

Qin Ruo flicked a few times on the silver needle on Mrs. Gu's body, and finally pulled out the silver needle.

"How do you feel, mom?" Gu Yun asked expectantly.

"Okay! A lot easier, and much better than taking medicine from the hospital." Mrs. Gu said with some joy.

"Miss Gu, send Auntie home! Remember not to catch cold." Qin Ruo said to Gu Yun while disinfecting the silver needle.

After thanking Qin Ruo again and again, Gu Yun accompanied her mother. Because it was already cold at night, Mrs. Gu wrapped herself in a protective fur and did not catch the cold.

Gu Yun took Mrs. Gu and left, and Qin Ruo continued to set up the stall, but there were not many people seeing the doctor. By nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Ruo had only earned a little money.

There were not many people coming to se him, but Qin Ruo didn't close the stall. He just sat quietly, waiting for them.

After Gu Yun sent her mother home, she returned. She had been standing on the overpass, looking at Qin Ruo who was squatting on the overpass, and Gu Yun muttered in a voice that only she could hear, "I'm sorry."

She understands what was going on. If Qin Ruo was a lie, it was impossible to wait until now to close the stalls. Besides, her mother's condition was indeed relieved. She understood that Qin Ruo did make money by craftsmanship, which also showed that Qin Ruo was in short supply of money.

"Qin Ruo, thank you." Gu Yun said appreciatively.

"It's nothing more." Qin Ruo said with a smile. Wiping the corner of his eyes, sorting out his emotions, the ancient rhyme came to Qin Ruo.

"You take these money." Gu Yun handed Qin Ruo the 30,000 yuan in her handbag.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ruo asked with frown.

"You have to charge money for my mother's treatment? You know that my mother is in the hospital, and she spent hundreds of thousands of them, which has no effect." Gu Yun said while looking at Qin Ruo.

"Aren't we friends!" Qin Ruo didn't want to collect money.

"You treat me as a friend, so you just keep it?" Gu Yun didn't say that Qin Ruo was short of money, which would hurt Qin Ruo's face.

"Then I will get the medicine, but it will take a while. You don't have to worry about my auntie's illness." Qin Ruo said and put away the money.

He didn't talk about the music score. He knew that the music score was for Gu Yun, and Gu Yun couldn't play her own. This effect was the combination of music and mental power. He had no time now, and he had time to study carefully. Kung fu that could affect people's emotions and mentality was a unique skill.

After sending Gu Yun to her car, Qin Ruo returned to his residence.