Refining Some Spirit And Medicinal Pills

Two days later, Qin Ruo had covered hundreds of miles and began to have sporadic herbs. Although they were only low-level herbs, Qin Ruo was very excited. This was always a good start. While collecting medicinal materials, he moved slowly.

After a few days, Qin Ruo had a lot of medicinal materials in his backpack. He had all the herbs for Gu Yun's mother. The materials of Tong Luo Dan were not good enough. No purple heart was found. In addition, the materials of Pei Yuan Dan were also used.

There was not much difference between the two, only for the fact that Pei Yuan Dan was the most suitable pill for physical training practitioners to assist in cultivation.

However, Qin Ruo's speed also slowed down, because there were more poisonous insects and snakes on the mountain. Gu afflictions were a major factor for him at this stage.

Suddenly, Qin Ruo smelled a scent, and he twitched his nose. Qin Ruo's eyes widened. It was the smell of Seven Star Grass. Suppressing his excitement, he moved forward two hundred meters and reached a valley in the mountains. Here, Qin Ruo saw a large area of ​​Seven Star Grass.

This made Qin Ruo's heart beat faster. Seven-star grass was the main material for refining the true essence pill.

One must know that the true essence pill was much potent than the ordinary pill. It was a great pill in the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent, and quite expensive. That was why ordinary warriors used ordinary pills known as Yuan Dan.

Picking up the trowel in his backpack, Qin Ruo started digging. After an hour, two-thirds of the Seven Star Grass entered Qin Ruo's backpack. He didn't dig it all out, he didn't want the Seven Star Grass to be extinct here.

Following the growth momentum of Seven Star Grass, Qin Ruo, who was extremely happy, walked into the valley. He found that it was a paradise for herbs, almost all kinds of herbs were available, and several purple hearts he needed were also found.

With purple heart grass, plus the herbs collected a few days ago, the materials for Tong Luo Pill were now complete. But he still couldn't make alchemy, because there was no pill cauldron for pill fire, and no cauldron.

In the innermost part of the valley, Qin Ruo found a spring. The herbs in the valley grew well and benefited from this spring. Taking out the water bottle, Qin Ruo planned to add some spring water. After taking out the bottle, his hand stopped and he saw an oval milky white stone in the pool.

Soul Cultivation Stone!

This was a soul-raising stone. If seeing Seven Star Grass caused him excitement, then Qin Ruo was extremely shocked now. The Soul Cultivation Stone was a rare treasure in the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent.

If anyone dared to say that he possessed the Soul Cultivation Stone, he would be chased and killed by all masters. This could strengthen the soul abundantly.

With trembling hands, he fished the soul-raising stone from the spring water and put it into his personal pocket. Then Qin Ruo breathed a sigh of relief.

After loading the water and glancing at the valley, Qin Ruo got up and left. He knew he might come again, but he didn't know when it was.

Four days later, Qin Ruo returned to the Wu Yishan urban area. He first called Wan Dou. He had to say hello after he came back.

After he got through on the phone, he learned that Wan Dou had returned to Yanjing. After making an appointment for dinner, Qin Ruo hung up and looked at the phone.

Thinking about it, Qin Ruo got on the plane back to Yanjing after suppressing the impulse to make alchemy immediately. Back in Yanjing, Qin Ruo didn't care to go home, and went straight to Jade Antique Street. Last time he remembered that there was an imitation alchemy cauldron here.

Despising the antique shop owner who wanted to blackmail him, Qin Ruo bought a bronze alchemy cauldron and returned to his residence.

"Young Master is back." When Qin Ruo came back, Uncle Mo, who was pruning the flowers and trees in the yard, greeted him. Uncle Mo felt a lot more cheerful.

"Well, I'm back." Ignoring Mo Shu's surprised eyes, Qin Ruo washed the bronze pill cauldron and entered the kitchen.

Putting the bronze pill cauldron on the gas cauldron, Qin Ruo opened the backpack and prepared the materials.

Generally speaking, alchemists must be of Tianwu[Heavenly] cultivation level, because Tianwu level cultivators had pill fire. The other was to have a great opportunity to obtain the strange fire between heaven and earth, but this situation was too rare, Qin Ruo didn't know if there was any on earth.

After finishing the alchemy materials, Qin Ruo turned on the gas cauldron to the maximum, and then put the same ingredients into the alchemy cauldron.

After two quarters of an hour, the herbs in the pill cauldron turned into concoction. Qin Ruo put the purple heart grass into it. After the concoction turned purple, Qin Ruo took out the dregs and put the lid on, and then continued to refine. He was constantly checking the progress, while also stirring the cauldron.

An hour later, the pill was refined and the fire was extinguished. Qin Ruo opened the pill cauldron and took out three pills.

Looking at the black thumb-sized pill, Qin Ruo smiled bitterly, his own dignified alchemy master actually turned the purple Tong Luo Pill into black. If it were in the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent, no one would believe it.

After sniffing, Qin Ruo knew that because the fire temperature of the gas cauldron was not enough, the color of the pill was poor, and the effect was the same.

Putting away the three Tong Luo pills, Qin Ruo refined some Pills for Pei Yuan. Afterwards, he refined the pill for nourishing the heart needed by Gu Yun's mother before putting away the pill cauldron.

Back in the room, he took out a Tong Luo Pill and swallowed it. After Qin Ruo used the golden needle to cross the acupoint, he began to practice.