Running Low On Savings

Driven by True Qi, the medicinal power of the Silver Pill quickly moved within Qin Ruo's veins. With the medicinal power running, the silver needle on Qin Ruo's body showed black qi, and the gold needle also turned into a black colour of inner energy.

After two hours of cultivating, Qin Ruo felt a thunderous impact inside his body, and the movement of true Qi increased.

At the third level of physical training, Qin Ruo knew that his cultivation level had cleaned up all the toxins in his veins and went up a level.

After practicing for a while and consolidating his cultivation base, Qin Ruo got up and pulled out the silver needles on his body, took a bath, and washed away the black odorous impurities on his body.

He processed the silver needles and put them away. At this stage, Qin Ruo was no longer afflicted by the endotoxins of the muscles and veins. His muscles and veins were now better than before.

In the following days, Qin Ruo worked hard every day, not only cultivating true energy, but also slowly recovering the damaged mental power. Although it was very slow, he knew that mental power was his root.

The pill that Gu Yun's mother needed was refined, but he couldn't get in touch with her.

In a blink of an eye, a month had passed, and Qin Ruo's cultivation had reached the fourth level of physical training.

Just as Qin Ruo finished practicing Thunderclaw in the yard, and was resting after a while, some people came to the door. The middle-aged man leading them wore a military uniform with the rank of major general, followed by a guard.

"Master, Uncle is here." Uncle Mo said hello.

"Qin Ruo! You're at the fourth level of physical training! Incredible! Are you able to practice cultivation now?!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and shook Qin Ruo's shoulder, his face full of excitement.

"Uncle!" Through memory, Qin Ruo knew who the person in front of him was, Yang Tianyu, his only uncle.

"Okay! Much stronger. Stronger than his grandmother. In the future, who would dare to say that my nephew is rubbish. I will knock out their teeth." Yang Tianyu was very happy.

Yang Tianyu would come to see his nephew every once in a while since his sister passed away early, and he treated Qin Ruo as his own child.

With Yang Tianyu's embrace, Qin Ruo felt warm.

Before crossing over here, Qin Ruo was an orphan. In the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent where the weak and the strong determined their survival, Qin Ruo only knew family affection, but he really didn't know how family affection was. Now he really felt Yang Tianyu's concern for him.

This time he came to ask Qin Ruo if he had any ideas after graduation, mainly if he had any ideas about joining the army.

Be a soldier! Qin Ruo didn't want to go, what he wanted most was to improve his strength, so he rejected his uncle's kindness.

Yang Tianyu left some money for Qin Ruo when he left, but Qin Ruo refused. Even if he was his uncle, Qin Ruo didn't want to owe favor.

"Master, we really don't have much savings now." After Yang Tianyu left, Uncle Mo said with a sigh.

"I know, I will find a way. There are still thousands of people here to maintain the family." Qin Ruo gave Mo Shu several thousand of the 20,000 leftovers from Gu Yun to himself, and then returned to the room.

Following incorporating his memories, Qin Ruo had adapted to the current life, knowing what was going on in his environment, and nowadays it was hard to move without money.

Thinking about it for a while, Qin Ruo decided to go out to find a job and practice while working. Setting up a stall was not a long-term task.

He changed his clothes, and Qin Ruo left the residence and went out to look for work. Walking on the street, looking at the recruitment notice, Qin Ruo was a little dizzy, and there was no one suitable for him.

Before coming to a shopping mall, Qin Ruo saw that there was a half-day shift recruiting salespersons. There was no way he planned to give it a try. After all, he could not attend the full-time shift. When Qin Ruo left the recruitment notice, there was a noise at the gate of the mall.

Leaning over, a gray-haired old man fell to the ground, and a woman in her 30s was crying anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ruo asked.

"The old man fainted suddenly, and he has used the emergency medicine, but it looks like it's not working." A man answered Qin Ruo's words.

The relatives of the old man, a woman in her thirties, swayed the old man and cried.

"Don't shake, the old man's craniocerebral blood vessel ruptured, and your shaking like this will make it worse." Qin Ruo glanced at the old man mentally and discovered what was going on.

The old man's throat got stuck with a mouthful of phlegm and he was unable to breathe well, causing the cerebrovascular to rupture.

"You are a doctor, please save my father. I'll give you as much money as you need." The woman seemed to grasp the life-saving straw.

"I'm not a doctor, but I can help you. Who has a needle on hand?" Qin Ruo asked.

"We have it in the mall." A manager of the mall, a female manager in a black suit ran into the mall. She was also worried that someone would die at the mall.

For a moment, the female manager of the mall brought a box of needles. These were sewing needles.

At this time, Qin Ruo couldn't control so much. He took out two slender needles and shot them up and down the old man's temple with a shake. Then his right middle finger and index finger flicked continuously, and the old man's blood flowed out of the needle's eye.

Qin Ruo helped the old man to sit up, and patted the back of the old man's neck with his right hand. The old man trembled, spat out a mouthful of sputum, and opened his eyes.

"Well, there is no need to worry anymore. Just send him to the hospital for recuperation." Qin Ruo stood up and said.

At this time, thunderous applause rang out, and the onlookers witnessed this scene of saving people with their own eyes, and they did not hesitate to applaud.

"Which hospital doctor are you? You saved my father. What do you call your benefactor?" The woman in her thirties has stabilized her emotions.

"I'm not a doctor, but my ancestor uploaded some Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, so I can do a little favor. Eldest sister shouldn't care too much." Qin Ruo said with a smile.

"No, I must remember this kindness." The woman shook her head.