Unconventional Treatments [I]

"I am Manager Zhou of the mall, thank you." The female person in charge of the mall said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Manager? Does your mall still recruit salespersons?" Qin Ruo suddenly remembered his business when he heard the manager of the mall speak.

"Recruiting, you want to apply?" Manager Zhou was taken aback by Qin Ruo's question.

"Wait a minute, sir, hello, I am the dean of Kang Hospital. Do you have any interest in coming to work in our hospital?" A man stood up.

"I don't have a medical license." Qin Ruo hesitated and said.

"I can help you find a way to make the best use of everything. Licences can be fixed, talent is what matters. For people like you, the talent is the same. It's not appropriate for you to be a salesperson," the middle-aged man said.

"You were so sophisticated in saving the old man just now, you just need to get a medical certificate."

"How can you be a salesperson with such a superb level? It's that not a waste of talent?."

The gathered onlookers also spoke.

At this time the ambulance came, and after Qin Ruo helped put the old man into the ambulance, he was pulled aside by the middle-aged man.

"You can try it, and see if you like it or not. I know it may feel inappropriate that I'm looking for a job for you." The middle-aged man didn't want to give up Qin Ruo.

After thinking about it, Qin Ruo agreed. Anyway, for a person just looking for a job, the doctor's status and income were much higher than that of the salesperson. Besides, he was a master alchemist, with mental assistance, and it's okay to see a doctor.

On the way to Kangde Hospital, the middle-aged man introduced himself, "My surname is Kang, and my name is Kang Lei. After I get to the hospital, I can adapt first. I think we can talk slowly."

When he arrived at the hospital, Kang Lei changed into a white coat and took Qin Ruo to the surgical diagnosis room. There were two older doctors sitting in the diagnosis room, receiving patients.

"Next patient, Dr. Chen, let Dr. Qin receive it." Kang Lei explained to one of the doctors.

Doctor Chen looked at Qin Ruo and stood up and gave up his position.

At this time, a female patient came, and the patient was pale and grunted while clutching her belly.

"Doctor Qin, try." Although Kang Lei had seen Qin Ruo save people, he still had to see if Qin Ruo was really good or accidental.

"Then please trouble Dean Kang to find me a set of silver needles." Qin Ruo said while looking at Kang Lei.

Kang Lei turned his head to let people prepare.

Qin Ruo asked the female patient to sit down and stretch out her wrist, and then went to feel the pulse. This situation surprised everyone in the room. After all, this was a western hospital, and there was almost no pulse detection.

"It's not a serious illness that caused the stomach cramps because of the qi and blood barrier." Qin Ruo said.

"What do you doctor say? I am in so much pain." The female patient was dissatisfied.

"Wait a moment, it will be fine soon." Qin Ruo comforted the patient.

At this time, the person arranged by Kang Lei sent the silver needle, "They are all sterilized and can be used directly."

Qin Ruo took out the silver needles, and immediately pierced three needles on the female patient's arm, each of which was half an inch into the flesh.

Seeing that Qin Ruo came up with needle which he inserted into his arm, the female patient got up and scolded the doctors in general. "What kind of hospital are you running? I want to complain to the manager that you are as a shit quack."

"You can complain later, but how's your stomach? I believe the effect is still good. Since you're swearing, it means you don't hurt anymore." Qin Ruo didn't care about the patient's words.

"It really doesn't hurt anymore. It really doesn't hurt anymore." The female patient exclaimed repeatedly in joy when she found that she really didn't hurt anymore.

Next, Qin Ruo looked at two more patients, and both got one or two injections.

"Doctor Chen, do you have a minute?" Kang Lei took Qin Ruo back to his office.

"I admire your style so much." Kang Lei admired Qin Ruo very much.

"Thank you, dean Kang. Talking about work, I have other things I do which make me busy at times. So, I don't have a lot of time to work here in the hospital. I can only work half a day in the afternoon every day, and I can leave at any time." Qin Ruo said his request.

"How about half-day work every day, how about one to six o'clock in the afternoon every day?" Kang Lei nodded.

"Yes, how do I apply for a medical license?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Tell you the truth, you can practice medicine. I will walk you through the back door. This is also for the benefit of the patient. If you don't have the medical level, I really wouldn't do such a thing." Kang Lei said with a smile.

After talking with Kang Lei for a while, Qin Ruo left. Kang Lei's treatment of him was not bad at all. With a monthly salary of five thousand, this made Qin Ruo quite satisfied.

Qin Ruo went to work in the hospital in the next few days. What he didn't expect was that two days later, there was a full line in his sitting medical room, and he was busy at work. Even when his shift ended, there were patients for him to treat. He was like this until he had seen all the patients.

Kang Lei sent an assistant to Qin Ruo, but he couldn't stand it. There was no way, although it was not a difficult patient. Qin Ruo sent him directly to other doctors.