Unconventional Treatments [II]

This was because when Qin Ruo was saving people at the gate of the mall, many people knew that Qin Ruo went to Kang Hospital. In addition, they saw how Qin Ruo treated the disease quickly and had good results.

This was not okay for him. The other clinics of Kang Hospital were available to take patients, and the front of his own clinic was indeed rubbing shoulders with patients. Qin Ruo came to Kang's office after he got off work.

"Doctor Qin is here." Kang said hello.

"Dean Kang, this situation has to be dealt with. Although there are more people coming to see me instead of the other doctors. It is not conducive to the future development of the hospital, in case I leave one day." Qin Ruo said.

"If you have not come in today, I would have communicated with you tomorrow. This is really not good. I thought about it and felt that in the future your clinic will not be open like this. Only patients who are difficult to deal with in other clinics will be recommended to your clinic. Only five registrations sent every day." Kant said his opinion.

"Good." Qin Ruo nodded and left.

He was really thinking about Kang Hospital. Now, it was nothing to be tired of himself, but if he wants to leave in the future, it will be a fatal blow to Kant Hospital.


In a courtyard in Yanjing city surrounded by military guards, a silver-haired old man rubbed his right arm and closed his eyes thinking.

"Grandpa, can you just listen to your granddaughter once? I heard that the doctor at Kang Hospital is very good. No matter what kind of incurable disease, he can treat it." A woman with a ponytail and white sportswear squatted over the old man.

"Xuan Xuan, your grandpa is not sick. It's because he hurt his muscles during practice in his early years, and grandpa doesn't know what's going on. So I don't need to see the doctor." The old man shook his head.

"Let's take a look. Another piece of meat is indispensable." Xuan Xuan still shook the old man's arm.

"Okay, but there is no time to go out tomorrow. Chief Yang will report on the situation." The old man said.

"That's easy. I'll invite him tomorrow." Xuan Xuan stood up and said happily. She was worried that the old man would not agree to see a doctor.

Among the six major families of Wuzhen, the Qin family was the most powerful, but the most difficult to provoke was the Long family. The army was controlled by the Long family.

Long Xuanxuan brought a team of guards wearing camouflage uniforms to Kang Hospital early, and only after inquiring did she found out that Qin Ruo was not going to work in the morning, and she did not ask where he lived, which made her angry. There was no other way but to go to the cafe on the side to have coffee and wait.

At one noon, Qin Ruo arrived at work on time. After adjustment, Qin Ruo was no longer busy, and only received the first patient half a quarter of an hour later.

At this time, Long Xuanxuan came and brought the guards behind him to Qin Ruo's consulting room. The nurses at the hospital couldn't stop her at all, "Doctor Qin, I'm sorry, she must see you."

Qin Ruo nodded and kneaded the arm of the patient under him a few times, "Knead these two acupuncture points every day from now on. These two acupuncture points can solve your migraine. You don't need to be prescribe a medicine. Take care to rest."

"How can the hospital make money without prescribing medicine?" Long Xuanxuan asked in confusion.

"That's the hospital's business, not mine. Do you want to see a doctor? Even if you want to see a doctor, I can tell you that you're very normal." Qin Ruo glanced at Long Xuanxuan and said.

"I'm asking you to visit." Long Xuanxuan felt weird in her heart, Qin Ruo was too young, and what she said just now was also very strange.

"Sorry I am not going anywhere now. I need to be at the clinic. There are other patients who need to see me." Qin Ruo sat down.

"You are very courageous, do you know who to see a doctor?" One of the guards beside Long Xuanxuan went on fire.

"Platform leader Zhang." Long Xuanxuan turned around and looked at the guard, she knew the doctor could not afford to be offended.

"Patients are not easy. If it were your parent and your children who were waiting outside to see a doctor, you wouldn't be yelling so much." Qin Ruo glanced at platoon leader Zhang with some contempt.

"Doctor Qin, my grandfather is indeed inconvenient. We can wait for you to visit him. The consultation fee is not a problem." Although Long Xuanxuan came from a big family, she had a good family education and did not have a domineering atmosphere.

"Then you just wait and let your guards withdraw outside." Qin Ruo said.

Long Xuanxuan asked platoon leader Zhang to take the guards out to wait, and she sat opposite Qin Ruo, watching him diagnose and treat patients.

The fifth patient Qin Ruochou attended to was not incurable, but too troublesome.

"Doctor, people say that you have the fastest treatment effect here. You can help me. The effect of my treatment in various hospitals is not showing any result." The lady who saw the doctor was a little anxious.

"You have been to other places, then you should know that you are chronically poisoned. So don't use cosmetics. You are not suitable. The current conventional medicines have little effect on you." Qin Ruo said.

"Then you can give me an unconventional one." The lady was a little anxious.

"Okay. You come to get the medicine the day after tomorrow, but the medicine is a bit expensive." Qin Ruo frowned and felt painful, because refining the detoxification pill requires a lot of materials.

After treating the last patient, Qin Ruo took off his white coat and installed his silver needle.

Then he turned to Long Xuanxuan. "Okay, I can go with you now."

After getting into Long Xuanxuan's car, Qin Ruo closed his eyes to rest.

"You talked about unconventional medicine just now. Are they very painful? And expensive?" Long Xuanxuan noticed Qin Ruo's frown just now.