You Are You, I Am Me

Overnight, Qin Ruo's cultivation reached the fifth level of physical training. This was because he used the pill of cultivation, which was much faster than ordinary martial art pills.

After eating a little bit earlier, Qin Ruo began to practice combat skills. He practiced till noon, refined a detoxification pill, took a bath and got a Tongluo pill. Qin Ruo came to the hospital. He originally planned a little alchemy tonight, now he had time to refine the pill in advance.

Long Xuanxuan was there when Qin Ruo arrived at the hospital. Today, Long Xuanxuan did not bring anyone by herself.

"Hello, you came so early." Qin Ruo greeted Long Xuanxuan and entered the consulting room.

"Hi." Long Xuanxuan replied. She was indeed a little excited to learn that his grandfather's arm could be cured. After all, the pain in his arm had troubled his grandfather for many years. "Well, I'm a little anxious."

She accompanied Qin Ruo to see a few patients, and when Qin Ruo got off work, Long Xuanxuan drove into the small building where the guarded Master Long lived.

Entering the room, Qin Ruo's face became cold, because he saw people he didn't want to see. Qin Ruo's second uncle Qin Zhennan and his eldest brother Qin Yu.

"What are you rubbish doing here?" Qin Yu looked at Qin Ruo coldly.

"What am I here to do with you?" Qin Ruo replied unceremoniously.

"Qin Ruo, this is not the place you should come. Don't lose the face of the people of the Qin family here." Qin Ruo's second uncle Qin Zhennan said.

"The Qin family? I have nothing to do with the Qin family. You are you and I am me." Facing Qin Zhennan, Qin Ruo didn't have the slightest fear.

"What's going on?" Elder Long asked gently.

"This is an unworthy junior of our Qin family, but he dared to show his face here today." Qin Zhennan said.

"It seems that today is not an appropriate time. I'll come and heal Senior Long another day." Qin Ruo said concerndly, and turned to leave. He didn't want to stay here anymore. The Qin family disgusted him from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm rude, I'll educate you today." Qin Yu flickered and sent a punch towards the back of Qin Ruo's neck.

When Qin Yu made the attacking move, Old Man Long's eyes flashed a cold light, because this Qin Yu strike was too fierce. The cruelty of the strike was the key. If it hit home, Qin Ruo would be seriously injured, if he didn't die.

Through his mental awareness, Qin Ruo knew when Qin Yu took the shot.

When Qin Yu's fist was two feet away from Qin Ruo's neck, Qin Ruo turned around and leaned his left hand toward Qin Yu's fist.

Seeing Qin Ruo dared to grab his own fist, Qin Yu added more inner energy to his original fist power with the aim of wiping out Qin Ruo's hand.

At this time Qin Ruo's mental power exploded and rushed towards Qin Yu's Shenhai.

Qin Ruo knew that his fifth level of physical training was enough to deal with Qin Yu. Qin Yu was a martial artist and had a very strong physical fitness, but it was incomparable with Qin Ruo's practice reincarnation Secret Code.

Because there was Qin Zhennan next to Qin Yu which limited Qin Ruo to a quick fight, Qin Ruo didn't hesitate when using his mental power.

With the explosion of Qin Ruo's mental power, confusion appeared between Qin Yu's eyes. Although the confusion was only an instant, the sharp attacking momentum he launched was removed.

This time was enough for Qin Ruo. He grabbed Qin Yu's wrist with his left hand and smashed it towards the ground. Qin Ruo's right foot flew out, kicked Qin Yu's chest, and kicked Qin Yu out.

After Qin Yu fell, he landed on all fours, and then rolled out a long way, only to stop when he reached the bottom of the wall.

"As I said, I have nothing to do with the Qin family. Don't show off in front of me." Qin Ruo's voice was a little cold, because the Qin family had done too much to him already.

"Are you courageous to grow hair?" Qin Zhen became angry and was about to act on Qin Ruo.

"Okay, this is the Long Family house. Today I asked Qin Ruo to come over to treat Grandpa. If there is anything else for the two of you, then we will talk about it later. If it's okay, my Long Family will not entertain you further today." Long Xuan Xuan's face was full of cold, and she was also angry.

"Okay, we are leaving, commander Long." Qin Zhennan stepped forward to help Qin Yu and left without looking back.

When Qin Zhennan and Qin Yu left, Mr. Long did not speak. Long Ruoxu was the head of the military region. Even if the head of the country met, he was very polite. He was very dissatisfied with the attitude of Qin Zhennan and Qin Yu.

"Senior Long, I can't help you with the treatment right now. I'll come back later." Qin Ruo thought after Qin Zhennan and Qin Yu left.

"Well, Xuan Xuan will send Qin Ruo off." Long Ruoxu said to his granddaughter.

"Are you going to move now?" After driving out of the military area, Long Xuanxuan guessed Qin Ruo's intentions.

"I know Qin Yu's character. He won't stop with the retaliatory attacks. He will go to the place where I live to find something to destroy. Now I don't want to have a direct conflict with them." Qin Ruo nodded.

After returning to his residence, Qin Ruo went to the room, packed up his alchemy materials, and left with Uncle Mo.

With Long Xuanxuan's help, Qin Ruo rented another small courtyard, helped Qin Ruo clean up and left.

After thinking about it, Qin Ruo called Kang Lei. He doesn't plan to go to work, because the Qin family can find the hospital. How could Kang Lei agree? Qin Ruo wondered. But seeing Qin Ruo's resolute attitude, he finally agreed to Qin Ruo's holiday for a period of time.

Long Xuanxuan returned to Long Ruoxu's small building with an unhappy expression on her face.

"This kid is not simple. Not only his medical skills, but also his mental strength. He's wiser than he looks." Long Ruoxu spoke highly of Qin Ruo.

"Well, he's smart to know how to take precautions before they happen. The Qin family is too much." Long Xuanxuan poured a glass of water for Grandpa.