A Worrisome Development

"Qin Ruo should be with the Qin family. Can he have any contradiction with the Qin family at such a young age?" Long Ruoxu couldn't understand.

At this time, the guards came in and reported that there were unknown people lurking outside the military area.

"What? I went out to have a look, the Qin family really turned the sky." A chill appeared on Long Xuanxuan's face, and this situation angered her bottom line.

"Sit down, there is no need for a direct conflict with the Qin family. They are here now. That means they have been to Qin Ruo's residence, and they have not found anyone there. We can't let Qin Ruo have an accident on the way to see a doctor. Let's go out now. Dare to follow and solve it on the spot." Long Ruoxu stood up and walked outside.

The Qin family was very arrogant, daring to set eyeliner outside the military area, but they still dare not follow Long Ruoxu's car.

Under Long Xuanxuan's lead, the group came to Qin Ruo's place.

"It doesn't matter if I come, I don't need to go there tomorrow, so let me treat it now!" Qin Ruo felt a little reluctant to see Long Ruoxu coming over. You can't be so eager to see a doctor, right?

"Little guy, you are misunderstood. I am here to see your living environment and safety." Long Ruoxu has been in society for so many years. He was a reasonable human being, and Qin Ruo's thoughts were nowhere to be found.

"It's better to treat the ailment first!" Qin Ruo said with a nod.

After he finished speaking, he took out the Tongluo Pill and Yinzhen. He gave them to Long Ruoxu who took the pill and sat down in a lotus position.

"Now, I'll try to get through the twisted tendons." When Qin Ruo spoke, a dense cluster of silver needles was inserted into Long Ruoxu's arm.

After a while, Long Ruoxu's face turned red, and then the tendons on his arms began to twist and pulse. Qin Ruo flicked the silver needle with his fingers, matching Long Ruoxu's pulse. After several long minutes, Qin Ruo removed the needles just as the Tongluo pill took effect.

Long Ruoxu opened his eyes, and punched out his right hand in front of him. He couldn't contain his joy as he flexed his arm. "Incredible, I've really recovered my hand. Thank you, Qin Ruo. You're indeed a genius."

"You're flattering Qin Ruo, master Long. I'm happy the effect is good." Qin Ruo bowed slightly with a cupped fist, and further observed Long Ruoxu's hand.

"Housekeeper Mo?" Long Ruoxu asked in surprise when he saw Uncle Mo at this time.

"Master Long, remembered me." Mo Shu replied, leaning towards Long Ruoxu.

Seeing that Mo Shu and Long Ruoxu had something to say, Qin Ruo stood up with the packed needles and headed for his room.

Uncle Mo told Lin Ruo's their experience, and Long Ruoxu became annoyed. His face was difficult to look. He got up and entered Qin Ruo's room, followed by Long Xuanxuan.

"Qin Ruo, do you need my help?" Long Ruoxu asked, facing Qin Ruo.

"No, master Long. I'm alright. By the way, Miss Long, this is the detoxification pill that the chronically poisoned lady in the hospital needs today. You can send it to her tomorrow, and I won't need to go to the hospital." Qin Ruo gave Long Xuanxuan a pill.

"How much is the pill?" Long Xuanxuan asked.

"You figure it out!" Qin Ruo didn't want to care about this.

After staying for a while, Long Ruoxu sighed, "It's okay, we're going back, contact me if necessary."

"Grandpa, this Qin Ruo is obviously a talent. Why is the Qin family blind and forced him to come out?" Long Xuanxuan didn't understand after leaving Qin Ruo's residence.

"This is the struggle of the big family. Qin Zhendong's wife is the eldest lady of the Song family. The eldest son and the second son are both born to the Song family. If Qin is not from a direct line, he is excluded." Long Ruoxu explained to his daughter. He still understood the Qin family.

"Take your two brothers to get to be with Qin Ruo tomorrow. If Qin Ruo needs help, try to help, but don't conflict with Qin's family. By the way, we didn't pay him for the medical treatment. You have to resolve that later." The Qin family was a behemoth, and Long Ruoxu didn't want the Long family to have a direct conflict with the Qin family.

Qin Ruo told Mo Shu the reason for the move.

"The young master and the second master know that the young master can practice cultivation, and they did not let the young master return to the family. Then the situation is not optimistic. The move is right. Don't go out in the future." Uncle Mo knew the sinister family.

"It's not necessary. The Qin family is not so rampant to make a big fanfare. I'll be careful that they secretly take action. Uncle Mo, you will go back to our original courtyard tomorrow. If I'm not there, they won't take action against you!" Qin Ruo voiced before going off to practice.

The next day, Long Xuanxuan brought her two older brothers, Long Qiuyang and Long Qiuyu. Earlier, when they heard that Qin Ruo cured their grandfather, they both show respect to Qin Ruo, especially Long Qiuyu's temperament with Qin Ruo. Very talkative.

Long Xuanxuan paid one million, but Qin Ruo only took three hundred and fifty thousand. He felt that his Tongluo Pill was worth three hundred thousand, and for the detoxification pill, Long Xuanxuan received fifty thousand from the lady.

The following days were stable. Qin Ruo practiced hard, and in the blink of an eye, it was the day of the school exam. Qin Ruo's cultivation level had also risen to the top of the fifth level of physical training. He knew that he had some self-preservation.

After changing his clothes, Qin Ruo came to school. For Qin Ruo, the exam was just a form, and he simply passed it.

Seeing Gu Yun, Qin Ruo gave the heart-nourishing pill to Gu Yun, "The pill has been set for a while, but I couldn't contact you."

Holding the pill, Gu Yun was very excited. She believed in the ability of Qin Ruo, because after Qin Ruo took a few shots last time, Mrs. Gu's condition had improved greatly.

After leaving the school, Gu Yun took Qin Ruo to the cafe opposite the school.

"What are your next plans?" Gu Yun asked.

"I haven't figured it out yet. The main thing is that I want to go around." Qin Ruo said.

"Remember my phone number, and always contact me. If you need me, you must inform me." Gu Yun felt guilty and grateful to Qin Ruo, and her emotions were very complicated.

"Smuggle, do you dare to come to school?" Tang Zhan and Song Jia also appeared in the coffee shop in Yuanjia Luzhai.

"Why do you dare to come?" Qin Ruo glanced at Tang Zhan.

"Qin Ruo, let me advise you, it's no good for you to fight Tang Zhan." Song Jia said.

"Before I retired, it was a matter of character that you were fighting with someone else. Even if you want to marry him, wouldn't it be good for me to fight against him? Then I have to try."

Qin Ruo's body flashed, and in a matter of a second, he appeared in front of Tang Zhan and slapped him hard in the face. When Qin Ruo appeared before him, Tang Zhan didn't even have a chance to react.

Qin Ruo's character was that people didn't offend him and he didn't offend people. The last time Tang Zhan killed the hapless guy, it was already a big feud. So Qin Ruo was not polite, mainly because of Tang Zhan's just a little bit of bully.

"You?" Song Jia didn't know what to say.

"Now I, Qin Ruo, have decided to divorce you. Starting today, you have nothing to do with me. In fact, you have put yourself too high. Gu Yun, I will have coffee with you again when I have a chance." Qin Ruo took a sip of coffee, stood up and left.

"Don't have the gold, go grab the sand, hey!" After a glance at Song Jia, Gu Yun also left.

"I must kill him." Tang Zhan's face was grim. He had never suffered a loss in combat and a loss of face since he was a child, but Qin Ruo had made him suffered these two losses recently, and he couldn't accept it in his heart.

"He humiliated me, and I won't let him go." Song Jia also had a cold look on her face.

Song Jia and Qin Ruo were relatives. Qin Zhendong's wife was Song Jia's aunt, but she had no blood relationship with Qin Ruo. Now let alone love and affection, Qin Ruo was an enemy in Song Jia's eyes.