Lingshi Refinement

After returning to his residence, Qin Ruo planned to practice quietly for a few days first, and then went out to find training resources. Qin Yu's cultivation base was probably on the fifth level of the physical training stage, and Qin Xiao's cultivation base was higher than Qin Yu's. Worried, he was concerned about the power of the Tang family and the Qin family.

At this time Qin Ruo's phone rang, it was from Wan Dou. The two made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening. It was still early for him to meet up with her, so Qin Ruo walked on the street to spend the excess time, and walked into Beihai Park.

Now he was embarrassed on all sides. He wanted to find a way out for himself badly. The Qin family and the Tang family had to deal with him. Qin Ruo had also seen the deadly fire in Song Jia's eyes. If he didn't have the strength, he would end up badly.

Suddenly Qin Ruo stopped. He felt an aura, or a hint of aura. Qin Ruo was compelled to walk towards the source of the spiritual energy. When he reached the lake, he stopped. Looking around, he discovered that the aura came from the lake. He knew Beihai Park had a long history, but there was no way for him to know how many years the Beihai Lake had a history.

After thinking about it for a while, and seeing no one on the left or right, Qin Ruo jumped directly into the lake and swam towards the place where the spiritual energy radiated.

The strongest aura was the spring at the bottom of the lake, so Qin Ruo dove down. The water erupting from the spring was not very strong, so Qin Ruo was able to dive.

After spending a lot of energy, Qin Ruo came to the place where the spiritual energy radiated from.

"Lingshi!" Qin Ruo exclaimed in his heat after finding the Lingshi, which accelerated his blood flow.

Qin Ruo couldn't expect that the Huaxia Continent would still be able to conceal the spirit stone, which was what any cultivator needed most. He understood that this was the eruption of countless years in the underground spring, and the spiritual energy in it was stagnant here, forming a spiritual stone.

Putting a dozen of spirit stones away, Qin Ruo swam back to the shore. Basking in the sun, Qin Ruo was extremely excited. With these spirit stones, he would not worry about cultivation resources for the next period of time.

After a while, Qin Ruo returned to his residence and began to practice.

Cultivating with a spirit stone, the effect was generally good, and the cultivation base was improving rapidly.


Qin Zhendong was furious inside the Qin family mansion. "Zhen Nan, you mean Qin Ruo interrupted Qin Yu's hand?"

"Yes, eldest brother, that boy has no respectability. And because he has something to do with Long Ruoxu, he has become proud to the sky." Qin Zhennan said.

"This little beast is simply without respect." Madam Qin scolded coldly.

"Hmph, send someone to catch him back for me, and the family law will deal with him. When he left, he should be dealt with." Qin Zhendong gave the order.

When Qin Ruo moved away, Qin Zhendong thought it was a slap in the face, but considering the reasons of Qin Ruo's uncle, Qin Zhendong didn't start, and now he couldn't help it.

"He is no longer in his original residence. After he hit me, he knew he was in trouble, so we went to him and didn't find it. But the housekeeper Mo is still in his original residence today." Qin Yu said.

"Look, dig three feet of the ground, and find it out for me. Butler Mo stayed still. He stayed in Qin's house for more than ten years, and he had been with the little beast for more than ten years. If he moved, he would become a laughing stock." Qin Zhendong slammed the table and shouted.

"Father and mother, you can't treat my third brother like that." A woman in a white skirt entered the room. She is Qin Zhendong's youngest daughter, Qin Ran.

"Your third brother? He broke your elder brother's arm, is it your brother?" Madam Qin glared at her daughter.

"If the eldest brother does not take the initiative to provoke the third brother, the third brother will not take the initiative." Qin Ran said.

"Anyway, leave it alone." Madam Qin pulled her daughter out of the hall.

After opening his eyes again, Qin Ruo felt that at this rate, he could enter the sixth level of Qi training in a week.

Seeing the time, he called Wan Dou.

The two met in a motel.

"Qin Ruo, you seem to have changed." Wan Dou said, looking at Qin Ruo.

"People always change. By the way, you said you were in a bad mood last time. How is it now? Is your work going well?" Qin Ruo asked.

"I'm studying economics and commerce. This time it was good. I got a secretary of the Political and Legal Committee for me. It was really messed up." Wan Dou said helplessly.

"The power is in control, what's wrong?" Qin Ruo said with a smile.

"This is the sorrow of the big family. I'm really inappropriate to engage in politics. I'm too tired." Wan Dou said, rubbing his forehead.

"You haven't practiced?" Qin Ruo remembered that the six major families in China belonged to the martial arts family.

"Our family's cultivation method is not suitable for me." Wan Dou shook his head.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Ruo and the waiter asked for paper and pen, wrote down the practice method of the reincarnation secret code, and handed it to Wandou.

"Is this appropriate? Two families are involved after all." Wan Dou didn't want to cause trouble to Qin Ruo.

"This exercise is my own and has nothing to do with the Qin family. I am not from the Qin family either." Qin Ruo shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Wan Dou was a little surprised.

Qin Ruo told him about leaving the Qin family.

"Last time, when I went to your Qin's house, I saw Qin Ran and she missed you very much." Wan Dou said.

Little girl! A scene appeared in Qin Ruo's memory. When she left the Qin family, a little girl pulled his arm to prevent him from leaving, with tears on her face. If there were people in the Qin family who cared about him, then It was his little sister Qin Ran.

"Take me to where you live!" Wan Dou said, looking at Qin Ruo who was a little bit all over.

Qin Ruo returned to his residence with Wan Dou.

"This small courtyard is nice. It's very close to the Beichen District Committee. Would you like to leave me a room here too?" Wan Dou said with a smile.

"Not suitable, mainly because it is not safe. Both the Qin family and the Tang family are in conflict with me." Qin Ruo thought for a moment and said.

"It's okay, oops!" Wan Dou uttered, but didn't look at where she was placing her feet. The heels of her high-heeled shoes slipped, and as soon as she twisted her feet, she fell to the ground.

Qin Ruo bent over and held her, but hesitantly. Qin Ruo's hand was holding Wan Dou's thigh.

Wan Dou was wearing work clothes, a black suit, a black skirt, and flesh-colored stockings. Qin Ruo's hand was resting on Wan Dou's thigh.