Everything Is Complicated

Qin Ruo couldn't move his hands. In this situation, he could only stand firm, and took Wan Dou back to the room and put her on the bed.

"Haven't you touched it enough? You don't want to let go of your hand?" Wan Dou asked as blushed red.

"Uh, I..." Qin Ruo didn't know how to explain.

After letting go, Qin Ruo took off Wan Dou's high heels and stretched out his hand to rub the injured ankle of Wan Dou.

"I'll help you take off your socks and put some medicine on, so that you won't delay walking after a break." Qin Ruo said.

"Do you need to take it off?" Wan Dou's blush became even worse.

"Yes, you can't massage medicine on cloth. Your body can't absorb the medicine." Qin Ruo said.

"But it's not convenient for me!" Wan Dou said after hesitating.

"What's the inconvenience of just taking off a sock. Ok, I'll help you." Qin Ruo felt that a woman was a little troublesome, so he reached out and pulled Wan Dou's socks, but he touched Wan Dou's legs and still couldn't find the root of the socks. At this time, not only was Wan Dou blushing, Qin Ruo's face was also red, and then he touched it to Wan Dou's skirt, to the root of Wan Dou's thigh.

Qin Ruo couldn't figure out what was going on.

Wan Dou pulled Qin Ruo's hand away, limped to the side of the bed, reached into her skirt, and took off her socks after a lot of effort. She was wearing pantyhose, so she was struggling.

"Sorry, I don't understand this. I'll get some medicine and you will wait a moment." Qin Ruo went out of the room and went to get some medicine.

He planned to get some medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and also to avoid the embarrassment just now. Qin Ruo was really embarrassed to have encountered such a thing.

After smashing a few herbs into the pot, Qin Ruo returned to the room.

"Aren't you buying the medicine? You want to use this?" Wan Dou asked in surprise as Qin Ruo came in with the pot of medicine.

"This is much better than the one I'll buy. Come on, lie down." Qin Ruo set the pillow and let Wan Dou lie down. He rubbed the concoction with both hands, and then began to massage Wan Dou's ankles.

As Qin Ruo kneaded his hands, Wan Dou's pain eased a lot. "It really doesn't hurt much anymore."

"Well, take a break after the massage, and you'll be fine." Qin Ruo said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, it's really amazing." Wan Dou said.

"It's nothing, you can rest for a while!" After the massage, Qin Ruo took the quilt and covered Wandou.

"Thank you." Wan Dou said to Qin Ruo in a low voice.

After coming out of the room, Qin Ruo breathed a sigh of relief. He had massaged Wan Dou's ankles, making him a little nervous.

At this time his phone rang.

"Qin Ruo, where are you?" Jiang Lan's voice.

"I'm at home, what's the matter?" Qin Ruo felt a little anxiety in Jiang Lan's tone.

"If that's the case, you wait for me at the gate of Beihai Park. I have something important to tell you." Jiang Lan hung up the phone after speaking.

Taking a look at the room where Wandou was resting, Qin Ruo left the courtyard and came to Beihai Park.

In Beihai Park, Qin Ruo saw Jiang Lan and a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old. The girl had shawl and long hair, a white skirt, and the clear eyes seemed unworldly. Qin Ruo remembered this. It's his little sister Qin Ran.

"Brother, are you okay?" Qin Ran stepped forward and took Qin Ruo's hand and said, looking up and down Qin Ruo, beng very nervous and worried.

"Sister, am I not looking good?" Qin Ruo said, patting Qin Ran on the back.

"Third brother, I have some money here. Don't stay in Yanjing. The farther you get away, the better." Qin Ran stuffed a card into Qin Ruo's hand.

"Sister, I don't want the Qin family's money, nor do I want to leave Yanjing." Qin Ruo returned the card to Qin Ran, shook his head and said.

"Third brother, this is the pocket money I save every year. Take it! The eldest brother and the second uncle are looking for you. I can't imagine how they will find the third brother." Qin Ran grasped Qin Ruo's hand tightly, her face full of anxiety .

"Little girl, thank you, I know, and I will be careful." Qin Ruo felt a touch of warmth.

"You don't understand third brother, mother and elder brother will not let you go. I can't stop it, just listen to me!" Qin Ran's eyes were full of tears, and there was worry and guilt in her eyes.

"Little sister, thank you. I know what you mean, but you don't have to worry about it." Qin Ruo hugged Qin Ran in his arms and patted Qin Ran on the back. He could understand Qin Ran's mood at this moment.

"I know that our mother, eldest brother, and second brother are all targeting you. For the sake of his business and the Song family's happiest cooperation, the second uncle is also on the mother's side." Qin Ran cried and said.

"Little sister, I hope you don't blame the third brother for some things in the future. I left the Qin family because I wanted to live a normal life, but Qin Yu won't let it be over with, chasing and humiliating me."

"Brother I don't blame you, you have to protect yourself." Qin Ran stood up straight and wiped his eyes.

"I will, Jiang Lan, thank you, don't participate in my affairs, I am worried that they will be against you." Qin Ruo said while looking at Jiang Lan.

"I'll be careful too." Jiang Lan nodded.

Seeing Qin Ran, who was waving his hand all the way, Qin Ruo felt a little bit painful. He decided that if the Qin family didn't provoke him, he would forget the previous ones. If nothing else, he would not let this little girl who cared about him be in the middle.

Hard to do.