A Home In Jiangnan

Qin Ruo was not a brainless person. He went to Chengdu knowing that people from the Tang family must come to Chengdu to find him, and confront him head-on. Knowing that he was far away, it would be a pain in the arse for them.

As one of the six major families in the country, the Tang family had stood for countless years and had a profound background. There must be a master in the family, and If there was a real warrior, then he would be unlucky.

Qin Ruo's guess was good. Three elders from the Tang family came from Yanjing, one elder from Chengdu, and they were all searching for him.

Losing money was the Tang family's meaning of slowing down. In the past countless years, no one had dared to challenge the Tang family like this. If anyone compromise, their faces would be lost.

Moving the car forward aimlessly, Qin Ruo drove during the day and meditated in the car at night. Unknowingly, Qin Ruo entered the territory of Hubei Province and arrived in Jiangnan City. Feeling the pleasant scenery here, Qin Ruo stopped. He felt that the tranquility in the luxury of this city was more suitable for him.

Driving the car around, he was looking for a place to live. He was roaming the edge of the city. Even if the conditions were not good, he wanted to rent a place here.

Qin Ruo saw a villa for sale near Yueshui Lake, which made him very happy. After getting out of the car, Qin Ruo rang the doorbell.

It was a servant who opened the door, "How can I help you, young master?"

"This villa is for sale?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Come in! Master happened to be at home today." The servant led Qin Ruo towards the hall.

While walking and watching, Qin Ruo liked it very much. The villa covers a large area with gardens and water pools. It should be called a manor.

"Master, this gentleman said he wants to buy the villa." The servant introduced Qin Ruo to a middle-aged man.

"Please sit down, sir, you can go out and have a look, and if you are satisfied, we can talk." The middle-aged man said, tiredness showing on the man's face.

"I'm very satisfied after seeing it, and if I may take the liberty to ask, why does master think of selling such a good villa?" If it was Qin Ruo, he felt that he would be reluctant to sell it.

"It's mainly because of the shift in business focus. I won't be here in the future. Otherwise, I really can't bear it. I built this villa. I haven't actually lived in it. I just come to vacation here occasionally." The middle-aged man said.

"So if that's the case, what is the selling price of this villa?" Qin Ruo has already decided to buy it.

"What you saw is a villa. I bought this land. Ten years ago, I bought the land when the land price was the cheapest. I bought it for six million. The villa is centered on three square kilometers and the back of the villa. The hills are all mine. I spent 2 million building the villa. I don't say how much the land has appreciated. You should understand that, my selling price is 15 million!" The middle-aged man pushed his glasses and said.

"Yes, when can the money be handed over?" After calculating his own money, Qin Ruo didn't bother to bargain.

"Are you with cash or going for loan? If you have cash, I can call a lawyer to transfer the account now. If you apply for a loan, it will be more troublesome." The middle-aged man was a little shocked. He didn't think that Qin Ruo would even pay the price.

"Then call the lawyer!" Qin Ruo nodded.

Two hours later, the transfer procedures were completed. When he saw Qin Ruo, the middle-aged man was full of shock. His business was not small at all, and he had seen all bank cards, except for the legendary Dragon Card. And Qin Ruo's card was something he hadn't seen before, mainly because there was a dragon on it.

Qin Ruo talked with the servant of the villa who agreed to stay. Someone had to take care of such a large villa.

Standing in front of the villa, Qin Ruo felt that this place could be used as his own lair. It must be hidden. He couldn't afford it to be discovered by the Tang family and the Qin family, even the Song family. If it was discovered, he must give it up and move to another place.

Qin Ruo couldn't bear to give up on such a good place.

He drove the Hummer out to fetch some cash, and then called the old butler to maintain the villa, which should be said to be the expenses of the manor, and then went to practice. He planned to pick up Uncle Mo as soon as the pressure on him became lessened.


At the mansion of Wan Yan Jing's family, Wan Dou was talking to Wan Qinghe who was reading documents in the study.

"My dear girl, Dad really doesn't know what the situation is with that boy, but he knows that this boy has cheated the Tang family and made a sweeping of the Tang family's face." Wan Qinghe said, closing the document in his hand.

"Dad, tell me what's going on." Wan Dou said in a softer, pleading tone.

"Well, Qin Ruo killed Tang Feng some time ago and robbed two of the Tang family's children and a young lady from the Song family of their money. As a result, the angry Tang family froze Qin Ruo's bank card. After that, the boy went to Sichuan, and the Tang family's properties in Guangyuan and Jinyang were smashed. The Chengdu family properties were also smashed. The Tang family had no choice but to unfreeze Qin Ruo's bank card. His hundred million business suffered a major blow, and the Song family who had been tracking Qin Ruo quickly stopped. They were also afraid that Qin Ruo, a crazy guy, would smash their family's property." Wan Qinghe said, and sighed.

"I can't blame him. Anyway, I called him a few days ago, but I still couldn't get through. I don't know what actually happened." Wan Dou said worriedly.

"Don't worry, being able to do such a thing proves that this kid is not a brainless person, and without the certainty that one blow will kill him, the Tang family and the Song family dare not shoot him. This is what is puzzling me..." Wan Qinghe replied with a bewildered look on his face, paused for a few seconds and continued. "...such a talent has been squeezed out of the family. Did Qin Zhendong kick the donkey when the boy left the Qin family?"

"I probably know one thing, Qin Ruo was not born by Mrs. Qin Zhendong. So I believe when Qin Ruo found out, this made him leave the Qin family. I heard that Qin Ruo's condition has improved. Qin Ruo will settle this account with them sooner or later," Wan Dou said.

"Counting the favors that our Wan family owes Qin Ruo, we can offer him help. You can cultivate today due to Qin Ruo's help. If we don't have any problems with other families, we can help as long as we can." Wan Qinghe had a good impression of Qin Ruo.

After all, he was also shielding his daughter from any fallout.