Wan Dou

"Dad, can I not be the secretary of the district party committee, this is not what I like, I feel very tired." Wan Dou said.

"Before, you could not practice, so your dad chose a political path for you. Now that you can practice, then you are not under compulsion to do it if you don't want to. You know you're dad's only baby girl." Wan Qinghe said with a smile.

"Thank you dad." Wan Dou said, shaking her father's arm. She knew that she was not in politics and her father was under great pressure, and she needed to have an explanation with her family.

"He's polite with your dad, and your dad also warns our disciples in the Wan family not to provoke this guy." Wan Qinghe said.

"Qin Ruo would not take the initiative to cause us trouble, and our Wan family's children are not the ones who take the initiative to cause trouble either. There will be no conflict." Wan Dou said.

"Good. Now this guy is a hot topic in the six major families. The Qin, Song, and Tang families all want to strangle him. The policy of our family, the Long family, and the ancient family is to stay away from this guy. The disciples of these family must not provoke him." Wan Qinghe said.

"This is a good impact on the six big families. It also reminds the six big families that if the children and grandchildren of the six big families don't work hard, they will be surpassed. This dominance can no longer be maintained." Wan Dou thought for a moment and said.

"If the Qin family and the Tang family can't stop the present signs, the Huaxia family will shuffle the cards." Wan Qinghe said.

Wan Dou left her father's room, took out the phone, and dialed Qin Ruo's number again. What surprised her was that the call was made this time.

Qin Ruo was walking in the manor and received a call from Wan Dou.

"How are you?" Qin Ruo asked.

"I'm fine. Why couldn't I get through to your phone a few days ago?" Wan Dou said.

"I kept driving a few days ago and the phone did not charge." Qin Ruo remembered that the phone hadn't been charged for a while.

"You have to be careful. My father said that the Tang family is trying to slow down, but they will not let go of such a big loss so easily." Wan Dou was afraid of Qin Ruo's young age, and that he might fall into the hands of the Tang family.

"Thank you, I'll be careful. When I return to Yanjing, I'll invite you to dinner and rest assured that you will not be bribed." Qin Ruo was in a better mood and made a rare joke.

"I haven't told you yet, I have resigned. And now, I'm not an official, so I'm waiting for you to invite me to dinner." Knowing that Qin Ruo was okay, Wan Dou was relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Ruo stood in the garden on the side of the villa, thinking. If there was enough aura, he could grow medicinal materials in this place. But where would the aura come from? Qin Ruo couldn't bear the spirit stone in his hand. Jade. Jade could be the source.

A lot of jade could be buried below, but it was all money. After giving Jiang Lan money and buying the manor, Qin Ruo still had some millions in his hands.

Then, he thought, where was the largest number of rubble stones? Durma had the most, but Qin Ruo couldn't go to Nangchi. He thought of Yunnan and he had the opportunity to buy more rubble stones.

Although he had plans, Qin Ruo didn't move. Now he wanted to improve his strength. First, to improve his cultivation base, so that he had enough confidence to go out.

For the next month, Qin Ruo stayed in the manor for cultivating, not hearing things from outside the window. This made the servants in the manor feel very strange. They didn't know what the new master should be. When doing business, he didn't go out to play. Young people nowadays couldn't stay in their residences for a month.

It took a month for Qin Ruo to upgrade his cultivation to the seventh level of physical training. During this period of time, while improving his cultivation, he studied the magical effect of the combination of rhythm and spiritual power. Musical rhythm combined with spiritual power could make people calm and attentive, but it was impossible for him to use Musical Rhythm with the heat on his back.

He had been studying by himself. The sound produced was combined with mental power to produce a special effect, but it was not ideal. It should be said that it was far from his requirements. What Qin Ruo wanted was to spit out a word with mental power, with the effect of influencing his mind. Either meditation, or chaos, but now he couldn't do it at all, but he had some ways.

The cultivation base had been advanced to the seventh level of physical training. This cultivation base could handle his current situation, as long as he didn't meet an earth martial artist.

He received a call from Wan Dou, who said that there was a problem with the Secret Code of Reincarnation in her cultivation. Having determined to see what happened, Qin Ruo decided to return to Yanjing to see if Wandou's problem could be solved.

In addition, he wanted to see how Jiang Lan and Long Ruoxuan were doing. It was quite possible to bring over Uncle Mo. Such a large manor should be considerately big enough. Uncle Mo was the most suitable person to manage such a place.

Qin Ruo respected Uncle Mo in his heart, not about how deep his relationship with him was. After all, he hadn't been possessed for a long time. The main thing was to be a human being. Unlucky for more than ten years of malaise, Uncle Mo never left him. It was a rare persistence.

After tidying up, Qin Ruo took some pills and went out.

First, he travelled to another city by car, and then he bought a plane ticket and got on the plane.

After returning to Yanjing, Qin Ruo first called Wandou. Wandou's cultivation was the most important issue to him.

Wan Dou took Qin Ruo to her residence.

"Wandou, If I stay here with you, it will easily cause you trouble. Let's go to the hotel to take a room." Qin Ruo said.

"Take a room?" Wan Dou looked at Qin Ruo in surprise.

"I didn't mean that, you know." Qin Ruo remembered that taking a room had other meanings, but he didn't have that idea.

"Haha, it's okay. When you go back to Yanjing, no one will know, although I have concerns from the Tang family and the Qin family." Wan Dou said with a smile. She saw Qin Ruo's blush. This was a rare phenomenon.

Then the two began to study the problem of Wandou's cultivation. Qin Ruo asked Wandou to practice, and he used mental energy to scan the changes in Wandou's body.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Ruo knew where the problem was. It wasn't the problem of the reincarnation book. It was because a vein in Wandou's body was blocked, which caused the slow progress of cultivation.

"Well, I'll give you acupuncture and moxibustion for a while. It's a muscle problem on your body." Qin Ruo said, and brought out his silver needle.

"You didn't feel the pulse, how can you know what went wrong?" Wan Dou was a little puzzled.

"This is my secret. I'm investigating the situation inside your body." Qin Ruo said.

"You can check my body? Then, if you have see-through eyes, I am not being seen by you?" Wan Dou became a little anxious, her face flushed.

"Don't get anxious, don't you just treat me as a doctor?" Qin Ruo couldn't think of himself as anything else, and another question arose.

Wan Dou turned her head and said nothing. She didn't expect Qin Ruo to have such abilities. Besides, Qin Ruo was also doing her own good.

Qin Ruo began placing the silver needle on Wan Dou's tendons. Qin Ruo was right, Wan Dou was really unnatural. The situation just now had a great impact on her.

In half an hour, Qin Ruo dealt with Wandou's problematic tendons.

After processing, Wan Dou went to take a bath, and Qin Ruo called Jiang Lan.