
The two of them talked about cultivation problems as soon as they were okay, and Qin Ruo gave Wan Dou some Yuanyuan Pills.

While the two were chatting, Wan Qinghe called her daughter.

"Hello dad, I'm fine. Hm, there's a lot of trouble outside now? Okay, I won't go out if there is nothing to do outside." Wan Dou said on the phone.

"If you can contact that kid, tell him to hide. This time the Tang family is really offended, and the family's disciples and peripheral forces have moved." Wan Qinghe said to his daughter. When he first received the following report, Wan Qinghe was completely shocked.

First when he heard that the Tang family's property was smashed, and now, that the Tang family have taken actions against the boy.

Although he was the Minister of Public Security, he could only open one eye to the behavior of the Tang family at this time. If he stopped them, then the Wan family and the Tang family would have a conflict. In addition, the Tang family was only searching and not doing anything. A matter of perception.

Wan Dou didn't say anything about Qin Ruo's being here to her father, and after a few words with her father, she hung up the phone.

"You heard it? You have stepped on the tail of the Tang family this time, so you must not go out." Wan Dou said with a smile.

"Alright, I won't go out. The environment here is good. I will practice here for a while." Qin Ruo said.

"Yes, you can just assume this is your home, and the room over there is for you to rest." Wan Dou said, pointing to the guest room.

Qin Ruo nodded, picked up the phone and dialed Mo Shu's phone.

"Master, where are you? Nothing happened, right?" Mo Shu said with excitement when he heard Qin Ruo's voice.

"I'm okay, Uncle Mo, you should pack up now, fly to Hubei Province, and wait for my call. By the way, do you have any money?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Yes, it'll be almost enough for me to fly by plane." Uncle Mo said.

After hearing this, Qin Ruo was full of apologies. He had millions on his body, and Mo Shu didn't have enough confidence in flying there.

"Uncle Mo, wait for me to go out, I'll send you some money." Qin Ruo hung up and went out.

"Did you forget what I said? I'll help you send the money." Wan Dou said.

"Don't go. It's troublesome if you go, you could be followed." Qin Ruo said after thinking for a while.

"That's right, if someone notices me, then you can't stay with me. Call Long Qiuyu, and you let him send it off. The Tang family dare not touch him even if it is doubtful." Wan Dou said.

After receiving Qin Ruo's call, Long Qiuyu drove his new car to send money to Uncle Mo.

Long Qiuyu gave Uncle Mo two hundred thousand for any further arrangement. And when heard that Uncle Mo was about to leave, he sent Uncle Mo to a hotel to wait for a couple of days and told Uncle Mo to go by plane a few days later.

He had arranged for Uncle Mo, Long Qiuyu answered Qin Ruo's call, just like Wandou's words, it would be a few days of silence. Now the Tang family had been offended by him.

When Uncle Mo's situation was resolved, Qin Ruo felt at ease and planned to practice in Wandou's apartment for a few days before speaking.


Sitting in the Tang family mansion, Tang Qingfeng was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water from his face.

At this time, Tang Qinglin came back from his assigned mission, "Big Brother, Qin Ruo's account is empty, and the flow of funds in the account cannot be found."

"What? How could this be? Is it a mistake?" Tang Qingfeng said with Zou Mei.

"It can't be wrong, I asked the Tang family disciples of the bank to check it several times, and it was the same result." Tang Qinglin said.

"Being frozen once is a precaution. I don't know how he transferred the money. One may be an overseas bank, and the other is Longka." After an analysis, Tang Qingfeng had an idea of what was going on.

"Big brother now we are investigating like this, it is difficult to find him. If he hides and does not show up, no matter how many people we have in the Tang family, it'll be useless." Tang Qinglin said.

"This bastard, if I caught him, I must have him skinned. Besides, is there any news from the Qin family?" Tang Qingfeng was so angry that he couldn't describe it.

Qin Ruo smashed the Tang family's property. The Tang family not only asked the family to find Qin Ruo, but also found the Qin family. There was no denying that Qin Ruo was born in the Qin family.

Now Qin Ruo slapped the Tang family in the face. Of course Tang Qingfeng had to talk to the Qin family.


The Qin family was also greatly affected by this incident.

The three young masters who were squeezed out of the Qin family were already well-known in Yanjing. Although the Tang family was more embarrassed by the situations due to their status, the Qin family was not small either.

There was no disciple of the six major families, who had been so arrogant and domineering, but now, there was one who had left the Qin family.

Qin Zhendong's furrowed face was ugly at this time. This Qin Ruo had slapped him in the face again.

He had already made the move as the head of the Qin family's hands. The Qin family's people were now paying attention to the airport, the station, and the gates that leave Yanjing. He was determined not to allow Qin Ruo to leave Yanjing again. The matter with this arrogant boy would be resolved this time.


Song Liming, the person in charge of the Song family, also called a meeting with the Song family members. "Everyone knows the current situation. Now the Tang family and the Qin family are mobilizing people to search for that kid. Are our Song family moving or not?" Song Liming said the topic of the meeting.

"Qin Ruo hates us for the Song family that we are, especially after the cancellation of his arranged marriage with Jia. Nonetheless, if we join the hunt for him now, it is best for us to catch him. If not, the consequences could be too much for us to handle. The Tang family is an example of this." Song Lihui said.

"Yeah, uncle, this guy is totally crazy. It's not worthwhile to provoke him." Song Yu said.

Song Yu was Song Jia's brother.